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c0c3f7  No.261413

Jeff Yass who run the trading firm Susquehanna International Group, has been bankrolling far right efforts to overturn Biden's election and has made many donations to groups associated with white nationalism and extremism


Wow it's almost like the far-right, like the far-left, was never a threat to Israel or fake Jews because (((they))) subvert and control both sides.

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68b09d  No.261416


No one is going to be able overturn an election, no matter what evidence comes of it at this point. If anything, Trump will run again in 2024 and if enough Republicans curb mail-in ballot fraud he might have a chance of winning (because a lot of people still support him and still show for his rallies). Would be nice to see an alternative to Biden and Trump though, someone who would actually focus on uniting the country and reforming a lot of the insider corruption though. We most definitely have a corruption problem in this county and it resides in BOTH political parties as well institutional, industry and banking.

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68b09d  No.261417

There should be an independent alternative running with the slogan "Make America Free And Safe Again" with the goal of restoring both Constitutional Rights to we the people and Justice For All criminals. Something that has been stripped away from this nation for many decades.

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c0c3f7  No.261418


>muh zog emperor!

give it up, moshe.

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742b9f  No.261419


Me give it up? Why don't you?

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c0c3f7  No.261422


Your shilling for ZOG puppets is hilariously out-dated.

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67502c  No.261494


You fucking asshole… When you said "meet the Jewish billionaire", I thought you were actually going to introduce me to him…

He and I would have hit it off immediately…

I would have pitched a business idea and asked for an investment…

You don't know ANYBODY important, do you?

Introduce me to your mother, fuckface

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8c2145  No.262281


You're an annoying retard. Who pray tell do you think is the next literal hitler? If you've got no support for anything in america than you have no reason to give a shitty opinion.

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c0c3f7  No.262282


Why would I want a next Hitler when the previous one failed? Setting the bar kinda low don't you think?

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b8c2dc  No.262323

File: 24d9edc7966636c⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 760x489, 760:489, saturnalia_2.jpg)

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b8c2dc  No.262325

This web site is really gay but I can't complain too much because the nepotismtroon faggot can't post either which makes it all worthwhile.


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09bf1c  No.262331


The website may be gay, but this script isn't…



and junie niptug can't into scripts…

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f5f37f  No.262504


>libertarian boomer retard gub gub consume product capitalist think tank

>white nationalism

pick one

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c0c3f7  No.273886

File: 0f1af679d19eba6⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 544x720, 34:45, goals_19.jpg)

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