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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 562ce3640cb53cd⋯.png (852.06 KB, 1651x1647, 1651:1647, 1627787296235.png)

e2be39  No.252620

THE SPERG IS FUCKING LOOSE AGAIN! I knew I should've made this thread before work. Ok, if anyone spots the autistic sperg redirect him to this thread. He's easy to spot as he lacks all forms of originality and he enjoys watching hollyjew propaganda AFTER his "wife" is done and he goes on and on about it when he's run out of autistic steam. Sort of like self depreciating banter just to psych himself into being even more of a loser for the rest of the day.

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90c034  No.252827


who? I don't know who you're talking about. also it's "self-deprecating", not "depreciating".

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6e7940  No.252828

File: d237ee170daa43b⋯.png (5.11 KB, 230x219, 230:219, brainlet_7.png)


lol r u seriously correcting some anon's grammar on an imageboard?

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90c034  No.252835


"Anon" should be capitalized.

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e2be39  No.252836

File: 2de9120d4098c98⋯.gif (273.2 KB, 408x406, 204:203, FakeMildGerenuk_small.gif)


And fags shoulder bee burnt

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