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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8cc39a1e0bffcca⋯.png (38.4 KB, 658x317, 658:317, bingo.png)

803f3b  No.248699

The tourist is about to blame Chris Hansen.

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34a12e  No.248701

>haha you can't hide log activity from casual users to cover-up bans in order to control the narrative just like 8chan was caught doing and 8kun is totally not the same as 8chan

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34a12e  No.248702


Here's a thread archive of Chris Hansen, the anti-white "kill white children" global moderator not only banning anons but associating CP posts with their IP address and then banning them for spamming CP. He was sloppy and was busted by multiple people in this thread:


Now he's running damage control because he's dumb as a brick.

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34a12e  No.248704


And here's the original thread with all replies. Notice the mod deleted files proving what I claimed here and that other anons pointed it out.


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803f3b  No.248706


>oh shit I got caught!

>better claim logs can be edited! D: D: D:


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34a12e  No.248719

File: 839c114c02e5b24⋯.jpg (250.3 KB, 1488x684, 124:57, moarpheus_banner.jpg)


>oy vey archived threads and several anons exposing me is just damage control!

you picked a fight this morning and got rekt. now everyone knows israeli kikes who hate white children are mods for 8kun. what are you going to do? appeal to chan culture some more? maybe correct my grammer? xD stay defeated.

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803f3b  No.248723


>he thinks he "rekt" anyone

I will be here long after you get bored and crawl back to 4chan and Reddit because you figure out that whenever you post here, nobody cares. I am literally the ONLY person replying to you. That's how little you matter here.

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34a12e  No.248727

File: 0c693c198a0c0f7⋯.png (516.66 KB, 600x408, 25:17, projecting.png)


>I am literally the ONLY person replying to you. That's how little you matter here.

This is your thread. I am literally the ONLY person replying to you. That's how little you matter here.

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85fd50  No.248733

Can I take ONE LITTLE TINY GUESS to 'who' and why old threads are being bumped?

I suspect a glownigger is mad something naughty is being exposed. Could be Mossad or CIA or GCHQ or other alphabet gangs but in general, you all know how they are: rude, deceitful, spiteful, in denial, won't so much touch thorny topics about detailed corruption, and the same that call everyone a Russian or Jew or Chinese agent if you disagree with something…. it's really that simple. Sliding is an art of info war to them. So bumping threads back may be necessary, although I hate to do it.

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d915e7  No.248873

Chris Hansen is a retard who doesn't know what the fuck is a joke. Back than, I was witnessed when BO from /rand/ posted thread with subject "i don't give a fuck anymore, POST CP". BO was referring to cat pictures and retard Hansen has ruined our fun. If you asked yourself where is everyone and why is this place dead, its all due to Chris Hansen.



what a retard

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34a12e  No.248877


<chris hansen stops child porn!

fuck off with your damage control and spin, kike.

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d915e7  No.248881


Retard it wasn't CP, the thread was about cat pictures and CP as a subject was only simple bait. Fuck you dumbfuck.

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f7c1a8  No.248888

File: 1e2a1c951db689f⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 600x737, 600:737, 505.jpg)


Is that the sperg? Spaghetti falling out of pocket moment

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