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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 66edf510cd0a7ba⋯.png (628.36 KB, 2246x1832, 1123:916, 639C521D_D516_4DAB_AD16_F5….png)

457714  No.250999

it's very very left leaning and is also very pro china for obvious reasons I guess. I heard if you try to figure out how it works by dissecting it that it goes apeshit. I don't know much but I think tiktok might be spyware for the leftist mob and china

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74341e  No.251008


And so is Twitter. And Facebook. And Instagram. And Google. And every other major tech company.

And they ALL censor user content for governments.

So what else is new?

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