August was a great month.
We learned that the (((DailyStormer))) feds are actually Israeli MOSSAD operatives taking sanctuary in Russia and that they've become impotent propagandists, we proved that NJP and other groups are controlled opposition and that anons are too smart to take the bait, the U.S. left Afghanistan which endangers the Jewish State, supernatural authority has been demonstrated over and over, Trump isn't coming back, Zionists and Bolsheviks can't recover, and finally, because of all of this we learned that World War 4 just around the corner.
And now, to celebrate this first day of September, the National Weather Service’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) is warning that a G2 class Geomagnetic Storm could impact Earth on Thursday, perhaps impacting electrical grids and transformers, interfering with satellites, disrupting radio communications, and sending the Northern Lights much more south than usual.
I hope all of you enjoy the days ahead.