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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 58f2f3115611248⋯.jpg (73.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, happening.jpg)

File: 1342f708829ae4c⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 843x1270, 843:1270, E6IFukgWUAUwIJe.jpg)

File: 014fc8597f73800⋯.png (108.95 KB, 752x523, 752:523, 1625743262354.png)

b149d3  No.248315

Previous thread from before few days deleted by jews

>Two (((Florida men))) involved in Haiti President Moïse’s assassination, official says

>James Solages, of Fort Lauderdale, was identified as one of the assailants by Mathias Pierre, a minister in charge of Haitian elections. Pierre did not say if Solages is a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. resident.

>In an undated video interview in Creole, Solages, who lived in Fort Lauderdale and is from Jacmel in southeast Haiti, called himself a (((philanthropist))) and (((child advocate))) who was involved in helping school children from the area where he grew up.


>From Solages' twatter


Mysteriously soon after there is a bomb threat closing parts of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Saturday morning.

Possible smuggling operation or diversion from something else.


So Solages was some enterpreneur forced by jews to run child trafficking for them and then framed into Haiti President Moïse’s assassination

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e5646f  No.248363


I'll give this a bump since the glow niggers are trying to have everything relevant deleted or sliden.

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e5646f  No.248364

Everything has to do with $$$$$ today, just remember that, EVERYTHING. War. Murder. Laws. Govt budgets & contracts. Medical interventions. Vaccines.


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e5646f  No.248365

Until we understand the level of corruption, and expose it for what it it, society is doomed.

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e329e9  No.248391

File: 25d5e973318824a⋯.jpg (372.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_07_14_05_27_39.jpg)

File: 5a9c744c09c48ae⋯.png (289.18 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210714_173004.png)


actually………. to be honest………

I kinda accidentally

deleted your thread

the other day

afterwards, I realized my mistake, and

to be candid

I felt bad

about it

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e329e9  No.248392


society has been doomed

since the Sumerians

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e329e9  No.248393


nope…. not true…..

I make a great effort NOT to delete threads

I believe in letting people speak their mind

(I simply wish you guys were more original)

but no, I actually DON'T censor or delete

a couple days ago, I accidentally deleted

this thread, while I was distracted………..

it happens

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e329e9  No.248395


lol @ "possible smuggling operation"

hahahaha @ applying your PREDICTABLE

child trafficking bullshit

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e329e9  No.248397


Could you possibly get any MORE unoriginal ?

The entire "secret cabal" child trafficking thing is SO GOD DAMN CLICHÉ AND STUPID

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777284  No.248398


Child sex trafficking is a real thing. I know it's been tainted by politics and conspiracy but it is very real, especially in the third world.

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777284  No.248399


So you admit Jim or someone who runs this site gave you moderation privileges over /pnd/?

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e329e9  No.248400

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e329e9  No.248401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e329e9  No.248402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

if you don't crank this fucking song up

then you ain't got a hair on yo' ass !!!

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e329e9  No.248404

fucking BILLY GIBBONS isTHEnicest, most sincere, cool as fuck celebrity I've ever hung out with


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e329e9  No.248405

people always say that about celebrities

but in this case :ITS GOSPEL

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e329e9  No.248406

B E S T T E E T H I N H I S T O R Y :


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e329e9  No.248407

File: 2e7cecb11616667⋯.png (499.83 KB, 1111x1280, 1111:1280, 20210714_182229.png)

actually, best smile overall……….

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e329e9  No.248408

File: d3e089b9accc031⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 514x800, 257:400, That_Beautiful_Smile_elvis….jpg)

Best smile by far

The entire world fell head over heels

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e329e9  No.248409

File: fa983757f08e947⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 240x300, 4:5, The_Making_Of_Viva_Las_Veg….jpg)


100% TRUE :

historians have determined that Elvis had more sex than any other human being

based upon his 20 year habit of fucking up to 35 women at a time, in swing shifts, like a rotating door….


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e329e9  No.248412



that's okay…. they don't need to be tidy

ain't a fuckin' thing you or anybody else can do

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777284  No.248414

File: 207cb4149968f1c⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 242x290, 121:145, slim_whitman.jpg)


You look at his teeth!!!

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777284  No.248415

File: ea5d5ee2c37b43d⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0190374080712_600.jpg)


You look at his teeth!!!!!!

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777284  No.248416

Now that reminds me….. it's time for a drinkypoo!

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e329e9  No.248418

File: eabdb5c2be7ca67⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x764, 320:191, 20210714_184846.png)



you kind remind me of a guy looking through a telescope at an asteroid that's barreling directly at him…

and you say "sloppy trajectory"

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e329e9  No.248420

File: b0301559dc4f9d0⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 300x399, 100:133, Elvis_and_Lisa_Marie_elvis….jpg)

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e329e9  No.248421

File: 384d7224e3e2c62⋯.jpg (22.87 KB, 300x400, 3:4, a53837918718d2c1531a7dc_el….jpg)

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e329e9  No.248422

File: 23647b295c097c5⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 450x425, 18:17, elvis_presley_smile_thesui….jpg)


See, the truth of the matter is…….

Elvis was completely different……

almost like a fucking alien

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e329e9  No.248423

File: 8bbbcd864664289⋯.jpg (234.64 KB, 1177x1600, 1177:1600, images_of_elvis_presley.jpg)

Elvis was the perfect mixture of messiah and devil

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e329e9  No.248424


RE : sloppy job

(this thread)

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e329e9  No.248426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

there had never been anyone like him before

and never will be again

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e329e9  No.248430

File: 1bdd793dd475ebf⋯.png (838.65 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210714_202215.png)

File: 65b4a3b654b0f46⋯.png (612.56 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210714_202456.png)

File: fedd862f01b7097⋯.png (577.66 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210714_202523.png)

with Elvis…….

if you don't instantly SEE IT

then you're fucking blind

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e329e9  No.248431

if you can look at Elvis for one millisecond

and not 'get it'

then there's no hope for you

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e329e9  No.248432

if you can look at Elvis for one millisecond

and not automatically 'get it'

then you probably wouldn't notice it if you got struck by lightning

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97f556  No.248665

have a bump

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f96094  No.248668

File: 02c4888b0d0fe8c⋯.png (29.19 KB, 1667x166, 1667:166, mod_bumps.PNG)

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4b811c  No.248711

have a bump

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