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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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690509  No.261368

podcast explaining Mormon texts

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2d6c7d  No.261400

File: b199bf92ba98f0c⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, abolishscience.jpg)

Good podcast. I enjoyed it tremendously. Too bad science and reason are fucked no matter which way we go.

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262205  No.261414

I'm a non-denominational Christian, and I believe science has everything to do - even covertly - with God and His universe. We many never be able to fully comprehend it, much like how Jesus DNA resonates with our DNA even today, the science behind how our prayers work and repenting to God for our sins, but I believe there is something scientific and supernatural about it as complex as that may be.

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262205  No.261415


I think science has everything to do with God and His creation, but most certainly humans are not capable of breaking that complex code or system behind His creation. It might be ungodly to even attempt to do so too. It's like trying to create hybrids that end up abominations to nature. Or how mRNA editing might lead to tribulations and mass death. I wish humans wouldn't do that crap.

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