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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e4665c79afee9b7⋯.jpg (11.74 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpg)

e7b070  No.250137

There is evidence that the Illuminati group was formulated by the Supreme Council. They are the ones that implemented the Principles, policies, etc.

Marquis De Sade was one members of this council, the other four were:

1. Adam Weishaupt (company’s general manager, concrete implementation of the board of directors' decisions.)

2. Sir Francis Dashwood (founder of the 'Hellfire Club')

3. Kabbalistic scholar of Esotericism Jacob Frank (aka ' Sabbatai Zevi')

4. Mayer Rothschild, (Representative of the Bankers Group.)

De Sade's books are pure filth and evil but they also have 'hints' about how this group views humanity. Here are some excerpts from some of his works. Some of them have already come to pass:


"The most outstanding service one could do to some young person would then be to pluck out of him all the weeds of virtue Nature or education might have sown in his soul."


"The embryo is to be considered the woman’s exclusive property; as the sole owner of this fruit rather jestingly called precious, she can dispose of it as she likes. She can destroy it in the depths of her womb if it proves a nuisance to her. Or after it ripens and is born, if she is for any reason displeased with it or irked at having produced it, she can destroy it then; whatever the circumstances, infanticide is her sacred right."


"Forbid them marriage, authorize sodomy, prohibit them worship of any sort, and you will soon have them reduced to the abjection your policy demands."


"A vital chapter in the policy followed by all those at the head of any government is to foment and promote the extremest degree of corruption in the citizenry; so long as the subject wastes away body and soul in the delights of gangrenous, enfeebling debauchery, he does not feel the weight of his irons, and you can heap fresh ones upon him without his even noticing.

The true essence of statecraft is thus to multiply a hundredfold every possible means to debilitate and pervert the people. Lots of shows, much pomp and display, cabarets, brothels without number, a general amnesty for all crimes committed in debauchery: those are the expedients for bringing the plebeians to heel. O you who ambition to rule over them, beware of virtue within the frontiers of your empire, only let virtue reign and your peoples will open their eyes, and your thrones, reposing as they do upon nothing but vice, will be very speedily overthrown; the free man’s awakening will be cruel for the despots, and the day he ceases to fritter his leisure away in vices he’ll start to strive for domination like yourselves."


"Instead of morality and religion, which will be stricken from the curriculum, the pure and unadulterated principles of Nature (science) will be taught in the public schools;"


"Christianity will be rigorously banished out of the land; none but libertine rites and feasts will ever be celebrated in France. I’ll be rid of Christianity, I say: but not of religion, this I intend to retain, for its chains are useful to the preservation of order as I proved to you a moment ago. The object of worship doesn’t matter in the slightest, the thing that counts is clergy; but I’d rather see the dagger of superstition wielded by the priests of Venus than by the admirers of Mary."


"The common herd will be kept in a state of subservience, of prostrate bondage, which will render them powerless even to strike for, let alone to attain to, domination, or to encroach upon or debase the prerogatives of the rich. Tied to the glebe as in olden days, the people will be held like any other property, and, like it, will be subject to all the various mutations of value and ownership. Only the people will be liable to punishment at the hands of the law, and it will be inflicted for the most trifling offenses."


"Everything denominated crime of libertinage at present, to wit: murder in debauch, incest, rape, sodomy, adultery, etc., will be reprehensible only if committed by a member of the slave castes."


"The slave class shall exist as did the Helots in ancient Lacedaemon. There being no difference whatsoever between the human slave and the brute beast, why should you punish the murderer of the one more than the murderer of the other?"

- from Juliette by Marquis De Sade

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772ad2  No.250147

Why are fake Jews like this?

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a26a93  No.250152


The marquis de Sade was truly a madman. When the police invaded his chateau, they found the corpses of several missing women buried in its basement. But as bad as he was in practice he was nothing compared to Napoleon who became addicted to scenes of unbelievable mass carnage involving hundreds of thousands, the letting of rivers of blood. And such men are exalted at paradigms of humanity, the depraved implacable butchers of mankind.

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30a351  No.250154

File: 366ec1940909cd9⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 762x512, 381:256, notnormalblooddisease.jpg)


These are the kind of madmen running the Western World into the ground. Trust these despots to your own detriment.

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e7b070  No.250167

More quotes from De Sade:

1.)"Exempt from all religious dreads, able, by discreet procedures and my wealth, to avoid difficulties with the law, what is the power, human or divine, that could impose a check upon my desires? The past encourages me, the present electrifies me, and I have little fear for the future; and my hope is that the rest of my life shall by far surpass the extravagances of my youth. Nature created human beings to no other end than that they amuse themselves on earth, and make it their playground, its inhabitants their toys; pleasure is the universal motor and law, it shall always be mine. Too bad for the victims, victims there must be."

2.)"We are wont to fancy that the loss of such a perfect being as we would be ruinous to Nature, and we do not conceive that one man the more in the world, or the less, or all mankind, or one hundred million earths like ours and each full of men, are but subtle atoms, very tiny and indifferent to Nature.’ So rend away, hack and hew, torment, break, wreck, massacre, burn, grind to dust, melt, in a word: reshape into however many forms all the productions of the three kingdoms, and you simply shall have done them so many services, you shall have done nothing but be useful to them"

3.)"Arm yourself in the knowledge that the atrocity you dread pleases her; she would have you inject an ever greater dose of atrocity in those that you call your destructions, that you become an intransigent opponent of any reproduction is her wish, her greatest expectation of you, that you annihilate the three kingdoms: this you cannot do; why then, if the atrocity she desires of you cannot attain the farther target she sets you, turn it upon the nearer and you shall have satisfied her to the best of your abilities. Unable to please her by the atrocity of a global destruction, at least provide her the pleasure of local atrocity, and into your murderings put every imaginable foulness and horror, thereby showing utmost docility in your compliance with the laws she imposes upon you; your inability to do all she wants does not exempt you from doing all you can."

4.)“From the foregoing it would clearly appear that infanticide fits in closest with her designs because it severs the chain of progeniture, it consigns the greatest number of seeds to the tomb. In killing his father the son breaks nothing, he removes the uppermost link of the chain; when the father kills his son he prevents further links from ever being added thereunto; the line is doomed; it is not doomed by the son’s destroying the father, for the son remains, and in him lives the future of the line. Either children or young mothers, preferably when they are pregnant, these are the two murders which best answer the aim of the kingdom and above all of Nature, ’tis in that direction everybody should exert himself if he wishes to please the harsh dam of humankind."

5.) "Ah, do we not see, do we not sense that atrocity in crime pleases Nature, since ’tis according to this factor alone she regulates the amount of delight to provide us when we commit a crime. The more frightful it is, the more we enjoy it; the blacker, the fouler it is, the more we are thrilled by it. Thus it is that an inexplicable Nature asks for viciousness, for vileness, for atrocious-ness in the deed she prompts us to, she wants us to adorn it with the same features she puts into the banes and plagues wherewith she besets us: so let us proceed fearlessly, imaginatively, let us set all scruples and bars aside, let us scorn humanity’s vain laws, the idiotic institutions which prisoner us. Let us heed none but Nature’s sacred voice, full certain that its instructions will always contradict the absurd principles of human morality and of infamous civilization."

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