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File: 604059f7b0d7d82⋯.jpeg (20.52 KB, 292x412, 73:103, images_17_2021_08_25T1543….jpeg)

800858  No.260010

promoting feminism, gay rights, liberalism, veganism, socialism, etc, doesn't require any real courage because the media has deemed these as socially acceptable forms of protest

What about non-socially acceptable forms of protest and activism? Imagine protesting against corruption in religious organizations, such as the Catholic church, or protesting against a corrupt police union, or protesting against a mafia that engages in illegal, immoral acts. That requires real courage because there's the very real threat of danger there.

If you protest supporting gay rights or feminism, no one gives a shit. There's no danger involved.


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b2862d  No.260013


Imagine protesting against mandatory vaccines in Europe, and being denied basic services like grocery shopping while your white family dies of starvation. And if you protest you get police dogs sicking you before being beaten to the ground arrested, and your family thrown to the streets. Imagine living in that kind of police state shithole. Yes, it's happening right now.

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b2862d  No.260014


Would Antifa care to protest that kind of fascism?

Doubt it.

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800858  No.260019


well then you might as well protest

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e4826d  No.260020


I choose to avoid the areas or businesses that mandate vaccines. My state does not enforce them fortunately. I will completely avoid any States or Cities that do. Here is the domestic "no-go zone" list I've made so far (will be keeping tabs for updates):

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

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1546e7  No.260021


Imagine being told by the government that you have to let lepers into your businesses and schools because lepers have rights, too.

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64b65b  No.260022


Imagine if the vaccines actually worked! If they did you wouldn't be needing routine boosters for it. And this is not a serious "pandemic", most covid deaths effect those who are UNHEALTHY in the first place. 99.8% of those who get covid survive it, naturally and gain natural immunity, like I have! Therefore there is no justification for such tyranny and outright despotism, jackass.

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1546e7  No.260034


Tell me you don't understand vaccines without telling me you don't understand vaccines.

PROTIP: Whoever told you anyone ever said any vaccine makes you 'immune' lied to you to sell you a book and some cow wormer. You loved it and slurped it up like the sheep you are and will bleat your way into the grimmest of futures because you listen to facebook karens instead of people who have devoted their lives to the study of something.

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ebab82  No.260035

File: 3712c1ad8f064b6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Corona_Gate_Cult_Leader_Fa….png)

File: b8440348ae959a4⋯.jpg (172.59 KB, 2000x3029, 2000:3029, OBEY_fauci.jpg)


If you knew one damn thing about vaccines, you would know that this injection is not a vaccine.

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c4db4a  No.260044


If a vaccine doesn't at the very least boost your immune system then what the hell is the point? I'm not going to take any concoction unless it is actually proven to do something positive for the immune system/health.

As for ivermectin you are literally repeating word-for-word propaganda by the corporate media, ivermectin is used for horses not cows and yes it has been on the market for human consumption for decades as well, for malaria! As for saying it will not help with covid, maybe do some research before repeating whatever it is you are being told by corporate & government propagandists:



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c4db4a  No.260046


If it doesn't at the very minimum boost the immune system and prevent viral infection (which these covid vaccines clearly do not) then you are correct, it's a modern big snake oil scam.

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1546e7  No.260049


The Covid-19 vaccine (for lack of a better term) trains your body to fight off SARS-Covid-2. It doesn't make you immune, but if you DO get it, your body will fight it off like it were barely there instead of sending you to the hospital to cough yourself to death.

>ivermectin blah blah blah

Malaria is a PARASITE! Ivermectin treats PARASITES!

Now, move those goal posts and dig some proof out of your ass that SARS-Cov-2 is a parasite.

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c4db4a  No.260051


You spew propaganda and fear porn. Covid has a 99.7% to 99.8% survival rate. Very few people have actually needed to go to the hospital, as a matter of fact most people have little to no symptoms! I've had covid and survived it WITHOUT ANY hospital intervention! None. Sure, the sickness sucked. I got bad fevers and cold/hot flashes, and for a small time period had some trouble breathing. It took a week to recover, not a big deal. I took extra vitamins, took some Asprin, stayed in bed and recovered from it. I have not had any issues with covid since, I have built natural immunity and I'm proud for it. I don't wear masks in public and I've been out a lot, from stores to diners to flea markets and farmers markets to hanging out with family and friends. I live in Missouri (a supposed "hot spot") and NOTTA. I have known 0 personally who ever died from having covid. I have known 2 people hospitalized but never died from it (one of them ironically took a vaccine for it!). The corporate media is spewing fear because they are trying to maximize corporate profits for their Big Pharma cronies.

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1546e7  No.260054


>Covid has a 99.7% to 99.8% survival rate.

So did polio, you ignorant faggot.

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51637a  No.260057


If you want to take the endless covid shots & 'boosters' every year after the latest routine MSM scare tactics, go right ahead. I will not. I have every right to decide what is best for me, and will.

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1546e7  No.260063


I get a flu shot every year, fuck nugget. I have every right to decide what's best for me and my family and if your unvaccinated, unmasked, diseased ass comes anywhere near one of my kids, then I have every right to decide to introduce your brain to a couple rounds of 9mm.

Good luck forgetting that deadly force laws exist, coward.

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64b65b  No.260073


I'm not going near you or your children you fucking clown. You control freaks better stay the hell away from me too, because the same would happen to you or anyone who tries to control my life or what I do. And please, stay in Commiefornia or New York City, where you rightly belong! We don't appreciate your type where I live I can tell you that as a fact.

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51637a  No.260074

File: a70c3b8a24d7911⋯.png (1.04 MB, 894x960, 149:160, 2bb84d19cb65d322ffe71f91.png)

If the images ever show up again, this propaganda psyop takes the cake. All the same exact word-for-word scare tactics used by dozens of "approved" sources all over the country, repeating the same exact bullshit as if they were all unique! Face it, you people were duped!

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2034f1  No.261572

File: 50784c945e8437c⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 1436129725474.jpg)

Stop shilling your Jewtube channel, faggot

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