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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 863aeeb180f49b3⋯.png (152.53 KB, 536x614, 268:307, Jewish_Civil_War.png)

59fe5a  No.249550


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59fe5a  No.249551

File: 8c8a3e2057d0028⋯.png (313.84 KB, 1198x978, 599:489, Jewish_Civil_War_2.png)


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59fe5a  No.249553

File: e1556a7c134c6fa⋯.gif (448.64 KB, 220x220, 1:1, taytay_have_a_great_time.gif)


>Share! We continue to sell throughout Israel, and will not succumb to the pressure and boycott of Unilever and Ben & Jerry's Global.

>Ice cream is not part of politics. We call on Israelis to continue to buy Israeli products that support hundreds of workers in the southern region.

>Watch Avi Singer, CEO of the company

Basically, BDS is hurting them so they're appealing to Israelis to support their brand.


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59fe5a  No.249555

Can we get Jessican Neptunia to verify the translation? I haven't seen herm in a while.

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3d8326  No.249659




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3f3aae  No.249664

Get back to me when transvestite jewish assassins start stabbing to death in public prominent jewish peace activists who aren't fanatical enough in the cause of Israel.

F. Josephus

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59fe5a  No.249780

File: 52675dbdaa77119⋯.png (21.81 KB, 883x318, 883:318, Ice_Cream_Terrorism.PNG)


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d97f04  No.249787



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