The world reacts to Israel with arrogance and hypocrisy
<“The home of an entire family shouldn’t be demolished for the action of one individual,” the Americans pontificated. But the arrogance was only beginning.
>The US State Department reach a new level of sanctimonious ridiculousness when, after the IDF destroyed the home of a Palestinian lone-wolf terrorist who killed one teenager and critically maimed another in a drive-by shooting, the US Embassy in Jerusalem issued an official communique lambasting the Israeli action.
<“The home of an entire family shouldn’t be demolished for the action of one individual,” the Americans pontificated. But the arrogance was only beginning. “All parties [must] refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution,” the communique continued, “and this certainly includes the punitive demolition of Palestinian homes.”
>Unilateral steps? What could be a more unilateral step than a 44-year-old Palestinian man deciding to drive by a bus stop and open fire on a group of Jews? In the pure legal definition, the terrorist committed first-degree murder. His actions define premeditation.