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File: 3eeff86a6ea95ec⋯.png (267.91 KB, 714x456, 119:76, time_to_change_fate.png)

a8e8df  No.258994[Last 50 Posts]

In this thread we'll look at the three main areas affected by misinformation:

>Concerning the Body

>Concerning the Mind

>Concerning the Spirit

In each section we will not only examine the attack of misinformation but also its false defense (solutions given by the attackers meant to prevent their defeat) and true defense (that which truly results in the Enemy's defeat). Lastly, we will look at how attacking one aspect of the person negatively impacts the other two. Throughout this first post we'll use Covid-19 as our example and I'll keep each section as short as possible. Let's consider the body.

Whether you've taken the jab or not is a decision based in misinformation. It's important to realize that the totality of all media, from the Right and Left to alternative sources of news and opinion, are controlled by the same (((group))). Even underground sources, ones which appear 100% uncompromised, rely on compromised sources for which they give their own opinions. And you, the consumer, form opinions based in misinformation. This very post is a product of misinformation, though it aims to expose and counter the very same. So let's look at how the Enemy weaponizes misinformation against the public by exploring a couple of news sources as they pertain to receiving the vaxx or refusing.

FOX News is the leading source of "facts" for the Conservative body, and among all of the talking-heads who fire-up their viewership, Cucker Carlson is the foremost. On the other side of the aisle, CNN leads the Liberals and Don Lemon is its equivalent of Cucker Carlson. And while the two networks should disagree on matters of socio-political theory, representing two different voting demographics, they should not disagree on the Covid situation. And yet, from FOX we're told vaccines are unsafe and whoever receives the vaccine is stupid, while CNN explains the vaccine is safe and whoever doesn't get one is stupid. Information regarding the safety of the vaccine versus the risk of serious complications caused by Covid varies depending on which political cube you've been herded into, but the conclusion is the same: Everyone outside of your cube is stupid – it's US versus THEM and we are the smart ones!

The result of such misinformation on the body is sickness and death. Whether illness comes from a virus or you suffer a heart-attack courtesy of the vaccine is irrelevant, just so long as both sides suffer and die. Not to mention the possible illness caused by the Nocebo Effect in this environment (I have the flu but it's probably Covid, ow oof my lungs just stopped working!). Once we destroy the illusion of Right VS. Left as a false dichotomy we may then synthesize the position each takes: Covid is real and the vaccine is dangerous. But this implies a culling is taking place throughout the world and especially in the West, with media icons working as propagandists, and that idea is scarier than both Covid and the vaccine. It's possible though this is the truth of the matter but it's also possible that it's not. Which leads us to take up the effects of misinformation on the mind.

Everyone is in a state of confusion which they interpret as clarity. The pro and anti-vaxxers are smugly confident in their interpretation of the truth - kindly given to them by one or another propagandist they saw on TV or read about online. There is complete distrust in society, with one side doubting the other, and vice-versa. Once again our society is divided and weakened as a result. But what about those who realize both sides can't be trusted? They're thrown into despair and a deep depression or anxiety; there are seemingly no right moves to make. The majority, then, are placed into a state of confusion while believing they're knowledgeable, while the minority who escape the cube are also left in a state of confusion but one which they can objectively observe, resulting in a deeper anxiety or depression. Confusion, anxiety, and depression are the states of mind the abused fall into - abused by propagandists who call them stupid for not embracing their abuse. And this applies irrespective of how "red-pilled" you are.

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a8e8df  No.258995

Once the mind is confused and placed into a lower state the next attack is against the spirit. A national consciousness divided and fearful is easy to conquer. You do want a solution to all of this madness, correct? Well, that solution is foreign intervention. The problem is simply too complex for us to ever solve ourselves. We need great minds from Russia, China, Israel, or elsewhere to liberate us. It's the only way. And how many do you think would agree if the liberators were led by an individual who could pacify both Right and Left? Once freed we'd naturally need a consistent leader to ensure these problems never arise again. And he will need all power, which means your Constitution is null and void and with it your rights outside of what such man grants you. But our rights are bestowed upon us not by men but by God, and so ultimately the solution these propagandists are working towards, being (((Foreign Intervention))), is an attack on our very spirits: First the knife pierces the physical and mundane, weakening our bodies and terrorizing our minds, and then the blade works its way deeper into our very souls. When this occurs we are a conquered people and we still will not have learned whether Covid or the vaccine or both were harmful.

It's very simple overcoming their attack. The solution? Humble yourselves, stop listening to fake media, stop listening to alternative media, stop following personalities or "ecelebs" and start leading! Abandon the Right and the Left entirely, do not even attempt to unite them. These paradigms are under the Enemy's power, so utterly destroy them. In that process of destruction some will listen and follow you out of the cube, either the intelligent or intuitive, and I would say a great number of them will follow because only the minority are incapable of acknowledging truth, being brainwashed beyond immediate repair. So tell the truth creatively, simply, and with authority. And prepare to resist (((foreign intervention))).

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a8e8df  No.258996

File: 1a9189efcdd2132⋯.png (57.88 KB, 1338x415, 1338:415, misinformation_1_covid_fox.PNG)

File: 055280a91138ce3⋯.png (148.42 KB, 479x622, 479:622, misinformation_2_covid_cnn.PNG)

File: 3493833531b5f14⋯.png (47.39 KB, 766x562, 383:281, misinformation_3_purpose_1.PNG)

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b0862f  No.258997


"Misinformation" == "Whatever I don't personally believe"

There … just saved you an entire thread.

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a8e8df  No.258998

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)


Disinformation == purposely muddying the waters to conceal the truth's reflection

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60ea5c  No.259009


1) We're not going to unite our nation until there are some serious mutual political, economic and social compromises. Hate to say that but it's true. Some people just want to live their own lives the way they want, and other people want full governmental control over the rest of society. At least that's the way I see it. Some want a "security state", and others want to remain a Constitutional Republic with individual liberty… and there are varying degrees of freedom vs tyranny from mild to extremist on both sides. Until there can be a proper, open, transparent, fair and uncensored national debate, where everyone has a voice and can speak their mind, and until some critical reform and agreements made by both types of people (freedom lovers and security state buffs) nothing is going to be fixed. This nation will likely break up into factions within the next few decades, if not face another civil war which would indeed crash our economy. Not hoping that happens, we do need some major reform and to settle our differences.

2) No one really desires foreign intervention (unless they are a traitor). I don't think it will come to that, rather other foreign nations would more likely declare the US insolvent and a destabilized war zone during a civil war or harsh breakup, and would cut off global trade to the US. It would not be beneficial for China or Russia to pull a stunt on US soil like we did to Afghanistan! We're 10x more spread out and 100x more armed and capable of causing deadly disasters to public enemies. It would be a total shit show if anyone were to try to subjugate the American people en mass. The more likely successful foreign engagement would be cutting us off from the global supply chains and letting us eat our own while pointing dozens of nukes at our nation in anticipation for another World War.

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a8e8df  No.259010

File: a8d11eae5695b0e⋯.png (300.14 KB, 622x655, 622:655, foreign_intervention_6.png)

File: b24d42bb0dd8a49⋯.png (591.18 KB, 1440x2374, 720:1187, foreign_intervention_5.png)


I completely agree with your first point. An honest public discussion free from pilpul and other deceptive techniques is the only way forward. That discussion is starting on decentralized platforms, like our exchange here, and will hopefully spill over into more centralized avenues. But I don't see eye-to-eye with you on the second point. If worst came to worst the United States and our reluctant allies (those forced to rely on us) could easily overtake China and Russia both. Even in our weakened state, totally divided on every issue, we're still the top dog. In fact, it's because of this that we see propaganda an subterfuge waged against us – they can't win in a fist fight so they use gossip and other girly tactics to cause us to fight among ourselves. I believe foreign intervention is their ace in the whole.

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2884e6  No.259013



This is my conclusion and what I think should happen: we need to isolate political and economic policies between rural America and urban America. Separate all tax revenues and budgets as well. Just because there is a high density population condensed into one city does not mean that city should have political influence over the rest of the State it resides in. Cities should be treated as their own separate States if they have over 50,000 population in the census. This would guarantee two things: security state buffs which largely reside in the cities will have their own security states and so would those who want to live there. On the other hand, smaller towns and rural areas would remain mostly 'conservative' with less regulation, less taxation, less bureaucracy etc. States therefore won't interfere with City State politics or policies as the Cities will become their own separate sovereign entities within a larger State (think of how the Vatican has their own inclusive sovereign State in Rome, Italy). This would provide those with different ideologies a permanent buffer from one another. We would still be The United States and still have radically different options for those wanting to live in certain political/social/economic environments.

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a8e8df  No.259015

File: 725fef945f6c4f4⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 1506x298, 753:149, _Balkanization_.JPG)


Wouldn't balkanization result in total impotency for the whole nation, much like the Vatican has zero power or influence as a state?

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b93eda  No.259028

File: 42ea6127df9c211⋯.mp4 (13.01 MB, 1270x668, 635:334, Balkanize_US.mp4)


For (You).

Also, testing out a script..

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240909  No.259032



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a8e8df  No.259033

File: 3742cdd1365af4f⋯.png (218.16 KB, 752x529, 752:529, shut_it_down_6.png)


Your "contribution?" Yes, it is.

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a8e8df  No.259045

File: a4b04fd0fd275fa⋯.png (46.41 KB, 1303x260, 1303:260, _foreign_intervention_.PNG)


Imagine pushing a plot already exposed and nullified.


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ef86fb  No.259050


Well no, actually my point is that States would *gain* power, not lose power. Honestly I think the federal government should be very limited and instead of making policy and laws, rather just help enforce existing State laws, as well as defending the country and it's borders. I think it's time Congress is abolished and the drafting of laws depend on the States. I also think central banking needs to be abolished, our Founding Fathers warned us about the dangers of central banking. Many of the problems we have today is due to the fact the federal government has too much power over our nation and it's highly corrupted by central banking. We need to give individual States back that power, and we need to make sure that the citizenry have enough unique political/social/economic environments to choose from where individuals and families can feel comfortable living.

For example, lets say you lived in Illinois: if you want strict gun control and more environmental regulations then maybe you decide to live in the Chicago area. But outside that City State would be the rest of Illinois which would not have the same laws or standard of living. Those that wanted a more traditional, less bureaucratic State would live outside the City State of Chicago (but could still live in Illinois proper).

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3263dc  No.259051


That's a pretty hostile conclusion, dissent is healthy in any nation no matter what nation or government you live under there are some people who are going to disagree with federal policies and laws. I dissent against vaccine passports. I dissent against gun & land grabbing. I dissent against censorship. Does that mean I'm trying to empower Russia or China? No. It means I care about individual freedom and liberty, the very ideologies America was founded on. A corrupted out-of-control government would like people to think this is some kind of ridiculous "foreign intervention" but it is not! They just want to power grab and call anyone else who disagrees with their draconian policies 'foreign provocateurs'. Stop being gamed like that. We need to stand up for what is in our best interests, not government.

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a8e8df  No.259055


Why not force the honoring of our Constitutional rights and behead anyone who tries weakening them?


Lol go back to 4/pol/ and shill for (((Nick Fuentes))) some more, at least until everyone there laughs you away again.

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13c657  No.259057


>Why not force the honoring of our Constitutional rights and behead anyone who tries weakening them?

That would be ideal for some but we don't live in the 9th century anymore. People become corrupted. It's human nature, whether it be politicians, judges, govt officials, law enforcement, business men, CEOs, bankers, average employees et al. Governments are notoriously corrupted throughout history. What we need to focus on is how to best curb such corruption, and that's to break up centralized power and give that power back to localities (think decentralization). Then we need to abolish the most notorious institutions that happen to corrupt governments (which are central banks). Doing so would start to remedy A LOT of the problems Americans are so pissed off and stressed about today. To do this we would have to declare a debt jubilee first (total debt forgiveness) and let the modern global economy crash and then work to recover it here domestically from the ground up. It's hard work but we could still do it. The alternative to this option is you get neo-feudalism and drawn out war, and that won't end very well for anyone.

>shill for (((Nick Fuentes)))

>laughs you away

I don't shill for anyone, I don't know that name and I don't give a shit if you laugh at me or what I have to say. If you want America to survive as a free nation (and I'm starting to place my doubts it will without major catastrophe and war) then we need some radical reforms to keep corruption unenforceable and insufficient in the first place.

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86a68b  No.259062


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cd73c4  No.259064

File: 6404ce9e614be24⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 570x428, 285:214, Put_That_In_Your_Pipe_and_….jpg)


It's already happening organically.

I'll give you one example:

Maine is losing 1/3 of their Paramedics, Firefighters, First-Responders over the Vaccine Mandates. This is barely the beginning…

Soon only Conformists will live in areas controlled by Collectives of Conformity Enforcers. Those who prefer Individual Liberty over Totalitarian Control will be driven Beyond the Pale, as it ever was…

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cd73c4  No.259065


> Bump

Also, when all all you are is a Bump, you should not be surprised when you're worn down.

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3263dc  No.259069


True. The reason I live rural is to escape from the madness of the populated areas. Fortunately my state is much more rural so we don't have the same problems California, Oregon and Illinois have (at least yet). But as the cities grow they gained more political and economic influence over the rest of the State and THAT was my point why we need some kind of heavy jurisdictional reform, declare those cities to be their own sovereign City States with their own separate tax codes, their own separate laws, their own separate lawmakers, their own separate law enforcement and their own separate Governor. Outside those City States would be much like living in a different State altogether, while being able to enjoy the luxuries of living in the same State (proper). The conformists & control freaks would naturally head to the cities because they would hate living anywhere else, and freedom lovers everywhere would be able to escape their iron grip of power and mob rule/police state (because face it, that's what most cities have become today).

Currently we do have different jurisdictions in each State but that's not enough when cities like Portland and Chicago and NYC usurp the rest of the State's interest, which is why people are leaving 'blue' states by the droves and moving to 'red' states today! And it shouldn't have to be that way!

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cd73c4  No.259071

File: bba86fec9c7ac2e⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB, 400x224, 25:14, antifa_shut_up_and_punch_w….mp4)


If Only!

But these fuckers in the cities wield all the power; and they use it to control those living outside their "jurisdictions", because they need us to survive! They cannot feed themselves without us.

Nothing will truly change until we in the country make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR to those in the cities that they would be better off working WITH us rather than trying to Control us like they control their Conformist Cows in the cities.

How Clear? Oh, it can be made REAL Clear.

Think about it. I'll give a current example. The Taliban, who are goat-herders, control all the area surrounding the airport in Kabul.

Those in big cities have no idea how vulnerable they are. Remember Katrina? Soon we'll all have our own horrific memories to live or die with…

> didn't have time to look for a more apropos video…

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cd73c4  No.259074

File: c5e8be231ddb8fe⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 750x755, 150:151, 1610058396194.jpg)

File: f82a959817ac290⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 480x708, 40:59, download_20201204_120427.jpg)

File: 3e04e2e3df7d9cd⋯.png (114.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, Orwell1984.png)

File: 530a7146f2cf94b⋯.jpg (187.31 KB, 1593x450, 177:50, Barras_Vol_2_page_18.jpg)

File: d06c45b685c7e3e⋯.jpg (122.59 KB, 494x741, 2:3, Dominion_JKI.jpg)


My town has no mask mandate, but our state does. Our cops will not enforce it, and they have made it clear they will not be a part of any gun confiscation measures either. The town next to us has re-imposed mask mandates, and every business is now failing there, while in our town, business is booming!

Failed experiments are happening all around us. Pretty much every big city controlled by Democrats in America is an example of how NOT to do things. They say they are for' the very people that they hurt the worst.

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6c9be7  No.259077


I've been talking with a long time friend I know, who is also a prepper today, and the way we see it is America is about to break apart and fracture, there is no escaping this, it's past the 'event horizon'. Maybe 20 some years ago if insider corruption was cracked down on this wouldn't all be happening today? Now the corruption is systemic, it's cancerous and outright deadly. It's like we ignored 5 malignant tumors in our body and let them grow and spread, now we're in serious pain and crying about it. One solution is going to be painful or outright deadly on us as the host: remove the tumors any way necessary (kinda like late stage chemo has 50/50 chance survival rate). The other solution is to live it up while we still can and completely die from the cancer without any intervention. The biggest problem is we - speaking as a nation - can't even make up our minds, some around us deny we even have this cancer. Some too afraid to get treatment and rather live the best they can until they die.

That said, this is our conclusion, this is it. Those who want to try escaping the inevitable better be prepping and doing everything they can to become more self-sufficient. If you are near retirement age, retire early and find a safe retreat. If you are younger and willing to work, start looking for businesses that will not mandate the shots (you might be stuck with a shitty job though, so suck it up!) Get to know your local farmers at the farmers markets. Get to know those who run the stores and shops nearby around your area. Find places that may be low key where they won't enforce vaccine passports to buy food and goods from. There will be a secondary economy, there will be places of resistance you'll still be able to get what you need. Start your planning now, ASAP.

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635c6e  No.259084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are not going to 'unite your nation' no matter what! Don't you know what 'time' it is given the function of the world? Unity does not come during the 'dissolve' phase. It comes during coagulation.

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635c6e  No.259085


Look at the bug people pushing globohomo globalist bullshit and people lapping it up in this thread.

This thread in a nutshell: Bug people are good and merciful and will take care of you whiboi.

Haha…you al are going to slave in the mines, never seeing the light of day once more in your entire life, until you are dead.

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635c6e  No.259086


Don't you worry your pretty little head. This is a global agenda. It will come to your town too. People are Godless cowards and they will not fight as though they believed in God. I used to think my state was immune too and I patted myself on the back for my perspicuity in selecting it. No, it was not.

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13c657  No.259088



Don't you worry your pretty little head. We have the guns and are not giving them up, and if worse comes to worse there will be total destabilization and world war. We're not going to die as slaves.

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3263dc  No.259090


Let the bullets and nukes fly and the planet die. We will NOT go out as slaves. You want a war, you'll have to go door to door and play soldier day after day after day, and let's see how far you people last.

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a8e8df  No.259151


Let's be honest here The problem is fake Jews. You complain about Congress but fake Jews fill our Congress. I see no reason why we can't have a Constitutional Republic except for the Jewish problem.


yup. nazbols get the bullet first.

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fee996  No.259160


Let's be honest here The real problem is "labelers", labeling everything as "fake", hoping the labels will stick to that which isVERB.

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a8e8df  No.259161


I'm sorry but "Jews" aren't Jews. They aren't Jews by race, ethnicity, or even religion. So they're literally "Fake Jews," aren't they?

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fee996  No.259164


Every "Thing" is Fake.

We should really all stop thinging so much.

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a8e8df  No.259165


>every "Thing" is Fake.

No, not really. I am genetically of European stock. My immediate ancestors came to the U.S. from Sweden and Scotland, and before that, it was France. Fake Jews can't make the same claim about their so-called Jewish ancestry. That's why they're Jew-ISH.

In regards to my religion, I can trace it through Europe and into ancient Israel, which according to Scripture was predominately of European makeup. Fake Jews can't make the same claim. That's why they're "Fake Jews."

And because Fake Jews refuse to acknowledge their own historical past they themselves beg us to call them "Fake Jews." I would say this is a respectful upgrade from "kike," don't you agree, kike?

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11c1de  No.259166


Ban-dual citizenship. That would be easier to do on a State level too, without them having centralized power. Centralized power is so easily corruptible. Too easy in fact. Make it harder to corrupt en mass, simply decentralize power to the States and City States. Founding Fathers did a lot right, don't get me wrong. However, I don't think they went far enough, but that's because they didn't plan 200+ years ahead or have any clue how their system would turn out. Now we know. And it was still corruptible with centralized authority. We need to do away with it. Too damn easy to compromise by those corrupt Jews.

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a8e8df  No.259167

File: 88b0d31f710d463⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 444x250, 222:125, nice_3.gif)


You may be right. I'm moved to punish the fake Jews much like the Italian mafia was punished only far more severely and then seeing what changes we as a nation should make. I'm sure even Nazbols have a few good ideas but everyone is deceiving and running PSYOP like a bunch of lying kikes. Removing the fake Jews from all power and influence will allow sincere cooperation to take place, perhaps not world peace, but world cooperation.

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f1df69  No.259170


Think of it this way from a left/right perspective. Who made Operation Warp Speed possible? Donald Trump (a centralized authority figure). Who is making those same vaccines mandated in the public & private sectors today? Joe Biden (a centralized authority figure). Who got us into endless wars in the Middle East? The Bush administration along with Congress (centralized authority). Who fumbled the Afghanistan war and made all our allies angry at us? Biden's administration (centralized authority). Now who is calling for more intervention? Congress! (centralized authority). See how this works? Well this all wouldn't happen if none of those positions of power existed! People with that amount of power often screw up everything.

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a8e8df  No.259171

File: c0c3b6b971c80e0⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1920x1041, 640:347, never_again.png)


Once we annihilate the fake Jews the world can do whatever it wants politically. You want a small government? Ok. A big government? No problem. Oh, you want Communism or Socialism or NatSoc? Sure. But surrender your fake Jews first. So many needless arguments quieted by simply destroying instigators, bad actors, and agitators. Implement whatever system you want, permitted fake Jews and their prior influence does not influence your thinking.

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fee996  No.259182

File: 7f2ab42522e1c88⋯.png (134.95 KB, 630x630, 1:1, VERB.png)


Imagine living in a world of "Nouns" to hate.

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a8e8df  No.259183

File: b81cbfe9a4fd13d⋯.gif (3.18 MB, 498x441, 166:147, taytay_smug.gif)


Nouns, yes. But Jews descended from Abraham? No.

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a8e8df  No.259185

File: 15ff94d8b1abd96⋯.png (70.92 KB, 1327x557, 1327:557, misinformation_synchronici….PNG)


>Let's talk about misinformation - 08/23/21 (Mon) 13:00:50

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071642  No.259208

File: 01dfb6b17ca0f1f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2632x2948, 658:737, 95C5E3AF_8B1F_4C9C_A351_4F….png)


Ever since young i knew i needed to unlearn. I also hate media I don’t control the narrative to.

Sounds kike gamer gate

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a8e8df  No.259209


i have no idea what you are trying to say.

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60ea5c  No.259221


It's a little more complex than that. We could have any governmental system we want, true, but there needs to be some kind of threat mitigation concerning these Jews - or Fake Jews - or simply anyone corruptible. All it takes is a little covert infiltration to begin, bribery and-or blackmail schemes and soon enough we'd have the same predicament all over again, and they might not be from Jews but hired puppet proxies. If there is a top-down form of government with centralized power it's only a matter of time before the top is compromised. That's why I strongly argue that our Founding Fathers were most definitely correct arguing for limited government. Sadly they did not go far enough to mitigate threats from within (such as banning dual-citizenship, imposing term limits for politicians, limits on governmental expenditure tied to tax revenues, direct constitutional limits on how much the government can tax workers, etc). The separation of federal powers was a good idea but only lasted so long before the federal government was entirely corrupted as is today. Notice most new rules and policies in our society are not even laws anymore? Our leaders rule simply by fiat, executive orders today! That is completely unconstitutional and should be declared such, no rule by fiat. I'd recommend having the States decide which laws to pass and only those laws can be enforced in the States they pass. A government's job should be protecting the nation from enemy attacks and the national borders. Preferably leave all public law enforcement up to the States and Cities. Maybe if trusted, government could work with States to bust criminal fugitives who leave to hide in other States attempting to dodge arrest warrants (another issue entirely).

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0b6cb2  No.259442


Gee thanks for that. Now let me go get my microscope.

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071642  No.261145


I’m a halfchan migrant. Didn’t realize images disappear

Motion pictures creare fake memories in our head. Older generations are like this but younger arent. Theyre getting immuneish to propaganda, ish. When growing up i knew i had to unlearn so much. My preconceptions were giving me false sense of reality. Mkultra is about mind control like this. You have to unlearn the propaganda.

Basically, movies try to exploit our natural ability to emulate. By feeding us the wrong things to do by making us think people are successful when doing it, it forces us to learn things the wrong way while also creating avenues for evil to thrive because it makes evil practical.

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071642  No.261146


>, fee996

>, fee

post nose

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5e364a  No.261147

There will always be bullshit. In lamest terms. Life is a rat race and you must figure out how to get the cheese. This is it. Even if you want change you need power and wealth. Poor people never make it anywhere. It’s understanding the deck is stacked against you yet being able play around it. That’s how I see it.

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071642  No.263993


Do you really need power & wealth to have influence? What about skill alone desu?

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cc2161  No.263995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I have used 'weapon' on you.

Xi… Reach to thy 'wound' my child and 'pull' this 'blade…'

Xi… To do so is rendering this 'gift' 'real.'

Xi… It is time to wish thy enemies a happy Halloween.

Go forth 'o child of the sacred wood.

Show them supreme power.

They made 'attempt.'

It is now time to demonstrate 'the reason for the season…'

'Happy hunting.'

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0d27a4  No.278595

File: 243d00a21325bbf⋯.pdf (465.76 KB, 2021_12_04_Let_s_talk_abou….pdf)



Let's talk about Crabs, and Crab PDFs.

Whose got 'em, and who wants 'em?


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2bdefa  No.278626

File: 732dfa30eac828d⋯.gif (110.94 KB, 310x500, 31:50, Bjerknes.gif)

File: 9b236fdc3614374⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, no_good_jews.png)


Months later, but it's worth pointing out that Adam Green was given that clip by the admitted jew Chistopher John Bjerknes. It's interesting, how that jew is essentially advocating for a variation of neo-cohen foreign policy vis-a-vis Russia and China, and then attacking his racial enemies in Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ.

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9c8f85  No.278628

File: 8c1ce4d662bf0a0⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, adam_green_and_GDL.jpg)


Yeah, man. Green is another kike propagandist surrounded by kike propagandists.

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6792cb  No.280376

File: 4e406e0924b068b⋯.jpg (33.65 KB, 500x521, 500:521, Extra_ugly_jew_looks_just_….jpg)


>the three main areas affected by misinformation:

The 3 main sources of misinformation (lies) are:

The jewish fake news media.

jewish Hollywood.

The jewish controlled federal school system.

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