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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 2ce58f13cd09708⋯.png (80.5 KB, 666x505, 666:505, 8ChanHotWheelsFlipperBaby.png)

cb5cef  No.259414

It's worse than you could ever imagine. Mounds of decapitated human heads two or even three stories high. Native American Reservations will be overrun by crying millennial faggots, but if they don't toe the line with the Natives…out of the Reservation they go…into the streets where the gnashing of teeth will be.

Taliban will crush Americans at the border with the help of the Native American people and Hispanics…they are of the same race (or at least that is what the Hopi have told me).

The Red People will have power over the earth, taking it back from the fucktards that fucked everything up! Cutting all their heads off and piling the skulls towards the heavens!

Embrace Islam, learn Al Fatiha by heart. The White Flame is soon to be extinguished.

If you are a fucking no gender faggot cocksucker, you are fucking dead!

That's what you fucking fagbots get for voting in a criminally minded elderly pedophile as president.

Enjoy the chaos that is coming!

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33acf8  No.259419


you're too stupid to be categorized as insane

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33acf8  No.259420


to be considered a "genius", one must first be insane

but you're too fucking stupid to be categorized as either one

you're a complete fucking IDIOT

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3f161e  No.259421

File: 0b7717a63e28aa9⋯.png (573.6 KB, 737x872, 737:872, taliban_based.png)

File: b6b5c3ac4b3f4a0⋯.jpg (121.63 KB, 1217x861, 1217:861, israel_isis.JPG)

>more israeli fear-mongering

oy vey

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33acf8  No.259440


mujahideen…. there is no such thing as "Al Qeada"

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33acf8  No.259441

in all of the old videos of Bin Laden (and his other counterparts) where they'd be sitting in a cave, wearing camouflage jackets and talking into a microphone, if you listened carefully, they'd repeat the term "mujahideen" over and over in their speeches

but they NEVER said "al qaeda". not even once

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2eb5b8  No.259445

File: 5d2147b2432b616⋯.jpg (112.07 KB, 843x1024, 843:1024, 5d2147b2432b616f4e7c4d70ee….jpg)

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61454c  No.259458


Nothing you have predicted has ever come true. Nobody will ever believe you.

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9fa70c  No.259469


I'm sure they'll be importing a lot of ISIS-types deliberately to further destabilize America, glow niggers more than 'don't give a damn', they're actually behind the destabilization. However, a lot of Americans have guns and will defend themselves, only the faggots will bend and fold. So yah, expect more bloodshed and crime on American soil, all planned by design to bring down America and the Western World as little Marshmellow Soros Sally glees with joy not realizing he will be swallowed up in the coming chaos as well.

>Enjoy the chaos that is coming!

When SHTF, fingers on the triggers.

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cd222e  No.259470

Found an older copypasta and it is totally relevant to most crisis scenarios such as OP.

Face it. Despite all your woes America is the best slim-majority White nation to be when everything goes to shit as long as you do not live in a major city. Europe will be dominated by armed Muslim extremists within the next 25 to 30 years. Australia will sell itself out to China and so will Canada become subjugated under foreign control for their resources (those people have it bad enough as it is under their oppressive governments today anyway). Iceland will perish once the global economy collapses. But America? Tons of guns, tons of rural land and tons of small towns and mountainous areas with doomsday preppers, ranchers, farmers, homesteaders, rugged individualists, skilled trade workers, hillbillies and off-grid enthusiasts all vastly spread out. Do you know how hard it would be to disarm and subjugate all of America at once? Next to impossible. You could nuke every American city into the ground and millions of us would still be around, with our guns, waiting for a fight. But all of that is worthless without one other fact: most Americans naturally love freedom. Most Americans naturally distrust authority. You can't take that spirit away from America, it is too deeply rooted in our DNA.

Another fact you did not consider: the TSA and other agencies have total control over who travels into and even out of America. You cannot move to another country without other foreign government background checks as well. If you think you are going to bring guns into another country where they are banned, you are crazy and asking to be jailed or killed over it. Just ask the jailed Americans who tried bringing their guns into Canada. No other government is going to openly welcome White armed Americans to move in and set up another White armed America! LOL. That is every government's WORST NIGHTMARE.

With that said, stay here and fight if need be, or you'll lose a lot of freedom you have taken for granted.

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b108a7  No.259473

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31b7e3  No.259497


And he's still more relevant than Jim who got overshadowed by his buttfuck toy, Ronnie the QickFlip.

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31b7e3  No.259498


Sell all the Hopium you want. That doesn't change the results. Guns don't do shit, rural land is all poisoned by the ZOG, small towns and doomsday preppers are all civnat faggots.

You. Hope. Too. Much.

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556449  No.259586

Why would MOSSAD be angry? The whole thing works in their favor.

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fd1545  No.259599

File: 2a01fd18d8c8042⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1592x1063, 1592:1063, The_Afghanistan_Party.jpg)

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b6b45a  No.259732


Nah, rural America is pretty nice, at least nice enough to live and get by day to day, and tend to your own affairs. That's pretty much what most Americans (even most city dwellers) really want. They just want big government out of their lives and be able to make a living to provide for themselves and family.


Not really. I did say there will be higher rates or crime, maybe even some terror attacks here and there, but as far as subjugated under Sharia Law in the US? Not going to happen without total war. People would just be shooting one another if threats were escalated. So like I said, more bloodshed but not total subjugation of the nation.

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eca91e  No.259810

File: daef46495e3bad1⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 599x760, 599:760, CZUJ1PxWIAEZAtZ.jpg)

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