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File: c1441e571fb2530⋯.png (21.44 KB, 376x510, 188:255, mfw_smug_in_august_propert….PNG)

File: b835e4c99f914a8⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 655x331, 655:331, nobody_suns_messenger.JPG)

694f0d  No.260146

August was a great month.

We learned that the (((DailyStormer))) feds are actually Israeli MOSSAD operatives taking sanctuary in Russia and that they've become impotent propagandists, we proved that NJP and other groups are controlled opposition and that anons are too smart to take the bait, the U.S. left Afghanistan which endangers the Jewish State, supernatural authority has been demonstrated over and over, Trump isn't coming back, Zionists and Bolsheviks can't recover, and finally, because of all of this we learned that World War 4 just around the corner.

And now, to celebrate this first day of September, the National Weather Service’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) is warning that a G2 class Geomagnetic Storm could impact Earth on Thursday, perhaps impacting electrical grids and transformers, interfering with satellites, disrupting radio communications, and sending the Northern Lights much more south than usual.


I hope all of you enjoy the days ahead.

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203555  No.260149


Glad I'm prepped then.

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41ec16  No.260167


So what does the destruction of our electrical grid have to do with defeating Zionism? You have claimed Zionists want the destruction of America, right? Wouldn't all the HAARP events

(we all know they can electromagnetically interfere with weather and create man-made disasters!) further the interest of the Zionist cabal to bring down the West!?

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694f0d  No.260242


I want the destruction of the current American mindset.

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0472ff  No.260258


Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which hand fills up first.

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694f0d  No.260259


Maybe you didn't notice but Biden is your President and Trump isn't coming back. The shift I desire is already taking place and with additional prompting it is irreversible.

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670e68  No.260263


That's going to be hard to do anon, the average American is not on 8kun or 4chan or any social media platform for that matter. Less than half the people I hang out with, including some family members, don't even have a Twitter or a Tik Tok or a Facebook account. They use internet to get shit done, like work and finances, checking the local weather and maybe reading some news online. Many of them simply get their news from watching CNN or Fox News. Thinking you are going to radically change America by spreading propaganda online is almost hopeless, that's not a one man job. That's got to be a state-run effort and even then it does not guarantee any success. The ones who are really changing minds are in the educational system, and the parents, and the media.

And to further drive a point, as far as I've been alive the American mindset is pretty simple: "let me have a job, let me raise my family, let me tend to my own affairs and live my own life, and I'll pay taxes to be left alone and do what I need to do to make a living." That pretty much sums up the average Joe Sixpack in a nutshell. And if you interfere with that, you become an enemy, "a commie!"

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694f0d  No.260266


I think you underestimate the influence of places like 4chan. There's even a meme showing that mainstream media takes their talking points and memes from 4chan.

4chan > Reddit > Facebook > Mainstream Media

Trump's loss is proof-of-concept that by conquering the chans you also conquer other social networks and eventually the glowies in the MSM. Further proof is the failure of Nazbol to succeed despite having support from every social network and except 4chan.

The average Joe Sixpack has been thrown into a state of mental anguish and confusion and Covid helped to further enhance his experience. I can work within that state of mind but the Enemy, having his false dichotomy destroyed (Zionism or Communism, goy!), can not.

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