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730c67  No.248067

An unprecedented heat wave and ongoing drought in the U.S. Pacific Northwest is damaging white wheat coveted by Asian buyers and forcing fruit farm workers to harvest in the middle of the night to salvage crops and avoid deadly heat.

The extreme weather is another blow to farmers who have struggled with labor shortages and higher transportation costs during the pandemic and may further fuel global food inflation.


On Friday, the temperature at Death Valley soared to 130 degrees, breaking the previous daily record high of 129 set back in 1913, according to the National Weather Service. This reading comes within 4 degrees of the all-time world record of 134 F set there in 1913. The 134-degree mark happens to be the world record for the highest temperature ever measured on Earth.

Unfortunately, things didn’t really cool off during the weekend. The high temperature in Death Valley was 129 degrees on Saturday, and it was expected that the same high temperature would be hit on Sunday…

At the same time, there has been very little meaningful precipitation in the western third of the nation this summer, and the latest map from the U.S. Drought Monitor is the worst that I have ever seen.

The state of Utah is being hit particularly hard, and one official is openly admitting that this is “the worst drought in the state of Utah’s history” …

If you don’t live in the western third of the nation, it is going to be difficult for you to grasp how desperate things are becoming.

This isn’t just a drought. What we are witnessing right now is a mega-disaster of epic proportions, and scientists are telling us not to expect relief for the foreseeable future.


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730c67  No.248068


Hope y'all got prepped!

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9f2765  No.248144


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c7aba0  No.248151


disinfo. Prices of all commodities (including wheat) are rising rapidly due to the inflation caused by the fed's incessant QE. Yes, the prices will rise but I'm sure there will be incessant shilling about this being (((climate change))) effects, not reckless monetary policy and arbitrary supply chains disruptions due to the (((pandemic)))

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b30e75  No.248153


There is no doubt insolvent policies from the central bank will inflate costs too as they devalue the fiat currency. However, on top of that there is a record heat wave that is doing no good. And I would not be surprised if this heat wave was geo-engineered by HAARP because we already know they are fully capable of electromagnetic modification of the weather. Didn't the FAA recently signal a no-fly zone again over HAARP? Sounds about right.

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d93983  No.248466

I know most anons will ignore this warning but if you are not completely stupid you will have some extra food put aside by now, at the very least some extra canned foods with some bulk beans and rice. Anything that can store for a while.

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362d78  No.248543


Cool and rainy in the central section of the country. Not ideal for the crops we normally grow here, but there are crops that will do well in this weather. If this is a longer term shift, we'll be fine.

If it is Chinese weather control though, we're fucked. They will wait to find out what is planted where and change their weather program to inflict maximum damage.

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772813  No.248553


Joke's on them. I use tax shelters and financial loopholes in my state's laws and get SNAP. I haven't actually paid for groceries in years.

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3c2470  No.248708

anti-slide 214214

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