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File: 43fa3436f27cb0f⋯.png (17.09 KB, 1140x136, 285:34, Bwahahaha.png)

7d5973  No.248756

The faggot mod got so ass ravaged that page 25 was being bumped and that nobody would listen to his crying that the one bumping was the mod, he deleted page 25! AHAHAHAHA! REKT!

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b51e26  No.248761

>n-no you're the mod

>not me..


Here's a thread archive of Chris Hansen, the anti-white "kill white children" global moderator sliding the board with old posts, not only banning anons but associating CP posts with their IP address and then banning them for spamming CP. He was sloppy and was busted by multiple people in this thread:


Now he's running damage control because he's dumb as a brick.

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b51e26  No.248762


And here's the original thread with all replies. Notice the mod deleted files proving what I claimed here and that other anons pointed it out.


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