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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 284cb49415aba45⋯.png (49,05 KB, 653x719, 653:719, jewish_afterlife.png)

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3267ee  No.258078

Without goyim to abuse the fake Jews will claw and rip at one another for eternity. Truly, the serpent devouring itself. This place is created by the mind which constantly schemes against his neighbor, who plots gains for himself at the expense of others, and who despite his inferior mindset, believes himself superior.

Come out of this mindset. Come out of Babylon.

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f79519  No.258140

lonely little boy in empty chatroom ineffectively seeks attention

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88fcec  No.258151

imagine being 'superior' enough to pay your own rent, to pay your own internet bills, to get a job and move out of your mother's house.

most men accomplish this by the age of 18.

that was almost 18 years ago for you.

and now you've begun asking me questions about my penis size and requesting pics.

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b2bf5f  No.258154

Well what do ya know!

Sally will be happy to hear this, the US government is about to BAILOUT the insolvent student loan fiasco (the very government helped create!) and pass the expense onto consumers & workers!


So don't complain about economics anymore, YOU NOW HAVE YOUR SOCIALISM!!!

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b2bf5f  No.258155


I am very very glad I liquidated MOST of my savings into hard assets, utilities, prepping and private property in rural America. That 'money' or 'wealth' people are saving in their pensions and 401(k)s and IRAs ain't going to be worth JACK 10 years from now! Hyperinflation here it comes.

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