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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

49c694  No.252813

Iran attacked our allies, killed a couple of our brothers.

Apparently we're going to war, the draft will be reinstated and white people (Caucasian men and women 18 to 55yo) will be selected first in the name of equity. Lets be honest, we caused slot of damage with our colonialism, slavery etc. So fair's fair right.


Post your favorite work out tunes. If this song doesn't get you pumped up ready for war then you're not human.

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fc647e  No.252815

Not fighting your wars. Fuck off or you'll have more enemies to deal with.

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5ad1ad  No.252816


Everything you have ever said was going to happen, doesn't happen. You are 100% wrong 100% of the time. Nobody will ever believe you.

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29ad42  No.252817

File: 9f169f63af3af6d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 597x607, 597:607, 1_26.jpg)




you're in a continual state of psychosis

you need Seroquel….

(lots of it)

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b1ff7d  No.252818


=°"If this song doesn't get you pumped up ready for war then you're not human"==

- - doesn't embed a song - -

you fuck everything up, don't you?

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b1ff7d  No.252819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Post your favorite work out tunes"

this song will pump you up !!

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b1ff7d  No.252820


by the way….


in case you missed the memo :

Israel DOES NOT play games

they don't fuck around

it's a thing of beauty, really


all on their own

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b1ff7d  No.252821

a small Israeli assault team can and will surgically send a special message

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028ab9  No.252823


Johnny Neptroon is an Israeli shill. Imagine my surprise..

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f0d928  No.252830


Good, let them fight their own wars for once.

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