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96adce  No.260267

A judge in Illinois revoked a mother’s right to visit her 11-

year-old son because she refused to be vaccinated against the


In what is believed to be an unprecedented ruling, Cook

county judge James Shapiro said Rebecca Firlit, 39, who

shares custody of her son with her divorced husband, could

not see the boy again until she had taken the shot.

“I think that it’s wrong,” she said. “I think that it’s dividing

families. And I think it’s not in my son’s best interest to be

away from his mother.”

While this is believed to be the first time a judge has used

non-vaccination as a punitive measure, others have dangled

the coronavirus shot as an incentive or reward.

Offenders in several dozen minor criminal cases in Georgia

have been offered shorter sentences in return for getting

vaccinated. In New York, judges have been requiring a

vaccination clause in certain plea agreements, or for a

defendant seeking bail.

Regional COVID-19 quarantine facility to be built near

Wellcamp Airport in Queensland

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the facility

would have 1,000 beds by the end of the first quarter of 2022.

The Queensland government is pushing ahead with its own

regional dedicated COVID-19 quarantine facility …on vacant land owned by Wagner Corporation, just outside Toowoomba, west of


The announcement came as the state recorded two new cases

of COVID-19, both in hotel quarantine.

Queensland COVID-19 snapshot:

Deaths: 7

Active cases: 27

Judicial Tyranny | Wellness Camps | Fauci Benefit$$ from Gain of Function | And a rant


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d1a51c  No.260268


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fadc94  No.260269


Accelerate what? Tyranny? Interventionism? Nanny state politics? Nah, fuck Chicago and those overpopulated hellhole cities. Born in the wrong place at the wrong time. By the way, the judge reversed the decision recently: https://www.dailywire.com/news/mother-says-her-parental-rights-were-stripped-because-she-hasnt-taken-covid-19-vaccine-judge-reverses-decision

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d1a51c  No.260270


the enemy's plan was forcing americans to lose trust in their constitutional system, but the public is only losing trust in their kike overlords. so the world will accelerate until the twinkling of compassion is but dispelled shadow.

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329492  No.260292


>the enemy's plan was forcing americans to lose trust in their constitutional system, but the public is only losing trust in their kike overlords

America was born on the ideas of individual freedom and limiting authority. It's in most of our blood at this point. They really can't do much about that or to us en mass unless they take away our guns and at this point in time I doubt they'd get Americans to turn them in peacefully because the utter lack of respect and trust.

As far as "acceleration" that's just the dying last gasp of a corrupt Empire trying to scramble their way back into legitimacy and maintain public obedience. Acceleration doesn't lead to anything good necessarily, it just means more will suffer and die as a result, at a faster rate.

Regardless, be prepared because as the Empire falls, so will the US global reserve currency (the US Dollar). Our purchasing power is about to be nullified, so you better be ready to survive off some rations you set aside for yourself. God help us if Mad Max ever breaks out because it will be the survival of the fittest (that ain't any of us here on our computers lol).

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d1a51c  No.260296


The enemy has weaponized freedom against the free. Many Americans have adopted a corrupted and perverse understanding of "freedom." They are learning where freedom ends and degeneracy begins. When this is all over freedom will hinge on the subjugation of the fake Jew.

Accelerating is basically calling the enemy's bluff. He says

<if you dont follow our agenda we will do X to your people

and Accelerationism responds

<we shall do X to ourselves and then to you but worse!

Mad Max will break out but only among the Fake Jew as the whole world turns against him.

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5d281e  No.260300


Well I don't really understand what you mean by a "corrupted and perverse understanding of freedom." Freedom does not necessarily allow criminal actions, it's just individual liberty, the right to go about your life and tend to your own affairs without intervention as long as your are not harming others. As for degeneracy in society, that's not exactly the fault of freedom, it's the fault of corruption and moral decay of society which has been going on for decades. If anything the same Jews "or Fake Jews" have been trying to reduce individual liberty and freedoms in the country for decades all while subverting everything from our institutions, to the media, to government, to entertainment, etc. Either way, I can't see this ending very well for most people so best be prepared as possible, who knows where this all ends?

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d1a51c  No.260301


I mean that, like you mentioned, Fake Jews hide behind the "freedom of religion," for example, knowing full-well their religion is nothing more than a secret society scheming the overthrow of their host nation. And this also manifests through things like Freemasonry, Hermetic Orders, Scientology, and un-Christian Christianity.

Or the "freedom" to parade sexual degeneracy in society. And the "freedom of speech" to subvert the public with Bolshevism or Zionism. As people take a more meaningful interest in their true freedoms they will find that much of what they consider "freedom" is a corruption and perversion of it.

The only way to prepare for what's coming is by stopping it before it arrives. Surrender your fake Jews.

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5b747c  No.260329


I just have to say what a colossal faggot (You) are, "Antichrist"!

This is not one of your little Religitards you can call a "fake Jew", pat yourself on the back and move on either, you ignorant nigger! I have had enough of (You)! I just came in here today to say this one thing, then, I am going on about my development. I have better things to do than sit in here and discuss this with you. You just need to be fucking TOLD!

So, here it is, faggot:

(You) are like the idiot upon which it finally dawns that words have only relative meaning, and mean different things to different people, so he goes out and attacks all people who use words, or who find any meaning in any words… all the while using words, with which he finds great meaning, **like "fake Jews"* to do make these attacks. That I would love to pound your face into the nearest wall, floor, ceiling and furniture goes without saying.

I do not like the Religionist stance any more than I like this new "Woke" Religion, or the Religion of "Science", or the Religion of "COVID", or the Religion of "Antifa", or the Religion of Anti-fake-Jews", or the Religion of Anti-Religionists (a religion I myself practiced for many years… what a waste!), or any of the other'' religions and ideologies you named, blah, blah, blah… What I don't like is a LOT. I don't like the stance (You) often display, for example. It reminds me of aspects of myself that I no longer wish to practice, much less entertain.

And with that, I am out of here for the day. Just wanted to give you some food for thought. I have been you. I have never been a "believer" in any ideology. But I AM capable of using language still! There are concepts that are easier to communicate if you can find common language. Usually only those who seek meaning in things are the ones who find ways of communicating that meaning through words, symbols and the like… (all that shit you supposedly hate, while you grasp at meaning in your flowery words of darkness and doom.)

So, I dunno if you're trying to start your own Anti-Religion of Anti-Fake-Jews that tears everybody down like some kind of Black Acidic Neptune of Self-Loathing, but imho…

> inb4 (You) did not ask for my opinion… Yes, (You) DID…


And, I mean that in EVERY Sense of the Word.

ENJOY This Day!

Not a command, just a suggestion.

I also suggest you stop being such a materialist, like all those you profess to hate.

(You) ARE everything you hate. I hope you get to see that soon, nigger faggot "fake Jew".


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d1a51c  No.260332


Calling you a "fake Jew" really gets under your scales, doesn't it? Deal with it. That's what you are so you might as well just embrace it.

>I'm a fake Jew

>My entire history, culture, and even genetics are lies that I use to feel Chosen by a God my ancestors nailed to a tree

>And I accept that very same God made me and my people into the Synagogue of Satan

Just say it and you'll feel better. It's time to heal..

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5b747c  No.260336


Whatever (You) need to call yourself or anybody else to make (You)rself feel better… because it's all about (You)r feefees, amirite? And (You) don't feel good about all the shit (You) blame on "fake Jews", do (You)? (You) are a sad sorry product of Prussian style compulsory public "education". That's why (You)'re always Blaming others, instead of accepting personal responsibility for the "reality" (You) create. I'm going to go home school my daughter now. She, unlike (You), actually matters; and furthermore, she is actually white too, unlike (You), which is why (You) lash out and pretend to be an Anti-Fake-Jew on da interwebz.Because (You) know that's "EGGZACKLY" what (You) are, a "fake Jew" !

It's a MAXIM:


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d1a51c  No.260341


>it's not the fake jews!

>we arent fake jews!

>we're the real chosen!

>you're the fake jew!

LOL you argue like a woman.

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5b747c  No.260343


Calling anyone a "fake Jew" just makes (You) look like an idiot, and forces (You) to have to define (You)r terms every time (You) turn around. It is ridiculous and stupid. It has no fucking meaning either, even when (You) make attempts to define the term. It isn't gonna catch on, no matter how (You) force it, because it is stupid. Hate to break it to (You) like that, but if (You) want to start making sense (You)'ll have to drop (You)r pet term. It's dumb.

And that's enough (You)s from ME for (You), today!

OK. One more…

FUCK (You).

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d1a51c  No.260348


"Fake Jew" is the accurate term.

You are not genetically related to ancient Israelites. Your Jewish religion does not reflect ancient Israelite religion. And your culture is not part of ancient Israelite culture. You are a Fake Jew.

Prove me wrong.

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5b747c  No.260350


I am not a religitard, although some sure seem like it in this thread.

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d1a51c  No.260353


It's not just a religious issue.

Do you consider yourself ethnically Jewish? Well, you're a fake Jew.

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5b747c  No.260381


Sounds like a BELIEVER.

I am not one.

Not a Believer in ANY Religion.

Not a Believer in the "Anti-Religion" stance either. That would be folks like Johnny, and the idiot I'm currently wasting time replying to. Some folks want to always be at war. Some folks want peace, (which is the lull between wars.) I want neither. I am constantlyFinding ACCEPTANCE Anew.I wish EVERYONE well upon their own path of Discovery & Meaning, as they Practice AUTHENTICITY in their own ways (hopefully with ever-increasing levels of Integrity)…


> Do you consider yourself ethnically Jewish?

No. I've already made it more than clear many times, I'm so Scottish that my blood is 195 proof!

That's why I cannot make sense of the words "fake Jew" when bandied about with such wild abandon! It makes no fucking sense! Ask Killcen if JKI has EVER pretended to be a member of ANY Religion, or pretended to be of ANY particular "race" (much less "Jew"!) This is why so many folks cannot take people seriously who throw around meaningless labels, applying them to everyone all around, liberally, even upon those who they are more than lucky waste more than a cursory glance on them and their shenanigans! I only waste my time on such folks because I used to be one, and I hate to see folks spin their wheels for years and waste their energy. But folks'll do what they gotta do, amirite? I did. I still do…

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d1a51c  No.260383


You defend Israel and other fake Jews too much to not be a fake Jew yourself, Romanian poster.

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5b747c  No.260389


Please point out one place where I have defended "Israel". This sounds like someone has gone full-blown insane, and it obviously ain't me!

> Romanian poster

Wew lad! Like I said. Some might think about ways to restore their sanity! I know of some good books describing some good methods! Alas, some have difficulty with any material, presented to them, or discovered on their own, that does not fit within their own already limited preconceived ideas, especially those related to division and hate, which make it easy to ignore much discoverable wisdom, like the ignorant so often do. Then they call others the ignorant ones, making themselves feel better about their own chosen ignorance.

True, one needs to learn what to ignore, but the completely closed stance that some share with followers of organized religion, "belongers" to communities of conformists and conformity-enforcers… well, that stance is not conducive to any kind of REAL Learning, and only slips into the wrong kind of chosen ignorance, and everybody kinda knows what that looks like (although it is easier to see in "others" than it is to see in oneself!)

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d44a43  No.260511

So are we white mutts all "Fake Jews" and the only ones that should have any control or say orthodox Jews? This is very difficult trying to process all this.

Who really is a Fake Jew? Satanists who pose as Jews who are not? Americans who defend Israel but are not actually Jewish? This is all very obfuscated. The term could be used to define all kinds of groups or types of people.

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d5a5d3  No.260618

French doctors cut open a vaxxed brain right after death and revealed what really happens to the vaxxed!

The linked video starts out with the exact same kind of blood analysis the German doctors did (I had them posted earlier and took it down,) and at the end they cut open a perfectly fresh brain that was probably still warm and revealed the clots the vaxxed person died from.



Not rumor. They have special people assigned to go around to all the people who are dropping in the streets as they walk away after the jab. This video only has one street and is not counting the side streets or the people getting in their cars and having problems. There is clearly mass genocide going on in Australia right now.


AND REMEMBER: You are not "vaxxed" until 14 days after the shot, so all those deaths are counted as COVID. If the shot kills you while you walk away from the jab center, or kills you in bed that night, or makes you have a vaxxident 3 days later, or causes you to collapse into a deep fryer 10 days later, YOU NEVER GOT THE SHOT, you died of Covid!!!

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bc73e8  No.260636

Murder these control freak son of a bitches if they try to touch your kids, set an example this will not be allowed to happen! I'd leave their dead corpses in my front lawn rotting as a reminder!


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