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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1cda2ff4a1a9fe9⋯.png (2.76 MB, 3536x3368, 442:421, study_on_chans_extremism.png)

0def18  No.248229

Found this while lurking elsewhere. What are your thoughts?

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a06d65  No.248259


Hired spooks are everywhere today. Our own government legalized online propaganda agents to target people both foreign and domestic. They did this out of fear other countries, like Russia or China, were also doing it.

But none of this solves anything. Governments do not yet seem to realize that some people, even their own fellow citizens, disagree with their policies from time to time. That doesn't mean it needs to be treated like a war or spook show. Not everyone agrees with everything. That's just normal human psychology. And as long as we are all human that is not going away. No matter how many hired spooks they deploy.

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a6bdbc  No.248358


what are my thoughts?


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a6bdbc  No.248360


My thoughts are the same as your mother's thoughts

(we both think you're gay, because you aren't sexually attracted to females)

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a6bdbc  No.248361


My thoughts :

you actually find THIS "interesting"????

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7dddbc  No.248379


or perhaps I should have said

"Up to this point, you've demonstrated no discernable sexual attraction towards females"

but a DISTURBING overabundance of time devoted to hanging out with other lonely MALES online 24/7

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7dddbc  No.248380

……and that speaks for itself……

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