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File: 27b8d579b560c1d⋯.png (37.45 KB, 869x280, 869:280, zionism_scheme_failed.PNG)

2113ee  No.249306

The migrant crisis and other attacks on Nationalism was an elaborate ruse to trick the West into supporting Israel's desired domination of Palestine. Kikes attacked Western Nationalism so they could say

>we're just like you!

>we want nationalism too!

Only kike "nationalism" is Communist Expansionism!

Too bad their plot failed, huh?

Too bad these Zionists turned the entire world against them and their State while the West drifts further and further towards hyper-Nationalism.



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dcf002  No.249312

God hates holy wars.


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2113ee  No.249313

File: 00e690c80005842⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, black_and_gold_war.jpg)


>the devil has come down to you with great fury, because he knows his time is short

You have it backwards.

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dcf002  No.249316


War is a creation of Azazel and therefore not of God

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2113ee  No.249317

File: 1881ed89d2275b5⋯.png (158.14 KB, 527x351, 527:351, muh_war_face.png)


>The Lord is a man of war.

Exodus 15:3

>I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

Matthew 10:34

>War is a creation of Azazel and therefore not of God

That belief comes from Talmud.

Talmud has nothing to do with God.

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fe7179  No.249363


>The Lord is a man of war.

>Exodus 15:3

the jewish god was certainly a god of war. when addressing the jewish people, he was all like "exterminate this" and "genocide that". but when it came time to preach to goyim, his attitude had changed completely. now he was all about loving your enemies, and spreading your cheeks. funny coincidence, that.

>I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

>Matthew 10:34

a metaphorical sword. jesus said he would sow division in families, tribes, nations. none of those things should matter to a christian, because all are one in christ. your loyalty should based on faith, not blood. christians from all over the world are your tribe.

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5a63fe  No.249366







PUSSY : what you are disturbingly unfamiliar with

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5a63fe  No.249367

jews this, jews that, bible this, bible that….

lol your existence is stunted

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2113ee  No.249385


>the jewish god

Ancient Hebrews/Israelites weren't "Jews."



LOL stay mad fake jew

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