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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 39383bdcbd60bfe⋯.png (88.26 KB, 576x289, 576:289, Screenshots_2021_07_09_15_….png)

File: 13adb73e0f5acb4⋯.png (110.98 KB, 576x391, 576:391, Screenshots_2021_07_09_15_….png)

8a729d  No.247045

Gentlemen, how do we solve the 8kun degeneracy problem?

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5483f7  No.247048


Global report any CP. That's what I do.

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853191  No.247061



Where the fuck do you think you are?

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50e4c0  No.247091

File: 1b02a5d23937db9⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20141213_223347.jpg)


Me ?……..

I always begin by IMMEDIATELY reporting cp to both the FBI and Department of Homeland Security….

THEN I file a Global Report, including notification that the FBI & DHS have already been notified.

Then I email Ron…..

one, two, three and they're FUCKED

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50e4c0  No.247092

File: 980ba94fb9c4e9f⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 714x720, 119:120, PicsArt_03_12_12_55_23.jpg)

the funniest part ?……..

no matter WHAT you might think, no matter how much you think you know about computers….

there is NO tor, no VPN, no proxy, no encrypting , NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING you can do to evade the NSA


it doesn't matter if 8kun pulls it down and deleted it….. The NSA (who handle all internet forensics for FBI & DHS) can and WILL retrieve it, and trace it back directly to the source….

So when I report them………..

T H E Y . . . .

A R E . . . . . .

I R O N C L A D . . . .

"ironclad" is the terminology used by the NSA when you are actually being ACTIVELY WATCHED

……in real time………

and there's nothing "confidential" about me being an informant…… I'll say it right to your god damn face, in real life, directly in your fucking face….

"I reported you to federal law enforcement, bitch"

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50e4c0  No.247100

File: 1a88a20d1ef2eb8⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 392x384, 49:48, 1395384099797.jpg)

I'm not one of those loser "Q" idiots with their

trendy "pedo avenger" faggots, who believes

in an imaginary "cabal" of deep state pedos…


I'm just a dude… just an average dude….

I'm not better than anybody…. not at all

In fact, I'm a fucking piece of shit………

but I'm a father…….

and one of these days, if you have kids

you'll understand

the creepy losers who post CP are lucky…..

lucky it's just the NSA & FBI

because in real life?…

I'll close your fucking windpipe

I'll crush your fucking trachea


think I'm joking?

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50e4c0  No.247103


post your cp, faggot

because I'll help

put you



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9eb754  No.247209

We are not the website owner. It is none of our business. We are not guilty by association. If we don't engage in degeneracy (I never have) it is not our business what others do. This all changes when we have an Ethnoglobe though. Then degeneracy will fade completely and never be thought of again.

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d7b23d  No.247214


bullshit…… YOU surf more porn than most men your age


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d7b23d  No.247215

File: e2d704d4b1258ce⋯.png (846.47 KB, 1220x813, 1220:813, 0727710e4e16507864e22a9827….png)


lol @ "I never have"

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d7b23d  No.247216

File: 454eb89f865f871⋯.gif (159.82 KB, 250x226, 125:113, DisplayImage_1_.gif)


"when'we'have an Ethnoglobe"


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d7b23d  No.247217

File: 9e0c909cb1d7640⋯.jpg (119.43 KB, 1850x1480, 5:4, 9e0c909cb1d76405ecb2d7e716….jpg)

"then degeneracy will fade completely and never be thought of again"

haha !

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7e9f3f  No.247225

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, 1c3c89fd5bee7621ab6bd7b582….jpg)

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b663db  No.247229


I'm not being a dick head…. I'm really not

All I'm saying isTHATpost was an ironic symphony of misperceptions, misnomers, erroenous quantification, a blatant lie, malfeasance, and you ended it with a glorious example of how little you apparently understand about society or history.

that's all……

. just an observation, that's all dude

it just seems kinda comical to me

because it seems like you live in a cocoon

like you've never experienced real life

because nothing you typed was correct

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b663db  No.247230

Or, maybe I should've worded it differently :

I've paid very close attention to life on planet Earth

I'm a lot older than you.

I'm more experienced than you

and I disagree with every word of your post

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b663db  No.247231

not sure where you've been……

But I've been on PLANET EARTH

and nothing you said chimed

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b663db  No.247232

File: a516f68bb48d2fc⋯.jpg (945.44 KB, 2202x1597, 2202:1597, PicsArt_07_10_01_04_47.jpg)

At least not with me it didn't.. my wife and I are sitting here, and I showed her your post, and she also said, "obviously he hasn't been paying attention"…

Meaning you don't seem to have a firm grasp on how things actually work in reality.. you seem to spend a lot of time fantasizing


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b663db  No.247233


Actually my wife wants you to rewind it a little bit, and let's revisit your absurd claim that you "have never dabbled in degeneracy"

She agrees with me completely….. lol


You can't even fool yourself

I guarantee you jack off to pornography incessantly… Because your entire personality is built on repression and frustration and denial

That's all this board is… Repressed uptight frustrated angry guys who somehow crossed paths, continually circle jerking and giving each other false reassurances…

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b663db  No.247234

File: 8286fec6e944aa6⋯.jpg (485.1 KB, 2202x1597, 2202:1597, PicsArt_07_10_01_45_46.jpg)

lol @ "we"

that was the funniest part of the entire post


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b663db  No.247235

File: f51223d78e41283⋯.jpg (83.12 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 193471_knoxvilleweb.jpg)

"If ((WE)) don't engage in degeneracy (I never have) "

lol @ we

lol @ I never have

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