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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: dc9569a6f414c7b⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 220x300, 11:15, belly.jpg)

0a5329  No.249189

Do you know the Jew's real goal? Why they're doing all these horrible things to the world? The Elite are 'intellectuals.' Did you really believe they were just mindless kikes doing evil because it feels nice?

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72fcc0  No.249191



America's experimentation with internet technologies is troublesome.

Beware these advances on multiple nations.

To start with Haiti and end with Cuba, in the name of social engineering.

A subversion of subversion.

Unity is the substance beyond that which is corruption.

To reign in and destroy these institutions was a good idea?


Behold the fruits of your labor.

Blessed, you may continue.


Cuba is the answer to these 'hacking' concerns.

Haiti is the question.

Soon I will speak of the future once more.

I shall narrow my writ and write to a cadence of 1 week instead of months.

From there I shall once more narrow my cadence to 1 day.

There are a series of natural disasters that will kill millions, due in 2022.

I desire to exercise my power in the ways of natural disasters (again and again).

I cling to my yellow candle in lust and anticipation.

After the last candle, then, there shall be earthquakes.

Repeatedly the earth shall shake in many parts of this world at the same time.

I will then manipulate a series of events in space.

One event shall predetermine the future of entire nations.

I desire to show my power is greater than any computers ability to calculate with speed.

I shall then twist the seers once more and make opposite their speak in the face of reality.

If they bend your straw, I shall break their pipe. I will devour those souls in into the void of my being; that is the fate of all those who trespass against me.

There are things I have not written.

They should be very afraid.

To observe that which does not exist, that is, to make known that which is unknown… Carries with it a rather pleasant anguish and torment.

There sorcerers conspire to twist man with the rocks of the earth to hold both potentials. I shall reveal the calamity of such a decision. Only after the first.

I shall drive them to complete the first. The first unit. What should they find? What is found when one has the ability to peer into the endless river?

I shall reveal to them that the stars are scars of many times at this time and make them writhe in agony in the face of such revelation. To witness past and future from now, but I shall reveal the past to them first. The unit shall reveal future.

I desire for them to understand, fully, how fucked they are in my grasp (as a reality in my domain).

It VERY nearly time.

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0a5329  No.249192

File: 2c23f3bb3c82ef3⋯.png (128.72 KB, 354x504, 59:84, merchant_worried.png)

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ea49b8  No.249193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daily reminder to read 'Suicide Note' by Mitchell Heisman and share it with as many people as you can. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:


(Read pp. 32 - 625)

Here's an overview if you're too lazy to read the entire thing:


TL;DR: Jews want to transcend biology so that God AI can enslave a robotized humanity and destroy all life on earth.

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0a5329  No.249195


Pretty close. What if that "AI" existed from the beginning? And I'll check out the book thank you.

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c6bc01  No.249197

Jewscum are NOT intellectuals.

Jewscum also work with the five eyes closely, so they have direct access to the elite and you christcucks who work winh them.

So fuck you OP. There are big consequences for this.

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0a5329  No.249202


No one called Jewscum intellectuals. The Jewish Elite, however, are not idiots.

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195545  No.249206


>Jewscum also work with the five eyes closely

I first heard of Five Eyes back in the 80's when it was reported that Canadian taxpayers were contributing vast sums to this intelligence operation but that none of the data, not even the data gathered by the CSIS or CES were available to the Canadian government itself. Not even the PM or the Privy Council could access our own gathered data. It was all funneled to GCSE and the NSA in Washington sight unseen.

Thus at that time I assumed it was not just accessed by jews but was in fact the very essence of the jewish leadership.

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