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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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074828  No.254011

So I'm trying to get vetted for a certain group.

I wont name names but they like to have parties around pools and they like national justice.

Apparently their 'vetting' process amounts to signing up for Telegram, which requires me to give my personal phone number to a (((tech company))), which I'm not fucking doing.

Is this a honey pot? Can I trust Telegram? Cause I really want to get involved but this Telegram shit has me a little wary.

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a24e07  No.254012

There's nothing worrying about being "vetted" by a Jew with a Jewish wife or any number of his associates who defended said Jew married to a Jewish wife. Just give them your dox and get it over with. You want to finger little boy's buttholes in the pool, don't you? DON'T YOU?!

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074828  No.254014


Obviously I dont care that M.P. was once married to a jew.

I was once best friends with a jew and came to grief from it, it helped me get to where I am now.

I just want to know if I'm going to get the feds up my ass from associating with these people.

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a24e07  No.254015


Mike Enoch is a Jew. Being a Jew is worse than being a Fed or anything else. But yes: Evidence exists that they're corrupted Feds.

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074828  No.254020


What evidence?

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a24e07  No.254021


There's enough evidence to fill this thread. Enoch is a Russian kike.


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bf725f  No.254025

TRS is fishy as fuck. I was a member of their forums for a while. They all live in an echo chamber there, worshiping everything Mike and Sven have to say. Dissenters are not tolerated. The podcasters at TRS speak a lot of truth, but then go on to push some of the most retarded "takes" a White Nationalist could have. Best I could tell, they are pied pipers, leading their followers to a very bad outcome. What ever you do, don't give them your personal info.

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9d0880  No.254050


> Dissenters are not tolerated

This board could learn something from them.

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