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File: 663ecaa88edcfc7⋯.png (588.67 KB, 1347x767, 1347:767, dailystormer_atomwaffen.png)

8e77a4  No.259158

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8aec28  No.259162

alex jones right again

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8e77a4  No.259163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if you think alex "im a jew!" jones isnt comped then you're likely comped yourself.

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8aec28  No.259168

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8e77a4  No.259169



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fa366b  No.259172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes and no o' wise one. hehehe

You cannot see the future nor the far future (past) as I do.

Without North Korea there is no future.

I shall continue to work with you on the North Korean nonissue.

The answer of 'future' is with North Korea.

No and yes o' wise one.

I did not command nor permit them to make order…

Whose agenda?

To define myself and make word…

If they fall so easily…

If they are and were so great, where is the record?

If they are and were so vast, why is there so little?

If they are so certain, what is conspiracy?

If they were so unforgettable, why does it elude the tongue?

If they were so great, what be the name?

If they were so organized, why is there no one?

If they were so advanced, what be the utility and purpose?

If they were so good, where are they?

It is like Afghanistan… What kind walks neither way and desires the transport?

What treachery is this?

It is called oblivion o' wise one…

To make demonstration of them so grand that they are forgotten forever.

To place them within the mirror and drive them insane…

They shall start… But, I chose you to finish. I shall once more split the rites to obfuscate the ritual to completion. It matters not the bodies. It is I by these many hands.

I chose Roscosmos… There is absolutely nothing… To fear… You are afraid of nothing… Before nothing, there is everything.

I shall proceed with Alien vs. Predator, but which is which? It shall be riveting to the audience, the soul of man.

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8e77a4  No.259186

File: cb98c01981bf08c⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 3000x1912, 375:239, Communist_Goals_35.jpg)

lol the FBI paid the guy $140,000 for 18 years of work! What do they have to show for all that time? Nothing. You didn't stop the foreign powers responsible for organizing the group, you didn't stop the paid-by-foreign-powers propagandists responsible for building hype around the group, and you won't stop the next group from being organized by foreign powers. Instead, you basically catphished your own people who are confused by propaganda shoved down their throats by foreign powers. And nothing changes. Absolutely incompetent. You know what worked? Telling the truth about these groups, and their propagandists such as pic related, organized and controlled by


and we did it for free, not over the course of 18 years, but 2 or 3. If your goal is to assist foreign powers by discrediting you then just keep doing what you're doing!

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8e77a4  No.259187

File: dddf884cedf3129⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1650x968, 75:44, anglin_israeli_shill.JPG)


>pic related

I meant the OP pic.



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f55c55  No.259485


He jokes around a lot, doesn't he? Why should I believe he was serious in that post?

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771894  No.259536


Strike and Mike Duginism is still Strike and Mike Duginism.

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771894  No.259538



No Moarpheus. None of your truth-telling did a damn thing. There is only Eternal Misery. I was right the entire time.

Ashes and Echoes

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664177  No.261152


Are you Purple Anon? Or a tranny

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88ed82  No.261212


Holy carpe…this is a major theme for me today. Supposedly 4,000 people will be evacuated from Earth starting tomorrow. Time traveler. ;^)


I think Aery is a girl.

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88ed82  No.261213


Is this the same thing.

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88ed82  No.261214


How'd Soros get involved with that video?

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8e77a4  No.261217


>im so arrogant that i cant acknowledge all that's come about from simply telling the truth

why not just humble yourself?

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88ed82  No.261221


Is that in the capacity of humanity anymore?

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664177  No.261373


who is it?

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8e77a4  No.261375

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dbfbf3  No.261568

Nothing new. Everyone knows Atomwaffen is a glownigger honeypot


Is Alex Jones still a thing?

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8e77a4  No.273921

File: d415cfead4f652e⋯.jpg (140.34 KB, 1801x580, 1801:580, Trump_Collusion_Cambridge_….JPG)

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8e77a4  No.274437


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8e77a4  No.274487


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