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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 33e2fd7d3f30485⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 1024x740, 256:185, 2021_07_14T072025Z_1662569….jpg)

eaace5  No.248925



The Bolsheviks treated the Russian people as inexhaustible fodder for social experiments. They daydreamed about a world revolution, which, in their opinion, would cancel nation states altogether. So they drew borders at will and handed out generous territorial “gifts.” In the final analysis, it no longer matters what guided the Bolshevik leaders in cutting up the country. One can argue about details, the causes and the logic off certain decisions. One thing is obvious: Russia was essentially robbed.

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2b50ab  No.248932

Ashkenazim crying for truth.

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6df2f5  No.248937

If the jews are still in Russia and not in their 'homeland' then this doesn't mean anything.

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07074f  No.248994

File: 3152de8d99562c5⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1027x840, 1027:840, _putin_3.JPG)

Why doesn't Jewtin out the Khazars in Russia?

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07074f  No.248995


Jews have no homeland, JIDF shill.

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6df2f5  No.249034




I know that they are aliens who don't belong here.

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