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My name is Nate Higgers

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aea227  No.260630

All you that support mandatory vaccines better PAY ATTENTION: if you want good healthcare in the future this is not how to achieve it! Nurses are quitting across the county over the new covid vaccine mandates and there are simply not enough with medical skills to re-fill their positions. For (You) the average citizen this means longer waiting periods, less care, and more likelihood of early deaths! Want to wait 2 or 3 hours sitting in an ambulance to get proper emergency care in the near future!? NO? Then STOP supporting covid vaccine mandates!

You have been warned: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n94yQh68IhPn/

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0f4bfe  No.260631

Everyone likes to scream about "muh healthcare!" these days…. well…

They'll really be screaming a lot more when there are LESS doctors and LESS nurses due to many quitting their professions!

So ask yourself this: are you a part of the problem, or the solution?

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5141e9  No.260672


Good, people that accept tyranny don't deserve to live. Fuck 'em.

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81104e  No.260674


> Goοd, people that acсept tyranny dοn't deserνe
to live.
 Fuck 'em.

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085a03  No.260677


I'm having trouble with my anger. I personally know someone who has recently died because he was pressured to take the vaccine by his stupid neurotic wife!!! I have family members who are being pressured to!!! I might have to with their loss of life in the coming couple years or so, if that is, we as a society even exist by then!!!! I'm angry. I'm upset. I'm going to drink tonight, I just fucking know it.

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99f81c  No.260683


Hundreds of Victorian ambulance paramedics have declined to be vaccinated for COVID-19, reinforcing calls by tyrants for mandatory vaccination of all frontline healthcare workers in the state.

Internal Ambulance Victoria figures obtained by the ABC show that 256 "on-road clinical staff" from Ambulance Victoria have declined to be vaccinated, 4.6 per cent of the total number of paramedics.

The Australian Medical Association has called for compulsory vaccination of all frontline medical staff, and its president told the ABC those who did not wish to be vaccinated should consider leaving their profession.


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534065  No.261163

Major Problems Await If COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Drives Unvaccinated Nurses Away, MTSU Nursing Student Warns

A Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) nursing student who will not take the COVID-19 vaccine said other people in the profession she’s pursuing are losing their jobs for similar reasons.

This, because certain nurses also won’t allow anyone to inject them with the shot, said MTSU student Avery Garfield.

“I just feel like you will see a fight for a shift in the overworked and underpaid nursing burnout that you see all over the country,” Garfield told The Tennessee Star this week.

Avery said police officers forced her from class last week because she refused the COVID-19 vaccine. She said she will continue to oppose a school policy that defies her beliefs and her legal rights.

“If there are fewer nurses then we will have a problem,” Garfield said.

“We already have a nursing shortage in this country, and if hospitals are willingly laying off good workers who just don’t want their rights to be violated then we will have some issues.”


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a34255  No.261169


Killcen and "the antichrist"

THAT'S IT !!….


hahahaha !!

You guys obviously have no sense of dignity or loss thereof

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a34255  No.261170


And all they've got is each other

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a34255  No.261171


RE : you have been warned


and warned, and warned, and warned, and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and warned and

Every single day for several years

That's why nobody pays attention to you

You're terrible at marketing yourself

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a34255  No.261173


10,000 LURKERSright ?…..

(It's just you and Sally now)

What an inspirational success story you are !!

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a34255  No.261174


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a34255  No.261175


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b0e00c  No.261177



I agree. Good move. I will not miss either. Act soon though before the riff raff can scuttle to safer ground.

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b0e00c  No.261178


I mean, they aren't technically 'good' if they accept tyranny, right?

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1ee8a9  No.261246


> Goοd, people that acсept tyranny dοn't deserνe
to live.
 Fuck 'em.

Who is "p"?

Also, I am secretly pleased that you used `stegsnow`


>You guys obviously have no sense of dignity or loss thereof

Few do. Look WITHIN.

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bda6be  No.276221

File: 3931357337d903d⋯.png (716.73 KB, 1919x1920, 1919:1920, 1627960897918.png)

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9a58e8  No.276278


creating fake news is easy. Just use GPT3

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