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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: beb6b575919bba1⋯.jpg (166.59 KB, 700x400, 7:4, Mitt.jpg)

dac6b4  No.246680

I won't get into the details of how this happened.

He wanted me to pass along this message to the white race.

You have two options, choose wisely.

[ ] Go Extinct

[ ] Become Mormon

He told me that the Mormon Church needs you and vice versa. He wants you to infiltrate the ranks of the church to protect them from Jewish subversion.

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4fbff0  No.246701


> I Just Received a Message from God

Can you share the details of how this happened?

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23f0b2  No.246725


Probably found some golden plates only he can see or met an angel in a cave.

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4febe9  No.246732


Only Islam can save the white race.

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615cad  No.246740


No thanks.

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615cad  No.246741

Mormons are multicultural now. Pick a religion that shitskins can't handle like Amish or Mennonite. Something that requires hard work and discipline..

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230f69  No.246968


If it was really god, he would've told you that you're a homosexual, then you would've spontaneously combusted

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230f69  No.247010


If your imaginary "god" actually existed, a random stranger would have kicked your mop bucket prostitute mother in the stomach when she was pregnant with you.

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ac4488  No.247097

God does not support a sniveling little back stabbing, bribe taking, commie supporting traitor like Mitt Romney.

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f00446  No.247210


Look at that family though…lucky bastard.

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dd62ec  No.247434


logic checks out

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f00446  No.247467


Who do you think it was that messaged him then?

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7f242b  No.247548

File: a2242af69fb4bdb⋯.jpeg (22.63 KB, 360x203, 360:203, ErJ9V4lXYAEf_zh.jpeg)


This. Every white woman must have at least 10 white babies

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