I just have to say what a colossal faggot (You) are, "Antichrist"!
This is not one of your little Religitards you can call a "fake Jew", pat yourself on the back and move on either, you ignorant nigger! I have had enough of (You)! I just came in here today to say this one thing, then, I am going on about my development. I have better things to do than sit in here and discuss this with you. You just need to be fucking TOLD!
So, here it is, faggot:
(You) are like the idiot upon which it finally dawns that words have only relative meaning, and mean different things to different people, so he goes out and attacks all people who use words, or who find any meaning in any words… all the while using words, with which he finds great meaning, **like "fake Jews"* to do make these attacks. That I would love to pound your face into the nearest wall, floor, ceiling and furniture goes without saying.
I do not like the Religionist stance any more than I like this new "Woke" Religion, or the Religion of "Science", or the Religion of "COVID", or the Religion of "Antifa", or the Religion of Anti-fake-Jews", or the Religion of Anti-Religionists (a religion I myself practiced for many years… what a waste!), or any of the other'' religions and ideologies you named, blah, blah, blah… What I don't like is a LOT. I don't like the stance (You) often display, for example. It reminds me of aspects of myself that I no longer wish to practice, much less entertain.
And with that, I am out of here for the day. Just wanted to give you some food for thought. I have been you. I have never been a "believer" in any ideology. But I AM capable of using language still! There are concepts that are easier to communicate if you can find common language. Usually only those who seek meaning in things are the ones who find ways of communicating that meaning through words, symbols and the like… (all that shit you supposedly hate, while you grasp at meaning in your flowery words of darkness and doom.)
So, I dunno if you're trying to start your own Anti-Religion of Anti-Fake-Jews that tears everybody down like some kind of Black Acidic Neptune of Self-Loathing, but imho…
> inb4 (You) did not ask for my opinion… Yes, (You) DID…
And, I mean that in EVERY Sense of the Word.
ENJOY This Day!
Not a command, just a suggestion.
I also suggest you stop being such a materialist, like all those you profess to hate.
(You) ARE everything you hate. I hope you get to see that soon, nigger faggot "fake Jew".