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14a055  No.259845[Last 50 Posts]

>Anglin voted for Trump that year via absentee ballot from the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The idea that the Russian government wouldn’t know about an American inside its borders publishing a major neo-Nazi website seems improbable.

>Anglin worshipped Putin, and seemed like exactly the type of online agitator Russia might use to sow chaos during the U.S. election. In March, Auernheimer told Daily Stormer commenters that he was setting up the site’s forum on “a much beefier server in the Russian Federation.”

>The election helped elevate The Daily Stormer from one of several influential white-nationalist sites to a key platform of the alt-right, though the site wasn’t nearly as popular as Anglin wanted people to think. He and Auernheimer often bragged that it got millions of unique visitors a month, but comScore put the site’s monthly visitors closer to 70,000.

>In May 2016, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer had asked then-candidate Trump about the death threats and harassment Anglin’s army had leveled against the journalist Julia Ioffe after she wrote a profile of Melania Trump for GQ magazine. (Ioffe now works at The Atlantic.)

<“I don’t have a message to the fans,” Trump said.

>The fans. His people. “We interpret that as an endorsement,” Anglin told a reporter when asked about Trump’s refusal to condemn white nationalists.

>A collective of data scientists called Susan Bourbaki Anthony conducted an analysis of The Daily Stormer’s reach on Twitter from February 2 to March 2, 2017, and found that Anglin’s content was being spread by a mysterious network of accounts. This network, which is still active, has amplified divisiveness in American political discourse on Twitter since at least early in the year. It includes bots and “sock puppets” (accounts operated by actual people under false identities), and essentially shuts down each night from 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on the East Coast—midnight to 6:30 a.m. local time in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

>In summer 2016, Anglin transacted with addresses on the Bitcoin blockchain associated with trafficking in money laundering practices. One example of the type of Russian darknet site Anglin may have paid is “uniccshop.ru,” which the Justice Department (DOJ) described as being part of a “transnational criminal organization” when they issued cybercrime-related charges against 36 people connected to it in February 2018. A man named Andrey Sergeevich Novak operated the Unicc.ru site at the time Anglin made the apparent payments. Novak used the aliases “Unicc,” “Faaaxx” and “Faxtrod” while he participated in a shadowy group known as the InFraud Organization, which victimized “millions in all 50 states and worldwide,” contributing to losses of over $530 million through hacking and data theft, the indictment said.




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14a055  No.259846

File: dddf884cedf3129⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1650x968, 75:44, anglin_israeli_shill.JPG)

Andrew Anglin: An Israeli Zionist living in Russia who promotes Bolshevism in the West. Literally a stereotype cartoonish kike.

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14a055  No.259849

File: 80df59a4cac75e9⋯.png (425.49 KB, 1476x833, 1476:833, anglin_israel_tv.PNG)

I defeated you. Without a network or even so much as comrades, with no financing or a single dollar invested, with no website and no actions that would betray my integrity, I defeated you. Your network, the Israeli network supporting you, the Russian network supporting you… I defeated all of you. For free I defeated you.

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14a055  No.259850

File: da896228e8f8a24⋯.jpg (33.09 KB, 546x311, 546:311, anglin_meth_use.jpg)

You have been reduced to failtroll. Your network now nothing more than defeated opponents kvetching on their way down to the grave. I have done this.

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14a055  No.259853

File: 4d27fb6e2b06c06⋯.jpg (747.19 KB, 1840x2528, 115:158, Anglin_Exposed.jpg)

Everyone recognizes your tactics. Your shilling has become impotent. You are not only a useless propagandist but a toxic one to your own cause. Not only are you and your network defeated because of your own incompetency but scores of techniques, now easily indefinable, are also useless because of you.

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14a055  No.259855

File: f3498d7a20767e9⋯.png (42.94 KB, 976x608, 61:38, anglin_s_jew_mom.png)

Stay defeated.

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02531e  No.259862



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02531e  No.259863


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02531e  No.259864

you're really "phoning it in" today, aren't you ?…

rough night ?

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02531e  No.259865

Lemme guess :

4chat until sunrise, then discord till 11:30 AM again ?

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02531e  No.259866

well, I'm glad you FINALLY woke up

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02531e  No.259867

you'll certainly be out of whack the entire weekend

You probably won't crash again until tomorrow night around 6:30

Oh well…. Welcome back to The Living again, Van Winkle

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02531e  No.259868

obviously, the agreement between you and your mom isn't working out to your benefit

OR hers….

it's GOT to stop, dude

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02531e  No.259869

You and I have been celebrating FRIDAYS every single week for months now

every god damn week…..

just the three of us :

you and me…..

and friday

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02531e  No.259870

It's beenMONTHS, dude……

there's only four weeks in a month….

and we've had dozens of weekends

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02531e  No.259871

it's GOT to end, dude….

you can't keep living like that

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02531e  No.259872

because ITWILL END

badly….. unless you initiate the end

YOU making the decision

to move out on your own

before fate does it for you

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02531e  No.259873

like I've always said :

You're a Good Kid

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02531e  No.259874

an embarrassing, awkward adult

but a good kid…. a child

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02531e  No.259875

so I'm confident you'll soon grow a pair of balls

and tell your mother that you're moving out

and find a little job….

and start paying your own way in life

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02531e  No.259876

but like I said earlier…..

It's DEFINITELY gonna happen, one way or another

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02531e  No.259877

but if you keep staying awake until 11 AM on Discord, and sleeping until 5 PM, you're never gonna make it

it's gonna end badly

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02531e  No.259878

you'll see……….

(there won't be a happy ending)

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02531e  No.259879

I'm curious if your mother has a conservatorship over your schizo checks…..

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02531e  No.259880

because part of me says "they let him spend his own money"


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02531e  No.259881

There's another part of me that has a sneaking suspicion that your mother gets your checks, and she absorbs it into the costs of changing your 34 year old diapers

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02531e  No.259882

if you got your own benefits directly, I don't see you as the type who'd voluntarily give your mother any money to help out with the bills

I imagine she'd have to pry money out of you every month

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02531e  No.259883

nope …. I don't see it

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02531e  No.259884

G O O D N E W S ! ! ! ! !


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02531e  No.259885

another FRESH START , huh ?

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02531e  No.259886

today is one of those



kinda days

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02531e  No.259887


and I see you're making the most of it

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02531e  No.259888


whoever that is in the photograph

He was OUTSIDE… not in his bedroom

he's surpassed you already, huh?

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02531e  No.259889


Imagine if you went outside occasionally

people might acknowledge you, too !!!

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02531e  No.259890


and he shaved his head …..

if you got rid of that

1974 hairstyle, you

might even meet a

god damn woman

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02531e  No.259891


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02531e  No.259892

' Q : what kind of woman likes long greasy hair?

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02531e  No.259893

Pay Attention, Fabio…..

The hair thing ISN'T working

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02531e  No.259894

You need to go completely bald

and start bathing more often

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02531e  No.259895


I'll stop calling you SALLY….

what's your first name?

and DO NOT make up a stupid nickname like 'lightningbolt' or some gay as shit….

Just tell us your first name

and we will address you with respect

like a man

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02531e  No.259896

you want respect ?……..


and we will treat you accordingly

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02531e  No.259897

I'm not after your "info"

because I don't care

I just want to address you

by your first name

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02531e  No.259899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but your bullshit WILL stop, young man

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02531e  No.259900

you'll either start behaving normal

or be treated like a dork


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76a4e2  No.259920

>>259845 So your stupid post makes 2 claims - 1. Andrew Anglin has no reach on the internet and it's all a lie. 2. Anglin is hugely influential and highly dangerous for that reason. Which is it homo? Truth is Anglin is 100% cool and based and UR just a slimy little faggot who is also probably a big fat jew.

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be8de6  No.259921


anglin is fuckin based what are you even sperging about? he worked with some russkies to attack jews online? reeeeeee gtfo nigger



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87fc39  No.259926


#1 Never heard of him.

#2 You always say ZOG is in full control of Donald Trump and that Trump is a hardcore Zionist. Now you are saying a Trump supporter is "based" because he's a Russian. Although Americans who support Trump you call stupid. Exactly which is it?

This wreaks of a fed psyop. Not falling for this garbage.

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66dfb0  No.259943


inb4 shill comments.

Whether you think he's a retarded skinhead or not, the guy has consistently made mainstream media and the ADL ree like crazy and put out content on a near daily basis for his site.

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d7e961  No.259949

>>259921 "Teaming up with the Ruskies to attack jews on line"? That's what makes him fucking awesome ya kike

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14a055  No.259953

You can watch (((Andrew Anglin))) crash a burn in real time here:


He's presently shilling for (((Ashli Babbitt))) and the ZOG Emperor. It's all very embarrassing but predictable.

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9b9337  No.259980


I love when jews come in here and try to claim leaders of extreme right are jewish, in lame attempt to drive wedge between followers and leaders. Nice try jew. For all their vaunted intelligence jews have absolutely no jewdar. Identifying the jew is incredibly easy for us goyim, and Anglin is clearly not jewish. Like all psychopaths, jews have no self concept, so they don't realize how different they are from normal people.

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14a055  No.262705


Come watch (((Anglin))) get BTFO yet again


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14a055  No.273885

File: bb878272f2ce623⋯.jpg (102.76 KB, 813x1019, 813:1019, goals_17.jpg)

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