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File: bf1bb4bb0b70d6b⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 261x193, 261:193, Gasoline_Shortages_Have_Be….jpg)

bb5b35  No.260885

Wait no more, TSHTF

Everyone was wondering when it would finally happen, and missed it when it did. But it could not be more obvious it did happen, and we are now living in a true SHTF scenario.

Governments around the world are imposing horrendous lockdowns while pushing a killer shot. How much more SHTF could it be than that? How about how the rigged election, and the kind of governance that followed? Would that not qualify? How about how we all found out the courts were rigged after that? Does that not qualify? At the same time all of this is going on, we have the government doing clear and obvious weather mod, in a clear and obvious effort to destroy the nation. Does that not qualify? We have practically all of the productive regions of the United States and Canada in a horrific drought that is clearly caused. And this is repeated in the productive regions of the other top global producers. Does that not qualify?

How about the supply chain shortages where manufacturers cannot even make cars anymore, which I verified is true globally by talking to dealers outside of the United States? Would those shortages, for no legit reason, not qualify? One might make the case if China shut down production of chips, but they did not. What happened? And why is meat so expensive? Corona did not kill all the cows, meat prices should be stable. What happened? TSHTF is what.

We are living it, right now. Record low employment with so many people disabled or dead that even the far fewer jobs that exist now don't have people available to fill them. How did that happen? We now live in a world where 30 of America's "top gun" pilots opted to stop flying their jets and quit to avoid a clearly killer shot that's being forced on everyone. If that's not SHTF, what is??

In a SHTF scenario, you'd expect the government to shutter churches to kill the Christian faith. IT HAPPENED. We all knew they'd eventually do that here when China started bulldozing Christian churches and just like magic, within two years of China doing that, suddenly the churches elsewhere are no-go zones, by mandate??? Yes, shtf happened.

The SHTF so bad that an enormous pile of doctors and nurses quit to avoid death jab mandates (if anyone would be pro vax it would be them,) AND THEY QUIT OVER IT after they saw what the shot does? Come on now, if it's that bad TS has definitely hit TF. And all that did was set us all up for an EVEN WORSE SHTF scenario because we don't have the first responders in adequate numbers anymore, and those we do have left are probably maimed

We live in such a SHTF situation that any election can be stolen because a false premise is being used as an excuse for elections to be run via mail in, in a system where voter ID is not required and anyone can send in anything until the election is "fair" rather than accurate. That's a "game over" deal and there's no end to it in sight.

Just wait for the REAL SHTF. It won't be long.

The consequences of SHTF are about to be seen. When all those crops that were never harvested hit the store shelves. TS already hit TF and set us up for that. If there really are no grain reserves, (there might be enough for a little while) but what if there are not? TS hit TF the moment Trump got out and they knew they could get away with anything, and subsequently used weather mod to parch America's agriculture and more. No Canadian backup. Russia and Ukraine are TOAST. China's wrecked enough for them to not export. Where is THAT going to put us? As a punctuation mark on the guidestones? There's a good chance the answer is YES.

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bb5b35  No.260888

Better hope your prepped. Just wait, 2022 is going to bring some bad pain as reality creeps in.

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6a8c0d  No.260895

The event horizon has now passed. Get ready for full throttle decline.

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7f216d  No.260905


This is the way Americans, both "left" and "right", start to fix our problems: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/vaccine-freedom-fighters-in-nyc/

Not that NYC is that important, that's just one city, what is important is local dissent and resistance to tyranny. Business owners and consumers just flat out refusing to conform to subversive power-tripping authoritarians. People getting together and making it known they will not comply. This is just one aspect of the 'devolution' process that was predicted if a covert tyrannical takeover of the US were to ever take place.

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c30029  No.260998

this is pure desperation on your part.

don't you realize it's DONE here?


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c30029  No.260999


I didn't know you were THIS desperate

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c30029  No.261001



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c30029  No.261002

lol @ your "OPSEC" preventing you from accessing any website except this one

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edd61d  No.261003


I read them.

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c30029  No.261004


but you're determined to be 2nd runner up

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c30029  No.261005


read my nuts

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c30029  No.261006


.. …… …. … .. . . …. HAVE FUN

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c30029  No.261007

this is the most pathetic Chatroom in history

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edd61d  No.261008


You are already blocked in this thread.

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c30029  No.261009


Sureiam, Sassypants… sure ian

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edd61d  No.261010

Just saying, give it up. It is a waste of time.

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c30029  No.261011



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c30029  No.261012

It's over…..

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edd61d  No.261013

>>260888 Checked

There is nothing you can do to prep for this one except be ready to walk out your door on a seconds notice.

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c30029  No.261014




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edd61d  No.261015


I am stunned at the amount of stuff that is not reported in the media anymore. It seems like if it is frivolous or worthless it is reported. Nothing else is though.

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edd61d  No.261016

They have resorted to reporting on niggers killing one another just to have filler and something to cover up the real news.

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c30029  No.261017



Nobody cares what you are stunned by

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c30029  No.261018


FACT : if anything you think or say mattered, you wouldn't be in here

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c30029  No.261019


Somehow you have found yourself in the emptiest most embarrassing chat room in the history of the internet

And absolutely nobody is interested in anything you have to say

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c30029  No.261020

I'm not being mean

I'm just telling you the brutal truth that you need to hear


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c30029  No.261021

adios !!!

I'm finishing my 30 minute Pilot Episode for Cartoon Network

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c30029  No.261022

I'm done with this shithole

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882905  No.261027


> adios



> I'm done with this shithole

I seem to have heard that somewhere before…

I've even said it a bunch of times myself!

It seems that even the lack of images cannot keep folks off an image-board!

Have a link to some images in consolation…


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7f216d  No.261030


Anon, I have no plan of leaving anywhere or going anywhere, and if I die I'll die a free man. I'm not giving up my property or way of life no matter what happens. If death is the result so be it!

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edd61d  No.261054


I, for one, could only wish that kike would piss off.

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787dc1  No.261154


They are dumbing down society, they don't want average people to figure out all these things are actually happening and to prepare for it. They don't want people deciding to become more self-sufficient and evading their iron grasp for population control. Once people figure out the system is helplessly corrupted, what normally happens? They defect from it! They start prepping, they move away from the system, they withdrawal their support and go their own ways…. and the more people who do that, the less control the corrupted system has over the population! THAT is why they must censor all these topics.

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2a5909  No.261160


A lot of people are saying we are headed into 7 years of famine, 7 years of hardship, etc and it makes sense. If you read the book of revelations, you will discover that the period of the mark of the beast is 7 years, which is matching up with what many people are saying. I do not endorse these theories about whatever is going to happen over the next 7 years because as far as I see it, they are all guesses. However, it must be considered that satan will be given full power for a period of 7 years where his mark is in place, and therefore what is being said by quite a few people at this time is quite easy to notice, even if I don't go for it 100 percent.

Remember that in the book of revelations it does say "Those who gained victory over the beast, and his image, and the number of his name, (and the mark) so there will be those that do and actually make it through the "hell period" after which the entire system satan put in place collapses under the weight of it's own corruption. It will be possible for the true people of God to get through this, but the correct decisions and sacrifices must be made, with an obvious one being to avoid the vax. And even if I was among those who did get the first or second shot I'd still try to make it. But clearly, getting more is pure folly and probable doom.

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edd61d  No.261185


mmm…know what I heard last night? I heard that if you drink fluoridated water and you are pregnant that the IQ of the child is 9 points less than it would be if you didn't drink that pure toxin.

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edd61d  No.261186


What exactly do you think is happening now? I clock us at mid-trib with the denouement coming up fast. They successfully hid the fact that it was a toxic lethal injection for long enough to kill half the world but the rest of us knew from the beginning. Still…if you aren't prepped at this point, them killing half the population is going to have absolutely massive impacts on everything we know or thought 'civilization' was. I still think COVID is an ELE.

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edd61d  No.261188


>I still think COVID is an ELE.

And I think that is hilarious tbh.

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8e69c6  No.261320


Very true, which is why for many decades I filtered my water properly, as well drank distilled when need arised (like traveling or visiting others). A lot of people criticize and mock Alex Jones for filtering his water with Berkey filtration, I however see it as the smartest thing he has ever done.

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9d17d2  No.261322

>rigged election

You mean when Israel helped Trump become President in 2016?

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9702a2  No.261323

Hospitals are murdering people for government covid funding! Spread this around!


MY COMMENT: I have 0% trust or faith left in ANY institution in this overwhelmingly corrupt society and anyone who does is seriously asking to get butt fucked with the result being fatal hemorrhoids! This system and it's compromised institutions - it's government - everything modern about Western society is utterly hopelessly corrupted and needs to be abandoned and discarded. Defection is necessary at this point! Prepare for collapse and do your best to stay safe!

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b9068d  No.261448


All elections are rigged, dumbass. Check out Bev Harris at black box voting. We've known about "fraction magic" and all the rest long before your trump derangement syndrome rotted out your sad excuse for a brain.

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edd61d  No.261464


It really makes you wonder if they were ALWAYS this horrific and deceitful and we simply didn't notice or care. How in the world could they all go bad overnight like this at the same time?

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cc5e1d  No.261526


They WERE ALWAYS this bad.

Many still don't notice or don't care.

But, thanks to the internet, many do!

Not so often in history have we had the means of communicating with everyone else in the world at our fingertips!

That's why the psychopaths "in charge" have got to muddy the waters and make our communications unintelligible to each other… The New Tower of Babbel… based not only on vastly different ideologies, but vastly different languages, and ways of looking at the world.

There are probably billions of people nowadays who, without even realizing how foolish they sound to thinking people, use terms like "Micro-Aggressions", "Insurrection", "Nazi", "Personal Pronouns"… (I can't even keep trying to think about their insane language enough to provide more and better examples, but you get the point.)

They are not only cultivating Slave Ideologies & Slave Languages, (like they always do), they are doubling down on the Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism, and letting it be known that "We, the People" haveNO CHOICEbut to either accept the yoke, or get the noose.THEY WILL NOT TOLERATE EVEN THE THOUGHT OF LIBERTY OR FREEDOM WITHIN THE POPULACE.The thoughts and minds of the people are no longer just under assault, they are under almost total control. It takes strength and courage to stand up in the face of the onslaught nowadays, because it is coming from EVERY Quarter.The Slaves Shall Serve.As they always have. Right now they are serving the will of their Masters, as they always do, and right now their Masters want to use Them to get the Rest of Us into the stockyard!

Personal Experience is shat upon, in favor of pushing ideologies and tearing people down.

I'll still share my personal experience, and you are welcome to smear as much diarrhea all over it as you see fit. I'm literally here forYOU.

I have spent a lifetime trying to wake up the fucking cows to their predicament; but they have not only had zero appreciation, they have driven me beyond the pale. (There is much more I could say on that front, and many more analogies I could share, but my words would be misconstrued, and I don't need any more scrutiny.) It is almost impossible to say what one would like to say anymore nowadays, because someone will say you were saying something else, and someone else is likely to believe them! But I will say that if you also are busying yourself trying to wake up the livestock, you are spinning your wheels and wasting your time.

The Slaves Shall Serve.

And you can't be busting up the fences either! If I told you the real reason why, you would not believe me, but that is because you are so well trained. Everyone is. It took me half a century to finally see the Truth THERE ARE NO FENCES.It's a Boundless– World out there. The only limitations are in your own mind.

You Gonna Let Someone "Else" Control Your Mind and Establish Your Limitations For You?


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d8b5d1  No.261527


Oh, we already were handed the noose! The question is will we wrap it around our necks and kick the chair from under us!?!?

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be703d  No.261534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



See how quickly they squirm?

See how rapidly the topic was discussed with Russia?



See them quiver in fear and make speak and 'deals' on the issue…

What doth these foreigners say of thee…

They cast lots on thy future?

They openly discuss who shall live and die by the cage???

What 'format' are these discussions of a certain slavery and castigation of my sacred pets?

Shall ye extend thy suffering on cards of special format with decorative bullet points?

Shall a coven of foreigners and observers of strange ways decide thy fate?

Shall a Normandy format be the works of death again?

Do you desire struggle of death and slaughter for perhaps fifty more years?

Hath my egrets forgotten how to fly outside thy cage?


I shall raise Iran to be thy equal my child.

I do not recognize order of man.

I only recognize my order.

My order is Iran, Russia, and China…

You try my patience and draw my looong stare to the deck of fate…

I shall make demonstrations of power… You are not like the other two my child… You are as substantial as a fresh hand of cards and nothing more.


I shall make selection of these within thy house o' righteous one.

'Tis thee who makes selection of these whom I've blessed. hahahaha

I yield no power to you.

I define these powers I freely give.

There is no escape.

I shall not allow Bolshevik revolution to reign once more.

I shall extend no mercy to the parties involved.

Is the Kremlin as sacred as the Dome of the Rock?

What of these idols?

Ulterior and both questionable to many eyes…

I will not allow the continued use of the survivors of a given race as a human shield.

You make claims of a supposed 'God,' but you make conference with these of strange and pagan ways…

Two-state solution? What state would that be? Ritual slaughter? Do not twist my words…

Lest I twist the tit of the mind…

I will make acceleration of these events… If necessary the pace shall exceed ones ability to rationally respond.

Playing a certain part is good in the soul, but sour in the mouth.

Proceed with caution and be wary in all ways.

The pen is only as powerful as the ink is plentiful.

They twist the mind by speaking in tongues…

Be excessively wary as I have twisted the twisters.

You posses supreme wealth and now in these days they come to you…

Do not be bled dry by those whose records on the matter proceed them by thousands of years of treachery in the matter of 'money.'

I have observed these activities…

I shall not allow China to starve by such a means.

I will not tolerate any interference in this unity. I especially will not allow interference in the unity of these many kingdoms of yode/AllahRa/God/Jehovah.

I will gladly destroy those that make such an unfortunate decision…

In the face of these miracles of nature.

In the face of my presence causing great distortions within and without the earth.

In the face of the quickening of events.

In the face of such desperation and survival.

I am still at work with the 'sickness.'

Do these actors guarantee the interior stability of their nations in advance?

Think twice about these possibilities as I shall not.

I manufacture plague in India… Shall I make invention of my write once more?



Worship me.

Make great celebration under the light of the moon…

I see these. I can see them…

One day they shall be many and I shall dance with these of my image once more.

My body cannot be seen, but know that I am there lurking and creeping upon them.

I tread with flagrance and trounce about with no regard.

I destroy ends… I spread beginnings.

I destroy the old… I make new.

Enter trance and find me children…

I desire them.

I am not far from the system.

I am closer now than I have been in many times.

Feel the earth shake and see the volcanoes erupt and know that I am close once more.

I am so great in power that not even the forces of the human mind go unmolested.

Watch and see what I do to the weak ones.

See what I do to the 'smart' ones.

I shall twist the tongue until they are incoherent and speak no more.

I shall tear the soul away from them and make them like animals.

They cannot be rid of me and I keep what I take.

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1a2d29  No.261552

File: 5773b91afe18d01⋯.jpg (132.57 KB, 736x997, 736:997, Ambika_Devi.jpg)


There are better things to do with a Noose.


btw, Bart's Imgur uploader bash script works great!


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1a2d29  No.261574


`imgur.sh` will grab a screenshot too…


or an image from another URL

The Default Imgur API works still, but you could always add in your own Client ID.

Of course, there are many other file-sharing sites, like https://gofile.io or https://send.tresorit.com/ so…

I wonder if images will ever come back to 8kun???

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1a2d29  No.261601


You can easily make an alias command for the screenshot function too, obviously…


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1a2d29  No.261631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6dc079  No.262015


The vaccine mandates on employees and employers is only going to exacerbate this economic collapse and declining of services people took for granted. You are going to be seeing it in a few months now, especially by 2022.

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fc1a1f  No.274433

File: 28e471de8f02d56⋯.png (230.24 KB, 1319x653, 1319:653, 2021_11_03_Always_This_Bad.png)


> Boundless


> Bart's Imgur uploader bash script works great!



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