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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 3a676db18c38f8e⋯.jpg (443.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, proof_that_brian_d_hill_us….jpg)

5252eb  No.250909

Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court System


The proof is provided in the links and this description. All is open sourced and can be accessed online and even from PACER.GOV and even from the Local Rules page of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina.

YouTube may be manipulating true vide counts, so I'm pushing the Brighteon link first.


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dd7bad  No.250912

File: 11428e719197128⋯.png (440.66 KB, 1919x966, 1919:966, _brian_d_hill_.PNG)

oh noes… he trusted the plan :(

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5252eb  No.250919


He did trusted the plan because Q saved him. Brian got released from a Kentucky Federal Prison on the exact same day he self reported because of an emergency audit that came after he asked the Bureau of Prisons to look into the good behavior days and that he is innocent of his charge but the Corrupt Judge tried to give him maximum imprisonment, they used Donald Trump's law giving good behavior credits and enough jail credits were counted, QAnon saved him. Even the inmates wanted to write down QAnon stuff Brian spoke of before he left the Federal Prison that same day he reported to. So QAnon does create miracles.

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dd7bad  No.250921

File: 083bfbfb8dda3cc⋯.jpg (77.75 KB, 645x765, 43:51, brainlet_31.jpg)



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32a910  No.250929


In between the OP and then your follow up statement I am confused…he is in jail or not?

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5252eb  No.250940


He is being held hostage, Brian filed three Hazel Atlas motions and they are valid motions according to SCOTUS. The Federal Court ruled they were all frivolous and meritless despite being uncontested and the Local Rules of the Court which was enforced against Brian was not enforced against the U.S. Attorney when they did not dispute Brian's contentions that his criminal conviction was based entirely on fraud, fraud evidence, his Probation Violations based on fraud since they mistook an Autistic meltdown as a threatening gesture, that is fraud. So the Government did not dispute any of it, they are keeping him on Probation knowing that Brian is innocent of his conviction, knowing that the Government didn't dispute Brian's contentions of Government prosecuting a fraudulent criminal case against Brian. Brian is factually innocent. He is being held hostage by the U.S. Marshals and is stuck on Federal Probation with no means for any kind of remedy and Brian is a virgin, he never raped, he never molested, he is a virgin and yet is convicted and has no right to any remedy or relief. They ruled Brian has no right to prove actual innocence because of the AEDPA 1 year statute of limitations. Fraud is supposed to overcome the statute of limitations but the Federal Judge ignored all of that.

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