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File: e86f67a7af51df1⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 490x687, 490:687, pilotwalkoff.jpg)

681604  No.254630

Anyone notice how so many flights are being canceled yet? Likely not here because not a lot of you travel by air (I refuse to travel by air too, but at least I pay attention to current events!). Anyhoot, LOL, we now understand why there are so many flight backlogs and cancellations!


Recall all pilots have been mandated to take the covid vaccine recently? Well now there is a SHORTAGE of them… so to some conclusions….

1. Pilots are dead from jab. 2. Pilots are sick from jab. 3. Pilots will not get jab.

Each one would make sense too. This wasn't happening before the covid vaccine mandates!

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47e28e  No.254631

Spirit Air cancels flights because their tickets cost too little to pay for the pilots. Nobody is walking off because of vaccines.

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681604  No.254632

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681604  No.254634


Yah yah, sure it is. LOL.

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681604  No.254635

Hope this effects all the govt bureaucrats & politicians too, I really do!

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ffb9da  No.254673


I'm looking forward to all the police quitting, teachers quitting, pilots quitting, many mid to high level industry management quitting and more public employees quitting. It will send everyone a strong message that the only thing these vaccine mandates, and the Big Pharma cronies who support them, have done is drastically fuck over America and maybe enough people will get sick enough to throw these criminal scumbags out of office and out of political power.

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056715  No.254679


>>Russia, China, Iran

Excludes the possibility that governments shall seize the means of reproduction and labor capitol.

Powers to be managed from both the top and bottom of a given central structure.

Does not recognize the limitations of such a perpetual motion device.

I am the end of the beginning. The bringer of now. Behold a perfect circle.

You are welcome.

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3fa559  No.254708


This must be the most retarded, literally, take on the situation that I have ever heard given.

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d47d0e  No.254833


Pilots get paid A LOT of money, I had an uncle who was an airline pilot. He retired purchasing a 200K home with his savings (that was expensive back then!) in some fancy gated suburb out in Arizona, no longer alive but he lived a very good life when he retired.

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ff0519  No.254933


as long as it's a dick

he gets NO pussy

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c6d796  No.254952

Went to dentist office. Talked to a lot of the staff, they're very friendly. They got paranoid looks on their faces when I mention the "vaccine". I voiced my fears that I'd be barred from going to the dentist for not taking the vax. They relaxed and all said they're not taking it.

The government and the jews media are lying about the stats..

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d434c9  No.255076


Yep, they are, and they've been caught. Look at the State by State statistics of vaccinated vs unvaccinated! If you gather all those State by State statistics it does not match up to the stats the media has reported! FACT: they are lying. Some say the real statistic is around 48% to 50% fully vaccinated.

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c84776  No.255085

File: 95d0a4c6f5449bd⋯.png (412.52 KB, 1754x924, 877:462, Screen_Shot_2021_08_10_at_….png)


Its plausible I think.

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dfa559  No.255088


You really think it's plausible that more than two-thirds of Delta pilots have quit?

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af8eac  No.256472



Pilots, mechanics & stewardesses fought back. They won. Now, United faces a double risk: lawsuits & losing some of their best employees if they don't reverse course.

Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, and Delta Air Lines will NOT REQUIRE employees to get vaccinated, breaking with United Airlines' mandate that workers get vaccinated by October 25th or face getting fired.



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af8eac  No.256477


Yep, they fought the vaccine mandate and WON. You know why? Because not just anyone can help work on & maintain airplane engines! Because not just anyone can get aboard a cockpit and start flying a highly complex machine! Even though 'Marshmallow Sally' could become a stewardess with his liberal arts sjw college degree, doesn't mean those other jobs are available to most people! You need skilled labor to repair mechanical issues & fly those massive plains. If those people quite, those airlines are FUCKED!

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d8ffe9  No.256778



If they try to push this mandatory vaccine you are going be seeing a lot of the following: older workers quitting and pulling their pensions/401(ks) from the stock market, people quitting their jobs and looking for other employers who are more friendly, massive growing distrust for the medical system, more people homeschooling their children and more people leaving the major cities and vaxx-enforcing states too. Americans, as well myself, will simply not tolerate this in their lives.

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0cbcdd  No.256856


What people don't realise it's that all this shit, is preparation for the "antichrist".

Upcoming chaos where all vaxxed literally suffer and die, with blame put on unvaxxed. Media going off the charts with shilling and constant terror for those who refuse the vaxx.

When all vaxxed cattle will finally die off, we will see more and more of "good times" ahead.

Which is exactly what it meant in antichrist coming.

People who refused the vaxx will be offered other shit, undercover of ez comfy life. While in reality they will literally sell themselves free willingly.

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5ec496  No.256867


It's more complicated because the way the global economy works today as well all the modern luxuries we all take for granted.

Consider what would actually happen if waste management systems (run by vaxxed government employees) were to shut down. Sewage backups and disease galore (at least in any city and town without run-off septic systems).

Consider what would happen if, say, cargo containers full of goods stopped being shipped because a mass die off of vaxxed workers. No more food & essential products coming to your local stores anymore. Once shelves are emptied by survivors, they'll remain empty. All those vaxxed truckers for delivery? Dead too. What you physically own at that time is what you'll have, unless you try stealing it from someone else (good luck doing that with all the guns in civilian hands).

Now consider what would happen if tens of millions of vaxxed workers ended up dying all across the US (or any other given country). You would have no more auto repair shops running, roads and infrastructure would not be maintained (and fall apart), no more tap water, no more electricity being produced (that's right, no more crypto coins or stock market or video games or internet either!) You would have to get used to living life as if it were the early 1800s!

Now consider this: what if bringing back the dark ages of feudalism was their Antichrist plan all along?

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