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ff6d5d  No.250291

We win the race war like in the past

Women become filth like they do again

Country becomes pussyfied

Immigrants welcome

Rinse repeat eventually we lose

Islam was right, Muhammad was white, jesus was a jew and we will always in the end lose.

Islam says to kill your enemies, this is precedence, niggers are the enemy of the white man, God has literally built this instinct in YOU, islam will win as long as we are not muslim and white supremacists we will never win.

Pope kiss niggers feet, pope says all christians are inside jews, gay priests all over social media, gay child molester priests all over, heard of gay Imam, no because he was quickly killed.

This is the difference, White islam or humiliations until extinction?

i suspect every loser here picks extinction

im banned from pol and other places for now till i get ANOTHER workaround, why dont you do your part to spread this copy paste its that easy

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ff6d5d  No.250293


and yet you lose.

Theres 600 000 interfacial in USA alone

worldwide millions

all that aside you will still lose and ive heard all the cope stories before, seen a immigrants welcome protest guess whos the main participant white women.

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ff6d5d  No.250294



and this is only one generation,

over generations its 10 of millions and hundreds of millions never mind that fact that there are more and more immigrants, also you becoming white minorities all this adding to what i already said the trend is increasing stop coping.

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ff6d5d  No.250298


pathetic cope who are those niggers dating white women LMAO.

whites are losing

how many interacial couples in most africa countries compared to white countries? basically none they will outbreed you out date you, you will go extinct

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ff6d5d  No.250301


Sad and pathetic go look up interacial stats its black ad brown men dating outside of their race dating white women, i dont know what cope your posting but simple maths and demographics doesnt seem to be getting past your thick pea brain extinct white head.

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ff6d5d  No.250302



and it get worse yearly and worse each generation stop coping for one second.

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ff6d5d  No.250304


theres also not 100 millions brown and black niggers in the entire continent of africa but 100 million in 1 country usa alone, nevermind millions monthly crossing the border that will make interacial dating even worse, guess who wins. cmon simple.

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ff6d5d  No.250306



this simple logic and yes i looked up real stats not your fake shit the fact that you said "youre winning" proves your complete cope im here stating that im losing. this is simple logic you fukin weak extinct white bitch,

>>250305 this shows your extreme level of cope

this shows your complete defeat ad inability to face reality

>100 million brown and blacks in USA alone

hardly any in any african coutries

1-2 million going into usa alone

none going into african countries

cool interacial stats guess who they are dating outside their own race then

its white women

protesting for niggers

white women

you are completely fukin doe stay with your gay nigger jew slave religion you deserve all your humiliation and extinction

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dcc613  No.250313

why the fuck do i have a feeling like im reading discussion between teenagers?

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278f8f  No.250317

You know you are a kike faggot, right OP?

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278f8f  No.250319


I think the strongest demographic that dates outside their race is 'white' males and asian females. It is disgusting. But something to keep in mind is that hispanics are classed as 'white' as well so a good percent of that number is going to be spic fucking whatever they can.

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278f8f  No.250322


I meant among Whites. Not among everyone. It is still grotesque to see White men marry down.

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b101d5  No.250324


Not him, but most of America will survive as long as we refuse to be disarmed and be willing to defend ourselves and communities. If you take a look at historical movements whites tend to move with one another wherever they remain majority and it's still happening today. If niggers take over a city, the city population will significantly decrease over time, become third world, lose political influence over time and new major towns and small cities pop up becoming the next booming economic areas that gain political influence. And on and on the cycle goes, rinse and repeat.

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e55100  No.250343



yet YOU get no pussy,because women are NOT attracted to you

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e55100  No.250344



you're proficient at uploading images about how all women prefer white males

yet you can't upload a photo of you and a woman you fucked

because women realize what a douchebucket and a closet homo you are

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e55100  No.250345


RE : stay defeated

YOU don't really have any choice in the matter....

Women defeated you a long time ago

And they're not giving you any second chances

Why don't you give your mother a break

and YOU clean the house and do the dishes tonight?

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5cc827  No.250355

File: 927a0b8d251a63e⋯.jpg (577.19 KB, 1690x1080, 169:108, PicsArt_07_22_11_47_53.jpg)


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0ee345  No.256741


>white pedophilia

off yourself, abdul

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6e6aae  No.256753


>off yourself, abdul

christcucks are a nuisance. white pedophilia is traditional.

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