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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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f99a25  No.260859

We have a serious problem guys. Right now we're in the middle of an important recall.

Gavin Newsom is one of the media's show ponies and has been parades around on the TV for a decade. This means they're getting everyone ready for the day to make him president because he's got so much exposure. He represents everything that we hate and is an absolute champion for globo homo and the absolute Trainwreck mentally ill NWO out of San fransico. If he is not stopped and kicked out of office, he WILL be put into the presidential office.

He needs to be stopped and absolutely anyone can replace him. It doesn't have to be your guy or a republican. So long as he's disgraces and kicked out of office we can stop this media mandated "over exposed until it turns into the president" bullshit the media has been doing for the last several decades.

Newsom in the president seat is the absolute worst nightmare you can imagine for free speech and non queer gender rights. He's a huge hypocrite and a dangerous one on a national level. He's a gay fascist and represents absolute lunatics out of San Francisco that are brainwashed Into championing depravity and forcing perversion of normal behavior…

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1a37f1  No.260862


> We

You live in Commiefornia?

I mean, I know they affect the world, but only Commiefornians can do anything about Gavin Newsom, and Commiefornians are Commies, in case you missed the memo, so…

Is that why you're preaching to the choir in here? Are you addicted to being innefective? Just wondering…

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899165  No.260881


I would vote him out, but I refuse to live in a shithole like Commiefornia in the first place.

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fa2f79  No.260936


Yea this effects the planet. If he isn't locked out we have a huge player for globo homo and the NWO. His position on California unfortunately effects everyone .

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5abb89  No.260937

Voting works…durrr

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fa2f79  No.260938


Well we gotta do something. The media in California is already starting to pretend he's doing well in the polls. We already know how that bullshit goes so we need a serious strategy. If we can stop this fuck from getting into office we can set back globohomo 10 years

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b551a7  No.260980


Well, he is doing well in the polls. Did you forget that a huge swath of people moved out of California in 2020? So much so that California lost a seat in the House. I guarantee you it wasn't Democrats moving out.

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5abb89  No.260983


There is an easy way to deal with this problem…but you'd have to grow some balls.

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