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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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764c16  No.252629


1) Afghanistan is an important part of china belt and road overland component.

2) china signed several agreements with the Kabul government in the last 2 years

3) Pakistan is now a Chinese puppet

4) Afghanistan's islamic jihad spillover will be a problem for china, Pakistan and Russia.

5) it's not possible to stamp out the Talibans as they are pashtun and can easily escape over the Pakistani border if the usa is active.

6) leaving Afghanistan not only would save a lot of money but it would force china and Russia to make difficult decisions that might be in opposition from each other.

China seems more likely to try to buy the Taliban's cooperation, which is the easier and cheaper way, but that will affect china's image and could not work as it could lead to creating an environment for more extreme islamist group such as Al Qaeda (currently almost removed from Afghanistan as it was the main american target) and ISIS like groups.

Russia will need a stronger approach as they can't risk Afghanistan becoming a breeding ground for Cechen Islamic secessionist.

Overall leaving Afghanistan might cause loss of imagine but it saves a ton of money and causes a lot of issues to usa adversaries.

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048f63  No.252630

File: 196dee67dab9fca⋯.png (155.06 KB, 1238x900, 619:450, soijack.png)

>Geo-Politics is real and Russia, China, along with ISIS and the Taliban, are totally NOT controlled by kikes!

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764c16  No.252632

7) china's agreement are all with the kabul government

8) the usa is clearly supporting a rearmament of the various tribal warlords that composed a large part of what was the anti Soviet mujahideen force.

These people are as of last month beginning to fight the Talibans but effectively are an hard to control element that is very fragmented and based on localized militias.

The likely target for the Americans is to tacitly support the mujahideen faction while formally supporting the central government while allowing the Talibans to control the border provinces which will be most problematic for their geographical neighbors.

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4cef73  No.252647


>schizo ramblings, Hitler was a Kike puppet!

Kill yourself, ZOG-faggot.

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4cef73  No.252653


>it's not possible to stamp out the Talibans as they are pashtun

This. The Christfag Zionists in Washington finally realized they could never win against a nationalist insurgency, and that, eventually, the Pashtuns would just drop that thin-veneer of Islamo-fascism and just go ahead and balkanize that thing called "Afghanistan."

The Christfag Zionists can control Sand-Nigger Wahabists, but it can't control an authentic nationalist government. That's because "America" can (and does) present itself to the world as anti-nationalist political project stepped in Christfaggotry, and manipulate movements based in religious obscurantism, but with real nationalist movements, it can only respond with violence.

>leaving Afghanistan not only would save a lot of money but it would force china and Russia to make difficult decisions

"Afghanistan" isn't a real thing at all. It is, for the most part, two large nations; the Pashtuns and the Farsi-speaking nation. The Farsi-speaking people of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan are all a single nation, and so this civil war has a much larger chance of drawing in the Iranian government on the side of the Farsi-speaking population. Then you will see the Zionists flip back to supporting the Taliban openly.

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404f6b  No.252837


The US government never cared to win those wars. The MIC already made Trillions $$$ in profits from .mil & .gov contracts plus tons and tons of black budget funding from all the heroin! ….. and get this….

When the corrupt .gov & .mil want more wars for profits, they'll be back in there within the next decade or two to do it all over again (that is, if America still exists as it does which one could seriously question at this point considering all the odds stacked against us!)

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43d832  No.252926


the real reason is improvements in horizontal drilling, hyper distances now possible

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