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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6f25ccdd67ba509⋯.jpg (432.11 KB, 1080x1154, 540:577, drudge_propaganda_1.jpg)

File: 14f81fa359bc6c3⋯.jpg (223.25 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, drudge_propaganda_2.jpg)

917d8d  No.258931

Alleged ISIS fighter, in stereotypical boogeyman pose is wearing an "ISIS Hunter" badge. I guess Mossad figured no one would actually reference the patch. Very sloppy job.

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6b003c  No.258943


Ironically, Matt Drudge sold off his website (with conditions) to a Google affiliated company. The condition was not to change the platform too much. Notice how it's gotten a lot more liberal over the last few years?

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917d8d  No.258947

File: 1bbeef8cde2ef1e⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 931x787, 931:787, drudge_zionist_propaganda.JPG)

File: af3bccc90c8c968⋯.png (432.38 KB, 1876x777, 268:111, _drudge_.PNG)


It's still a Zionist propaganda outlet.

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6d5b95  No.258962

>(((Drudge))) is Israeli propaganda

He's a jew. How retarded are you?

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917d8d  No.258963




>Ironically, Matt Drudge sold off his website

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004fb8  No.258966


breitbart is too,i quit going there. they are repeating stupid bullshit, the reason women are treated like crap is Islam, not the taliban etc. it's a religion problem. Islam, it's the problem, that's it, don't replace Islam, then nothing improves. Islam bad. sometimes, it's simple. it's that simple

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