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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 4d4fe4fb8872c82⋯.png (46.68 KB, 824x306, 412:153, the_double_cross.PNG)

File: 9e05895c547d841⋯.png (22.69 KB, 761x295, 761:295, the_double_cross_2.PNG)

18c924  No.252645

Here we see things said in the past manifesting in the present. They're positioning themselves and feigning hostilities with their allies. The Esau Gambit. And maybe because the warning was so insanely specific it cannot be denied and we shall acquire the prize without springing the trap.

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e0542d  No.252674


who is "WE" ?…..

there are only two of you in here, and the other homosexual doesn't pay any attention to your drivel.

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18c924  No.252825

File: 2e1ac1f12f672fd⋯.webm (1.06 MB, 272x480, 17:30, Emergency_Shut_It_Down_Sq….webm)


Does Israel's plot being exposed upset you?

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