Hi. I am looking for bored directionless or otherwise depressed individuals to help me make a post post ironic meme cult as well as manifest big fuck off happenings and conspiracies. YouTube "Sam Hyde Q" and you will have the general vibe I'm going for. ARGs, shady organisations, cults real and non real. I aim to create a forever abyss-Labrinth of crazy.
I'm looking for
People who are willing to devote time and effort to autistic larp
In regards to this first cult, Anglo supremacists real or pretend
Upon contact I already have some material brought up through various "episodes". We can discuss the details, you can addto, alter, start your own branch interpretatio, whatever as long as it turns huge Alex Jones tier. At the core of it I merely devote myself to chaos and contributing to future internet lore. T.me/gingango