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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 218954876eadf35⋯.jpg (203.82 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, the_great_reset_2021_2030_….jpg)

4c8954  No.260965


Stealing the election



All make the great reset sound true, huh?

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278536  No.260971


As someone who has researched UN Agenda 21 over the years, it is obvious you do not understand anything about what the WEF & IMF has planned. The 'Great Reset' is an economic agenda, as was UN Agenda 21, to restructure modern society and force lifestyle changes to bring about top-down bureaucratic dependence and population control. Control over our lives, control over all resources. It has nothing to do with elections or wars in the Middle East. The pandemic was just their excuse to push for radical centralized control once again. Luckily there may be enough push back to stop them once again.

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46bf4c  No.261360

It's a new farmland agenda: with someone controls everything and animals happily living at the spot behaving the way allowed on a global scale.

Everything will be perfectly controlled by a or a few human gods, and all other humans are animals.

You will be told how many times you can fart a day.

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cf1515  No.261361


What if millions of people like me say "Hell nah!" and shoot those who dare try anything against us? Because, honestly, soon that really could start happening. Seriously. People are getting pissed and we're arming up for a reason.

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05b39c  No.261362

Read these comments in the archive carefully and thoroughly. This is just ONE article of many thousands I see every month, including from other sites.

Americans are getting fed the fuck up. I have a feeling the "push comes to shove" movement may just happen. All it will take is a little push too far.


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