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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f4ed1d1a8848720⋯.png (420.7 KB, 652x647, 652:647, kathy_cancer.PNG)

ab0353  No.253196

Anti-white kikess and "funny" woman Kathy Griffin has lung cancer.


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e686c5  No.253228

Karma is a terrible thing.

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649293  No.253229


>she said bad things about Trump, therefore God gave her cancer! lol i teh edgy teeeeen!!!

Karma is apportioned by the cosmos and is beyond man's understanding. We don't know what is and is not karma.

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e686c5  No.253230


>muh bullshit and being butt hurt because you might be using a pagan word to mean "God's Justice".

What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Triggered much?

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ab0353  No.253232


anon didnt mention trump. only you did. im pretty sure everyone knows trump is a zio-bolshevik plant by now.

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af2b26  No.253236

File: 76b315af38b240b⋯.jpg (126.62 KB, 960x960, 1:1, celebrities_are_non_essent….jpg)


based. fuck bourgeois celebrities!

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649293  No.253237


If you're going to use a word, use it fucking right, you uneducated god damn pre-teen.

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