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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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ee2b30  No.260718

Good! Texas Senate Passes $1.8 Billion For Border Wall

The $1.8 billion bill was passed by the Texas Senate yesterday. The bill will allow Governor Abbott to build more than 700 miles of border wall. The bill, H.B. 9, was passed by a 23-8 vote after numerous changes were made from the House version.

It is now headed to the governor’s desk for signing.

A majority of the $1.8 billion will go towards border wall and fencing and the Texas National Guard will carry out the project. Several Democrats from border districts voted for the bill.


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e120cb  No.260719


Texas doesn't have that much money. They're going to implement a state income tax. Good job.

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