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File: c889e6340069322⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 270x360, 3:4, GOD_GETS_REVENGE.jpg)

133d37  No.248261

Days After BLM Calls God 'Ultimate‌ ‌White‌ ‌Supremacist' Lightning Strike Destroys George Floyd Mural

In the latest issue of Scientific American, in an article unscientifically titled ‘Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy’, writer Allison Hopper, after lauding the “Juneteenth holiday and the one-year anniversary of the one of the largest protests in American history against racial injustice,” laments the dearth of reading material available to children that show “the story of the dark-skinned early people who launched human civilization”.

Unless the race-baiting headline somehow failed to give away the plot, the blame for that oversight, and so much more, falls heavily upon the shoulders of the white man and his racist religion.

The beginning of the article, which describes how “all living humans are of African descent,” is predictable enough. Most people are fully aware that some of the earliest human fossils have been unearthed under the African sun, and that it was from the ‘dark continent’ that humans began their slow, long trek around the planet. “These dark skinned early people laid down the foundation for human culture,” Hopper writes, without mentioning, however, that the oldest inhabited cities in the world – places like Athens, Jericho, Susa and Byblos – were outside of Africa.


A lightning strike has completely destroyed a mural of George Floyd that was erected in Toledo.

After the mural collapsed, people were initially unaware of the cause, with one city inspector commenting it was “just age – it just came away,” noting that the mural had been bowing.

Witnesses later confirmed that it had been destroyed by what the insurance industry used to refer to as an “act of God.”

“A mural honoring George Floyd erected at Summit and Lagrange in Toledo has collapsed,” reported “13 ABC. “According to Toledo Police, witnesses say it was destroyed by a lightning strike. 13abc’s Doppler Radar did show a lightning strike in that block at about 4:30 PM this afternoon.”

No doubt that some will denounce God as a racist for this grossly bigoted act and demand his immediate cancellation.


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b43b85  No.248320


This is why zerohedge is completely useless. This isn't some "god's retribution" bullshit. This is a lightning strike during some pretty major storms in Toledo, OH that hit some rando's mural.

ZH is trying to portray it as "god's glorious revenge on the BLM GF memorial" when, in fact, it's hundreds of miles from George Floyd Square. If God were sending a message, a lightning strike on a sunny day would have hit the intersection of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis.

Also "days after"? Days? I suppose that's technically accurate. You can count the time between June 23, 2020 (when the statement was made) and July 13, 2021 (when the lightning hit). I mean … it is 386 days …

ZeroHedge is fucking ridiculous.

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a0346e  No.248328

Check the catalog, (((Vincent))).


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22b54f  No.248354


Yah sure it is. Keep testing Him. He's running low on patience!


What was that about?

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