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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 07fe9d7d9789209⋯.jpg (666.01 KB, 1388x872, 347:218, The_Great_Reset_Kikes.jpg)

cc2bf4  No.258839

Davos-based World Economic Forum 'Great Reset' crowd wants us to live in "community pods", wear our masks 24/7 and be tracked & surveillanced by our heartbeats.

I'll mirror the report below MY COMMENT. What would (YOU) like to say to these control freaks?



ME: They can fuck off for the rest of my life on Planet Earth! Never going to live in their “communal neighborhood hubs” being dependent on them or their rich corporations! Nor will I support any business that mandates a vaccine passport! I'm DONE with all of this. I'M ALREADY DONE BEFORE IT'S EVER BEGUN. So how about (you)?

If you haven't heard about this and want to know the truth about 'the great reset' (ruse), you should look into this report, because THIS is really why they are pushing this bullshit:



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ca17f2  No.258841


(report mirrored)

The Davos-based World Economic Forum (WEF) has predicted that countries will begin tracking people by their heartbeats as wearing masks during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic has made facial surveillance more difficult.

In a video posted on social media on Wednesday, the globalist ‘Great Reset’ group said that the pandemic could see the governments track people based on their heartbeat.

“Facial recognition systems are often stumped by face masks but your heartbeat is just as unique as your face,” the World Economic Forum said.

The WEF went on to say that the American space agency NASA has developed “a system that can ID you from your heartbeat using a laser”.

According to a 2019 article from the MIT Technology Review, the Pentagon has developed a “Jetson prototype” of a machine that can detect the “unique cardiac signature from 200 meters away, even through clothes.”

The NASA-developed ‘Heartbeat ID‘ claims to be a “new biometric technique to verify someone’s identity. It can be used in everything from replacing an individuals PC passwords to access a bank account.”

The Klaus Schwab-run organisation went on to predict that instead of commuting to work, people will gather in communal “neighbourhood hubs” equipped with gyms, bars, and art galleries that would be “no more than a fifteen-minute walk from home”.

“Ghost Kitchens” will supply people with their restaurant fix, delivered to your homes, rather than eating out, the World Economic Forum continued.

“What pandemic-era changes would you like to see become permanent?” the group asked its followers.

Responding to the WEF, author Laura Dodsworth said: “This is how our lives could look if technocratic ‘utopianists’ (dystopianists) decide what’s best for us. Why would I want to be recognised by my heartbeat? Why would I want my body surveilled by a laser?”

The co-founder of Mozilla Firefox, Brendan Eich added: “Never let a good crisis go to waste. The cheery muzak lulls you into staying within 15-minute walks of your pod and eating the ghost-kitchen prepared bugs. I don’t want to be ID’ed by my heartbeat just to ease the task for Big Brother’s AI flummoxed by the forever-mask it mandated!”

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cc2bf4  No.258908


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b5cfed  No.258925

Where's the Antichrist? What's Sally have to say about this?

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7be7b2  No.258938

File: d63b55e6ca8bdab⋯.webm (6.04 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, prison_bitch.webm)

I'm new here. Just got out of a 10 year stint. This world seems pretty crazy out here, like one big open-air prison.

I am interested in this Sally person. I had a boyfriend behind bars. I called him Sally. He called me Mander. I miss him. Maybe I could hook up with this Sally feller here. He seems dark and angry. Just my type. I'd like to punish him for pretending to be evil. Oh, the punishing…

Sally boi? Where are you? Are you ready for your spanking? I'm lasering in on your heartbeat now!

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cc2bf4  No.258980

When a government no longer represents its people, it is illegitimate.

Supporting an illegitimate government in any way whatsoever is an act that is treasonous to the people.

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d598bb  No.258982

This was a copypasta warning put out on 01/01/21, and pretty damn accurate what is unfolding around the world today!

What The Central Bankers Have Planned For All Of Us

https://www.brighteon .com/7e5979ba-25f6-4716-bc81-b520404e35dc

MY COMMENT: If average Americans allow this to happen you can kiss our country, our Constitutional freedoms, our privacy, our personal integrity, our property rights…. everything that makes life worth living for…. kiss it all GOODBYE FOREVER! We cannot let this happen! Life would not be worth living under this type of totalitarian system!!! I recommend everyone get as prepared as they can, and do whatever they can to become self-sufficient and network with others if need be. Once the dollar crashes, and it will at some point, we must reject their push to digital currency and create our own markets and form our own communities WITHOUT THEM! If you go along with their new system it is OVER for America and our Constitution and everything we hold dear to us!!! I'd personally rather die than accept that!!!


MY COMMENT: This all goes together with Agenda 21 "Great Reset" agenda, see Brighteon video above, they want the plebs to have no privacy anymore what-so-ever, they want to CONTROL EVERYTHING, a system where they can just shut you off and take away your savings with a flick of a switch if you so much as speak out against their global communist totalitarian regime.



IMF Wants To Link Your Online History To Your Financial Credit Score

MY COMMENT: This can be easily mitigated by people using multiple web browsers and/or computers. I never use the same computer I use for personal/financial activity for anything other than that. If I'm on image boards or reading news, it's on a completely seperate computer system (with a VPN & Tor connection) while my other computer is OFFLINE. There are also tools out there you can use to wipe out the sqlite browser session caches too, which I also do routinely. Plus there are script blockers and meta-spoofers to deal with the third party spooks. If anyone falls victim to this it's because they're a damn fool who does not know proper online COMSEC/OPSEC.



The Authoritarian COVID Response Has Morphed Into De Facto Bio-terrorism


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2e7836  No.259021

Natural selection goes on. Those too dumb to adjust themselves to the world perish.

Entire nations have perished because of natural selection.

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b7cba6  No.259049


I rather perish than adjust to tyranny, sorry.

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d6746a  No.259054


Correct choice. "Survival at all cost" is the ruination of any and all principles, including the ones that make life worth living.

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dbe1d0  No.259061

You're all dumb.

Stop supporting politicians !

Hate them all !

They're all the same shit !


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e5dfbb  No.259067


The Pfizer approval by the FDA may be a setup to destroy the U.S. military before the next world war

Consider this: Afghanistan may have been done for the purpose of making allies hate the U.S. military

The U.S. military got a serious black eye from the way Afghanistan was handled. The British and other militaries are FURIOUS. So are their countries. And that's exactly what the Biden admin would want if it was going to death/stifle shot the American military before a war that was intended to wipe America and Europe out. Our soldiers will not be able to fight well, if at all after this shot (you know damn well the mandated Pfizer shot will be serious death juice, similar to what Pfizer doled out in Mex that has killed 5 people I know of) and as a double whammy, it is happening right after that military was ordered to conduct itself in a way that made all the allies FURIOUS.

Now our military HAS TO get the pfizer shot. That will be the most significant strike EVER against a military in World War 3. China got Sinovax which is not nearly as bad, if it is bad at all. (jury is still out on that)

I'd say America is probably toast. They ripped us apart from the inside so we will not be able to hold off a direct attack from the outside. We were obviously still doing too well, so they HAD TO destroy the military. Game over, I don't know exactly when, but it is going to be soon enough to capitalize on the Afghanistan debacle AND soon enough to have the jab be an ambush none of the company commanders will be effectively dealing with yet.

I don't like making predictions because they so frequently fail (for everyone) however, if I had to place a bet, I'd bet it will be lights out in 2021, before the end of this year.

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a9f978  No.259690

Sadly they are making it very hard for some people who still work and need their pension: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-25-los-angeles-fire-captain-refuses-covid-vaccine.html

When the US dollar collapses, always remember there are TWO things you can never trust: central banks and governments!!

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ca17f2  No.260629

All you that support mandatory vaccines better PAY ATTENTION: if you want good healthcare in the future this is not how to achieve it! Nurses are quitting across the county over the new covid vaccine mandates and there are simply not enough with medical skills to re-fill their positions. For (You) the average citizen this means longer waiting periods, less care, and more likelihood of early deaths! Want to wait 2 or 3 hours sitting in an ambulance to get proper emergency care in the near future!? NO? Then STOP supporting covid vaccine mandates!

You have been warned: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n94yQh68IhPn/

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