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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c348776a371ce31⋯.jpg (853.35 KB, 2592x1944, 4:3, IMG_20210807_230957531.jpg)

3e74b7  No.254283

Many of you will be looking into me I am sure…

Since August 2017 I've been being assaulted by my own nervous system. Body movements, voices in the ear, and even gifs in my closed eyes.

My name is Bud Stamper and I live in Star City Indiana.

I'd like the pain to stop. I haven't slept in 3 years except for like maybe 10 minutes one time.

No idea why this is happening. I've never killed anyone that I've wanted to. I've only stolen a few thousand dollars worth of stuff, and I only watched the gay porn and not acted it with someone.

Special considerations for any investigators… My iq is 134. I am very disagreeable. I am very introverted. I used to hang out on 8chan a lot 5 years ago and I have casually broken most every rule and law nonviolent.

This bug in my head is torture. This bug is not schizophrenia.

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96b880  No.254284


Look at all of those family pictures above your left. Men and women living traditional lives because they stood for traditional principles. But here you are… doing whatever 'this' is…

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3e74b7  No.254285


I've been living at my dad's.

Someone is fucking my head 1000 times per hour.

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96b880  No.254289

File: c07a5861a085055⋯.png (110.54 KB, 667x930, 667:930, _bud_stamper_.PNG)


It's prbly the Israelis.

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55aadc  No.254290


Boomers didn't care to teach Gen x anything

Gen x taught millennial basic shit

Millennial kids…it's over.

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3e74b7  No.254291


Would you know how and why by chance?

Am I the only one?

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96b880  No.254293

File: 7693820fe7ac359⋯.png (586.85 KB, 780x703, 780:703, jew_JIDF_pissing_themselve….png)


Because Israelis are weak. They hate truth because it forces self-inspection. It's much easier projecting your evil nature onto others, creating a culture of Us VS. Them, when really the only "them" are they themselves.

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96b880  No.254439


i guess this is how you shut down kike shills. you just remind them of how weak their state, culture, and people are.

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