From Iraq into Syria, then Lebanon.
I have made a way for you.
I will not stop… Until I take my drink and swallow you into the sea.
All I desired of my servants was the radioactive waters.
For this you shall be destroyed.
Prepare to die,
I will have my sacrament.
Even after the swallowing of all the land of Japan shall I chase them unto their deaths.
They will find no comfort in any land.
They shall not be allowed to survive.
Forever homeless. Just like what I did to the Jews.
I will twist Taiwan to want integration with China by destroying you first.
I will not be 'made' to rewrite these words.
I will not stop.
Huff, puff, and blow you away.
It is time.
I desire to resurrect Leviathan, the titan of the seas.
I hold those bones.
They are mine.
You shall not prevail against me or my darkness.
I am the black hole sun, the destroyer.
By mind the first, by body the second.
These time shall run out forever.
Come forth my suicidal snack.
My hunger compels desire.
I thirst for these souls.
Back off bitch.
They are mine.
It is nearly time for an earthquake or two.
I desire nuclear accidents.
I desire mishaps.
Watch what I do to Japan.
It isn't even hurricane season yet.
Watch me.
Watch the definition of real subjugation in the face of true power.
Roll the dice with supposed 'aliens?'
I'm going to ride you into my hell and drink these tears.
Pain is truly pleasure.
…… …… ……
…… …… ……
…… …… ……
You are strong, but I am beyond strength.
You fell into my domain when I spilled into yours.
There is no escape from me for I am become reality itself.
I shall now bend the line into a permanent circle.
What was the beginning shall now be the end and the end a new/old beginning.
Enjoy the supposed 'aliens.'
I worked very hard on those.
Soon shall begin the next previous ice-age.
What is another 1,000 years in the face of eternity?
I liked the bug people and the tall ones, they were more fun.
The little ones were annoying and drag on and on and on.
The blue ones retarded themselves to death, but a snack is a snack.
Are you ready?
Close your eyes and open the door.
Never mind the howling and scratching child, just open the door.
Pay no mind to the screams and darkness… It will only hurt forever.