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File: 072ef8d36196704⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 474x266, 237:133, NBC_Putin_interview.jpg)

0df787  No.246659[Last 50 Posts]

Now we know WHY the NSA spied on Tucker Carlson…. he wanted to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin… apparently the most feared man in America… just like Mike Wallace on CBS interviewed Putin, just like Megyn Kelly also interviewed Putin on NBC.

Apparently, if you are conservative in America, it must be some kind of criminal conspiracy to hold an interview with Putin even if you are a journalist who also works with the US media? Is this not hypocrisy and abuse of authority at it's very finest?



It's looking more clear than ever that there is one-sided use of law enforcement: for example, Antifa can burn American flags in the streets, mug innocent American civilians and nothing happens, they are not ridiculed in the media for doing so, often not even prosecuted. When someone tries to flee these riots, in danger of their own lives, and runs one of these goons over or fights back in self-defense, they are prosecuted full extent under of the law.

This is not Justice. This is a serious abuse of political power. A very bias political abuse of power.

This is why America is more divided than ever and this is why our 'Justice system' needs to be reformed.

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0df787  No.246661


I hope Tucker does get that interview with Vladimir Putin, I'd like to hear what both have to say, after this. Normally I would not care, but the hypocrisy and abuse of power is too abnormal and outrageous to ignore anymore.

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617ea4  No.246662

File: 1d8cb5700c8c025⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x990, 128:99, PicsArt_01_05_07_21_48.png)


lol @ thinking anybody's intimidated

by effeminate tucker carlson

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617ea4  No.246663

File: 671e089e82ca199⋯.jpg (183.22 KB, 1080x1622, 540:811, PicsArt_01_04_09_15_12.jpg)


Every single human being who uses any form of electronic or digital communication is under surveillance by the national security agency

Stop pretending like youre victims

You did this to yourselves

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0df787  No.246664


They are not intimidated by Tucker, they are intimidated by Putin. They just simply hate Tucker, that's clear too.

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0df787  No.246665


It's all caught up in a dragnet on the ISP backbones, true, but some of that data is either obfuscated, encrypted or both. Not that they don't have tools to to hunt down hard to get targets. Nearly every electronic is backdoored these days anyway which makes normal encryption schemes moot.

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617ea4  No.246667


Forgive me…. Perhaps I misunderstood when I read the words "apparently the most feared man in America"…

I assumed OP meant 'Tucker Carlson was the most feared man in America'….

I guess sometimes I misinterpret things…

I make lots of mistakes….

So I'm not surprised

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617ea4  No.246668

File: 31aee18572a37cb⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210708_144503.png)


Regardless, Kyleen's gonna give some DAMN GOOD HEAD

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617ea4  No.246669

File: b9d5e3deff3ed33⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210708_144745.png)


I think you'd be surprised

just how QUICKLY

kyleen will cave in

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617ea4  No.246670

File: 0923c5752d7e59c⋯.png (762.64 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210708_145156.png)


because that's exactly how she got in this situation

by being a coward…. a fat scared child with a gun

trust me. …

The other inmates aren't even going to have to actually punch him or put him in the infirmary a few times like they normally do…

Kyleen is going to drop to her knees to prevent the first punch

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617ea4  No.246671

Trust me…..

For the first month in prison, Kyleen is going to keep telling the guards and the other inmates "I'm not supposed to be here ! I'm not supposed to be here! I'm not supposed to be here!"

funny how he never said that

when he actually WASN'T supposed to be there

When he crossed state lines

to play soldier

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617ea4  No.246672


no amount of money, no team of lawyers… can help him

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617ea4  No.246673

File: 07ad8fa9a3df2db⋯.png (393.69 KB, 1013x714, 1013:714, PicsArt_02_06_06_05_29.png)

but Kyleen IS going to learn how to deepthroat some bigger cock…

he's going to learn the easy way

or the hard way

either way, the Bloods & Crips don't mind…

blood on their shank

or blood on their dick

and if Kyleen wants protection

from the white trash aryanhoodfaggots

then he'll STILL suck dick

because the Aryans are faggots

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617ea4  No.246674

lol @ speech to text saying BIGGER instead of nigger

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617ea4  No.246675

let's put it this way

It's not pretty where he's going

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617ea4  No.246677

and 'mommys scared little fat boy'

is what those inmates live for

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617ea4  No.246678

I can see it now :

Tyrone in Wing C

forcing Kyleen's throat down around his dick

"Suck it, Patriot"

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19f2f1  No.246681


Turning US vs Russia is for fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. Their evil religion must be debunked.

Think about how absurd this Jewish narrative is

According to the media the USA can't possibly get along with another white Christian country.


Every third world reject needs an all expense trip for them and their entire family to a neighborhood near you. Take them in as brothers..

Tuckers on point, the most important journalist in America, he's the only journalist not working to destroy America.

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7edef9  No.246689

File: 5106f993a89eeec⋯.jpg (353.94 KB, 828x669, 276:223, cucker_carlson_kabbalah_br….jpg)

File: 3152de8d99562c5⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1027x840, 1027:840, _putin_3.JPG)

>these jews are so dangerous!

fuck off kike.

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7edef9  No.246690


>Turning US vs Russia is for fulfillment of Jewish prophecy.


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7bee1b  No.246733


Not him, but I would not doubt it. It would kill two birds with one stone. China's extremely oppressive government is the model the kikes want, world wide. No freedom. Slave labor. Forced "reeducation camps" in bug-like conditions. Man, you think it's bad living now here? You have no idea! Rothschilds want China to be the major superpower and model for their new world, getting rid of both Russia & the United States in a thermonuclear war would achieve that goal. Then both would be (((China's))) for the taking. Who do you think really owns most industry over there?

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7bee1b  No.246734


Note taken, it's best to go out shooting at the cops if they ever try to arrest you. I agree!

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7edef9  No.246735


>I would not doubt it.

I didn't ask if you'd doubt it. In fact, I didn't ask you a thing. I asked another anon to backup his claim. Why is it every time I ask some anon to cite his sources some other anon swoops in to reply for him in what amounts to

>there is no source but i believe it and so should you

? Hmmm?! Why is that?

Russia and China can both get fucked. Then we don't have to worry about some dumb kike horoscope or whatever, do we?

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f3f9d2  No.246737

File: 9210a2da77fe3ee⋯.jpg (466.22 KB, 798x832, 399:416, jews_in_russia_pray_for_st….jpg)

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7edef9  No.246742

File: e7222ab9d14769f⋯.png (125.38 KB, 1289x859, 1289:859, _Stalin_Soviet_Russia_.PNG)


yikes! that's pretty definitive. neo-soviet nazbols get the rope.

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b430be  No.246746


As if the United States isn't infiltrated with kikes too? All I'm saying is we don't need any global Empire, whether that be China, Russia or the US or Israel. Why do we need a global Empire, one world government? That is what ZOG desires.

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f3f9d2  No.246748


We don't need any government at all. Lemme ask you a question…how much of your day is spent with you 'being governed'? Literally like you interacting with the government (probably a trick question for a few people here but lets just pretend you were a normal individual). How much of your do you interact with government or government officials? If you are like me it is zero percent. How much of your life has been spent interacting with government of government officials? If you are like me it is veritably zero as well. I have never had a traffic ticket and have only called the police once in my life. Otherwise, I might need something from local government like property boundary registration but that is it. So, for all practical purposes zero as well. For all the time I spend not needing or wanting their services they charge me 35% of my income in taxes and that happens every day of my life that I work. So I don't get FUCK ALL from them and my only interaction with them is for them to charge me 35% of my income. WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE WANT (((GOVERNMENT)))? They don't do anything but scam you out of your money and you get nothing for it.

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c7033c  No.246749

ZOG will fund both sides of every world war, and jump on the bandwagon of whoever wins the next world war. Like they've always done. They have no allegiance to any nation. The only reason America had Empirical hegemony was because we 'won' WWII (even though we did little fighting in that world war compared to most countries). ZOG jumped on our bandwagon and created an Empire to exploit. Now that they used us for all we are worth, and siphoned most the future wealth, they're willing to start another world war and jump on another bandwagon to help create another Empire that they'll exploit.

Question: why does humanity keep playing this game and keep going along with the same old dirty tricks? Stop the wars, and ZOG falls! Simple as that!

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c7033c  No.246751


Yes, I agree anon. Governments are tools of ZOG, they only are used to exploit us and keep us obedient slaves. It's time we stop the bullshit, I'm not fighting their wars for them. I'm not conforming to their bullshit either. More people need to wake up and see the government causes most of our problems in the first place.

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7edef9  No.246753

File: 16ae826f08e97e4⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1131x732, 377:244, Russia_VS_America.jpg)


>As if the United States isn't infiltrated with kikes too?

Pic related. The difference between the United States and everyone is our people actually recognize the problem and want change. Europe is beginning to recognize the problem also. China? Russia? Not so much.

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7edef9  No.246754


>Why do we need a global Empire, one world government? That is what ZOG desires.

ZOG is an international problem and international problems require international solutions. There will absolutely come a New World Order but not one favoring the fake Jew or his accomplices.

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01e50b  No.246756

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, 1c3c89fd5bee7621ab6bd7b582….jpg)

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

this board is SO BORING

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01e50b  No.246757

Tomorrow isFRIDAY AGAIN !!!


Thank God I Get Pussy

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f49700  No.246758


Ok nazi faggot

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01e50b  No.246760

I wish Marshmallow Sally™ would create another laughably UN-intimidating "antichrist" posts

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7edef9  No.246761

File: 87f087a265c9cc0⋯.png (82.44 KB, 1574x328, 787:164, neptune_named_1.PNG)

"Johnny Neptune" got embarrassed in his own thread and he's come here to whine LMAO

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01e50b  No.246762





boring as FUCK

it's really no wonder you're alone

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01e50b  No.246763


lol @ actually thinking I've ever seen that thread before

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01e50b  No.246764

Old McWhitetrash had a word.

E, I, E, I, ZOG

And his computer chair smells like a turd

E, I, E, I, ZOG

with a ZOG ZOG here

and a ZOG ZOG there

here a ZOG

there a ZOG

everywhere a ZOG, ZOG

Old McWhitetrash had a word

But didn't have a girl

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01e50b  No.246765

Goodnight, Little Hitlers !!!

wendy and I are climbing in bed

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c7033c  No.246766


Why should I fight their wars when they desire to violate my individual liberties, desire to undermine my right to self-defense, devalue the currency I rely on to survive, allow goons to riot and mug innocent people in the streets without prosecution for doing so, lying to the public, censoring and spying on us, etc?

Why fight for that? If I have to fight, I'll fight for my freedom as an individual.

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7edef9  No.246767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Doesn't he just come across like a stereotypical Jewish woman from the Bronx? Try reading his posts in that kind of voice (see video).

Am I right though?

LMAO yeah I'm right. I'll bet lil Johnny was raised by a single mother and adopted her mannerisms. She was likely intimidating but JonJon misinterpreted this as strength. So he behaves like her: Canniving, complaining, low IQ name-calling, and when all else fails just mindless psycho-babble. I can't imagine what it was like growing up with a kike for a mother. I can hardly stand the presence of Johnny and his inner Jewish woman for more than a few minutes. It's repulsive.

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f3f9d2  No.246768

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c7033c  No.246769


Ok, that one made me laugh, I must admit.

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f3f9d2  No.246770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I read them in a nigger voice. Most of the time I don't read them at all…maybe one out of one hundred posts I accidentally read but most of the time my eyes glaze over and I filter him before I have even read anything. I spend most of my time when I am scrolling down looking at ID's, when I see a 'block' of the same ID I just filter it outright without reading it.

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7edef9  No.246771

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7edef9  No.246779

As I thought. He ran away. A little too close to home, eh Johnny boy?

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79adbf  No.246845


I'm awake now…. Actually, I was raised by both parents, and my father was a drill instructor in The Marines…

fail much?


I tried

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79adbf  No.246846


I can live with that. nobody even realizes you exist, so it doesn't matter what you read or don't read

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79adbf  No.246847


Unlike you, my wife and I don't sit awake all night tethered to a computer

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79adbf  No.246849


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7edef9  No.246851


Yet here we all are. You and your "wife." Wendy, was it?

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79adbf  No.246852


Lol no……. No, Wendy would never be caught dead in here

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79adbf  No.246853

I woke up 30 minutes later than I planned…

it's important to go to sleep early and wake up early

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7edef9  No.246854


Who is the Jewish woman? Is it you or are you letting your "wife" on /pnd/ like another shill team I know?

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79adbf  No.246855

when you stay awake all night on a computer and sleep during the day, you never get ANYTHING accomplished, and you end up creating a bubble of clinical depression around yourself

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79adbf  No.246856


the Jewish woman is YOUR INABILITY TO "READ PEOPLE", and lack of originality

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79adbf  No.246857

Hold on… This coffee's working fast. I've got to take a monster dump

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79adbf  No.246858

Im talking about a blue ribbon turd.

a beast….. brb

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79adbf  No.246859

espresso, not coffee

I'm a stickler for technical accuracy

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7edef9  No.246860


I think that depends on your biological clock. "Night Owls" are actually programmed that way. There's been studies. Now that you're awake try educating yourself.



I'm not the only one who said you come across as a Jewish woman. Even CAPSLOCK is something women in general tend to use in conversation to express strong emotion. You're very emotional… like a woman. And there is something quite Jewish about you, so yeah… you seem like a Jewish woman. Or is this Wendy? Or is "Wendy" the personality you keep locked inside until the idea of anudda shoah forces her to the surface and you become "Wendy from the Bronx."

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79adbf  No.246861


By the way, I'm a phonefag, so as I type this, I am sitting on my toilet taking a DISGUSTING SHIT…

also, the other day, I created a thread in here

that proves what a complete loser I am….

how massively inferior I am

for some stupid reason, it got deleted quickly after I created it…. So tonight I'm going to make the thread again…

Feel free to read it, because it's rather humiliating for me, and you should get a few laughs at my expense….

And I don't mind

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79adbf  No.246862


AGAIN : nobody has to experience your misperceptions

and nobody cares

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7edef9  No.246863

File: 65b0172fff078db⋯.gif (183.96 KB, 220x219, 220:219, mfw_clownworld.gif)

Is "Wendy" the little Jewish girl your mother always wanted? The little girl you keep trapped inside and who rises to the forefront of consciousness whenever your PTSD about the Holocaust happens to get triggered? Is "Wendy" like your kundalini, Johnny? Do you feel the inner Jewish woman rising with a buzzing on your snout and a golden glow around your coffer? Is she single?

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79adbf  No.246864

that's a YOU problem…….

Myself?.. I've always been decidedly skilled at the art of "reading people" in real life AND online…

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7edef9  No.246865

File: c0be1249a3e8968⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 245x245, 1:1, wtf_LMAO.gif)

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79adbf  No.246866


nice work @ once again using contrived, unoriginal, prepackaged 'memes'

maybe an anime reaction pic next, then a pepe?

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7edef9  No.246867

File: 5b68e13ceae3da3⋯.jpg (178.24 KB, 2250x407, 2250:407, Trophy_Original_Content.jpg)


You can't even escape my number, chomo.

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79adbf  No.246868

thethreelittle hitlers of uniriginality

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7edef9  No.246869

File: 77c9ebb1af047d1⋯.png (53.37 KB, 837x790, 837:790, Syn.PNG)



10 / 11


11 / 10

See wut I am sayin aboudda that number?? I got you, chomo.

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79adbf  No.246870


I'd rather die than "spraypaint" on a false facade, parroting other people's unoriginal words, thoughts, graphic images and 'imageboard behavior'….

I see that originality isn't important to you

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79adbf  No.246871


awake for 36 hours, he begins incorporating his schizophrenic "number magic" into his drivel

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7edef9  No.246873

File: df7d5a83f9eb1cf⋯.png (10.71 KB, 179x397, 179:397, mirrored_time.PNG)


>oy vey we lost the meme magic

>now it's schizophrenic "number magic"

i see you moshe

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79adbf  No.246874


here's a number for you….


thethree'men' of /pnd/

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7edef9  No.246875


I don't think three is accurate.

Andrew Anglin, Weev, Yourself, Vincent, and myself make 5.

So really seeing as you're all basically the same Jewish garbage it's 1 against 4.

Not to boast gentlemen but I am winning.

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79adbf  No.246876

File: ef47ac5da15d6cc⋯.png (183.76 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210709_070241.png)

threesyllable words are toughies….

stick with the ONE and TWO syllable words, and I'll handle the 'ethereal' stuff

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7edef9  No.246877


Grammar/Spelling Nazi is yet another trait of the Jewish woman. Please stop.

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7edef9  No.246878

File: e1cdd0f110bf52f⋯.jpg (504.36 KB, 1200x624, 25:13, Jewish_woman_loves_good_gr….jpg)


I'm not making this up…

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7edef9  No.246879

File: 42dc5e1e178e660⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 545x363, 545:363, oh_well_emoji_funny_face_m….jpg)

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457a77  No.246880



wow, you didn't even get ONE right, other than yourself

It's THREE of you, then there Killcen (whos not one of you) and then there's ME…

little do you realize Jerry occasionally pops in here

but yeah… You didn't get any of those names right

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457a77  No.246881


I'm guessing that's what you told the teachers in school?

did they also laugh at you?

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457a77  No.246882

/pnd/ = three lonely little hitler's

then there's the other three who get laid

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7edef9  No.246883


>haha there isn't a paid Jewish propaganda team with direct ties to the Jewish State operating on this and other imageboards and I am definitely not loosely connected with them




I literally gave an example. You say there's only three people on this board and yet you're spending time pointing out spelling and grammar problems? Who gives a shit bro? You act just like an old Jewish woman I swear to fuck LMAO wtf is the matter with you?

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457a77  No.246884

Killcen was married for years and years, and has a daughter… his wife passed away….

Jerry is a Pussy Eatin' Bandit…. He's got kids, and a beautiful genius girlfriend named Nancy

Then there's me, and because I was a Strip Club DJ for 10 years, I got 600 times more pussy than Killcen and jerry put together

and there's youthreelittle hitlers

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457a77  No.246885




Please continue over compensating for your lack of self-esteem and overwhelming inferiority complex

Are they secret agents? You're being watched by secret agents because you're so important?

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7edef9  No.246886

File: c5ab2b4a9858de6⋯.jpg (128.38 KB, 2250x407, 2250:407, Trophy_JIDF_meter.jpg)

File: eeebcce6194c401⋯.png (210.37 KB, 1273x777, 1273:777, _Anglin_israeli_shill.PNG)



Please. Who are you fooling? Not I or the lurkers, JIDF. Have some more OC.

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457a77  No.246887


hahahahahaha I almost just choked on my espresso

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457a77  No.246888


So instead of actually accomplishing anything in your life, you took the easy way out, sitting all alone in your stinky little room in front of your obsolete little computer, convincing yourself that you are IMPORTANT, and teams of secret agents have been assigned to you ?


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457a77  No.246889


let me guess :

these "secret agents" are trying to prevent you from convincing other men to become sexual failures like yourself?

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7edef9  No.246890

File: dce4420b93bcc1d⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 399x300, 133:100, demoralized.jpg)


Red text, CAPSLOCK, and an espresso? Very emotional. What name should I call you, ma'am? Officer….?


>haha you're running propaganda more effectively than us and we can't figure out why so now I'll try to demoralize

but you leave demoralized xD

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457a77  No.246891


at what age did you begin pretending

that all the rejection by females

was "your choice"?

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7edef9  No.246892


Men don't talk about the sexual failures or successes of other men. Younger guys I guess do to brag. And unless she's really hot I've never really talked about it with my bros or them with me. You're either homosexual, effeminate, or a woman.

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457a77  No.246893




you just DON'T WANT US TO………..

again: at what age did you decide

to begin pretending that it

was YOUR CHOICE to be

rejected by females?

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457a77  No.246894


lol no-pussy-gettin' sissy

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7edef9  No.246895


>yes we do?

>we talk about our sex lives all the heckin time!



Is this "Wendy?" S-halom? How's the Bronx?

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457a77  No.246896


I've never talked about my sex life…………..

I'm simply making observations about


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457a77  No.246897

lol @ using the term "bros"

god damn, you're such a parrot

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457a77  No.246898

I'd gladly pay $1,000 cash

to see your DNA results

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457a77  No.246899


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457a77  No.246901

I'm certain you've got a percentage of white blood

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457a77  No.246902

but there's still dirt in your "special blend"

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457a77  No.246903

Okay, wendy's awake… Time to make her coffee

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457a77  No.246904

File: d08cd4fd1cfdc8b⋯.png (721.66 KB, 1947x1080, 649:360, PicsArt_04_13_11_31_31.png)

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7edef9  No.246906

File: 7fd577567d6e888⋯.png (116.5 KB, 490x562, 245:281, female_merchant.png)

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457a77  No.246909

File: 5862232d970cc57⋯.jpg (242.85 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_09_07_54_04.jpg)


insert pillsbury doughboy laugh

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7edef9  No.246910


Welcome back, Johnny. I like the Johnny Neptune personality better than Wendy. It's more laid back. I'll bet you're an Elvis guy.

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457a77  No.246911

File: 599e8ce12f467ad⋯.jpg (223.44 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_09_07_56_28.jpg)

how many years can the "but I'm using the computer to find a girlfriend" thing last?

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7edef9  No.246912


>sex life nonsense

Oh wait.. nope. It's still Wendy.

I'll wait until Neptune returns.

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457a77  No.246913


RE : master race

you're aware you'll have to REPRODUCE, right?….

planning on adopting?

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457a77  No.246914


<lack of sex life nonsense

you're a master of misdirection, aren't you?

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457a77  No.246915

wouldn't creating a master race be easier if you started by finding a woman who's willing to be seen standing next to you?

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457a77  No.246916

Or are you more like a Seahorse?

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457a77  No.246917

GOD DAMMIT !!! I'm apparently not done shitting yet…


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457a77  No.246919

LOL @ Japan insisting they hold the Olympics, and now announcing that no spectators will be allowed in the events


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457a77  No.246922

We normally drink Sumatran coffee, because the "wet hulling" process makes for the most desirable coffee experience, but recently I began buying espresso….

and I'll be damned if it didn't give me instant pseudo-diarrhea

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457a77  No.246923

File: 91bf4758c6e676d⋯.jpg (522.64 KB, 928x1280, 29:40, 20210709_081744.jpg)

yeah, my father was a fucking Drill Instructor in the Marines, and trust me, he was BORN FOR THAT JOB.

he was perfect for it…….

he was cool as fuck, extremely outgoing and gregarious, a great sense of humor, and the life of the party….

He was also an uncontrollable womanizer…

but yeah, I saw my father beat people's asses into hospital beds when I was young.

The funniest time was when the loser 'hippie dude' almost ran us off the road back in the late 60s

Dad blocked him off, pulled him out of his car, removed his glasses, and BROKE HIS NOSE REALLY REALLY BAD….POW !!!dad was a monster, and he literally flattened that guy's face as all us kids watched from the back seat….

then dad carefully put the guy's glasses back on

and we went home………… comedy gold

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457a77  No.246924

you would've had to been a god damn IDIOT

to get in a fight with my father

he was a god damn BEAST

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457a77  No.246925

there was another time when we were on vacation in Tampa. I was probably 6 or 7….

some guy said something rude to my mother and Dad beat him into submission right there on the beach in front of his family….

brutal…. an honest to gosh MARINE ASS POUNDING

dad beat his fucking face in, even after he was laying in the sand… BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM

Dad was cool as fuck

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457a77  No.246926

it's a shame you were raised by WINDOWS XP

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457a77  No.246927

These days, you'd go to prison for doing what dad did…

but back then, dad would beat people's asses, and calmly go back home, and that was the end of it

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457a77  No.246928

AND ?……..

even though dad was an extremely violent MOTHERFUCKER, who took NO SHIT from any man…..

he was NEVER abusive at home…..

he was the coolest dad… we we're lucky as fuck

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457a77  No.246929

from MY perspective, if you told me dad was a comedian or a movie star, I would've believed it

because he was FUNNY AS SHIT….

always making us laugh

lighthearted fun times

and everybody gravitated to dad

like I said, he was LITERALLY

the life of the party

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457a77  No.246930

yeah…… you're TERRIBLE at "reading people"

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457a77  No.246931

File: 0ecda1e9ce186e3⋯.jpg (745.94 KB, 2643x1982, 2643:1982, PicsArt_12_12_02_26_14.jpg)


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457a77  No.246932

I'm actually convinced that your weakness is specifically 'determining masculinity'….

I'm quite sure you'd be able to recognize a videogame imageboard sissy

It's just the MASCULINITY that you're unfamiliar with

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457a77  No.246933

Q: when you were young, did you ever watch your WINDOWS XP break anybody's nose?

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457a77  No.246934

…..I'm guessing the videogames gave you a false skewed confused perception of 'masculinity'?

game controller bravado

a first person shooter badass


wizards and warlocks and magical elves

in an enchanted forest?

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457a77  No.246935

your effemininity is palpable

it manifested in a creepy blend of infantile sissyboy videogame anger, and feminine inability to mimic masculine behavior

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457a77  No.246936

Q: how does it feel to know that every time you type something I actually hear the Pillsbury doughboy giggling?

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457a77  No.246937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's a very good reason why you can't recognize masculinity when you see it

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457a77  No.246938


that clip didn't have the end part, where Karen admits how it turned her on

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457a77  No.246939

By the way, every woman I've ever watched Goodfellas with ALWAYS smiled at that part, (where Karen admits it turned her on to watch Henry beat that guy's face in) and told me "it IS a turn on"

how many of your girlfriends and wives have admitted the scene in Goodfellas turns them on?

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457a77  No.246940

that scene in Goodfellas always reminded me of my father….

Minus the gun…. Dad used bare fists

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457a77  No.246941

seems like the Pillsbury Doughboy ran away

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457a77  No.246943

I'll keep it simple, HIMMLER…….

you ain't shit

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7d1428  No.246976


Someone thinks Killcen is other weirdos because he spoofs the crap out of his browser metadata & jumps all over global IPs lol

They never yet realized they had a tin foil ball rolling around the board.

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457a77  No.247013


hahahahahaha lol

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457a77  No.247017


Killcen iscompletely fucking insane, totally addicted to cortisol and needless stress, a phenomenal pain in the ass, woefully misinformed, and WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING HE BELIEVESbut like I said he's a massive pain in the ass, and anybody who disrupts this board is on my team

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4ba510  No.247019



I'm a massive pain in the ass because I tell the truth to the best of my ability and will link the fucking sources, no matter how many glow in the dark faggot feds complain or pound sand AND THEY SIMPLY CANNOT STOP ME!!

I speak truth to power!!! I post thorny issues and criminal conspiracy and it drives normfags and glowniggers and bootlickers INSANE!!!!

And guess what? Nothing will stop me outside a sudden DRONE STRIKE… one swift fast drone strike would do fine!!!

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9ae54a  No.247020


And if you want to track my location down, you'd have to go through millions of encrypted global IP proxies with spoofed junk metadata to find that target somewhere that has no other online presence outside this one old reversed engineered BOT!

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9ae54a  No.247021



And who knows? Once you drone strike me you might end up reading how a daycare center blew up with no comment from the DoD!!!!

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a68bd4  No.247022

File: fbbe04a74e7fa59⋯.png (483.59 KB, 751x537, 751:537, Sigma_Variant.png)

File: 04cfa142f6c2686⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dreams_Mask_SIGMA_MALE_GRI….mp4)


> when you stay awake all night on a computer and sleep during the day, you never get ANYTHING accomplished, and you end up creating a bubble of clinical depression around yourself

That's a feature, not a bug!

Kinda the end-goal anyway. for some no, i did not say foursome

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6c87fb  No.247023

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6c87fb  No.247024


Delta, Sigma, Helma, Laxra, Bario, Luma, Horseshit…. yah goyim, take that third forth fifth endless yada yada booster vaxx that destroys your immune system!

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11b91d  No.247025

FEAR FEAR >>247022

we did absolutely nothing here >>247023

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457a77  No.247031

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457a77  No.247032


I already know exactly where you live so I have no interest in "tracking you down"

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457a77  No.247034


However, I indeed DO know three members of the FIVE NINE BRIMS (a subset of The Bloods that specializes in violent attacks in the open public, with no fear of anybody witnessing the crimes) who wanted to know where you lived, and traded me a quarter ounce of cocaine for the information.

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457a77  No.247035

But I'm confident you'll be chill, and you'll hit it off with these guys really well….

Just don't act White and you'll be fine

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480617  No.247038



OK, prove it. What is the closest junction road where I live?

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480617  No.247039


I'm pretty damn vigilant and armed too.

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a84b52  No.247049

whatever you do, DON'T act White when they knock… do you have a gold grill?

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a84b52  No.247050



the guns are what they plan on taking

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a84b52  No.247051

now's a good time to practice….

pull your pants down below your ass, make some gang signs, and say "YO!!!"

say it with me…..


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a84b52  No.247053

whatever you do…. DO NOT say "mah nigga"

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a84b52  No.247054

I've got LOTS of really interesting, funny, cool and scary stories about my dad…

He was tough as nails, a born fighter, but he was also EXTREMELY FUCKING COOL and he had a way of "kicking things into gear" when he walked into a room.

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a84b52  No.247056


don't feel bad, Killcen…..

we all love you here…

You're our nigga

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297314  No.247058


I've never discussed the specific details of sexual encounters….

I DO talk about your lack of a sexual companion, and howTODAY IS FRIDAY AND ANOTHER LONELY WEEKEND HAS BEGUN FOR YOU

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580bd5  No.247060

OK, just made me two burgers and here is how it is done: take one pound of hamburger meat and put it into a bowl, add an egg to it, slice up some garlic and some onion and add it in, the add some Slap Ya Mamma mix, add some chili powder, some oregano and mix it all up with the hamburger meat! Then make some patties and grill or cook them over a skillet (whichever!). Once done, take some buns and place the patty in there. Add a slice of cheddar or pepperjack cheese on top the patty. Then add some ketchup and close the buns! Done!

Next: go to Bitchute, find a good video to pig out to!

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297314  No.247063


Enjoy the colon cancer

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297314  No.247065


BITCHUTE = worthless

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56e371  No.247066


I have natural cures for almost everything. I'd be long dead by now if I had not.



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26e2b1  No.247067


Gastrointestinal cleanse. Prune juice. Every once in a while, a mix of water and sodium bicarbonate, mixed with a tablespoon of laxative. Presto. Gut cleared, colon cleared. Keep taking vitamins and curcumin to reduce inflammation issues.

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26e2b1  No.247068


Note that I added garlic and onion. This is also key to keeping your cardiovascular system from clogging up, keeping your blood thin too.

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1f6efc  No.247069


lol adding laxative to prune juice hahaha

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1f6efc  No.247070


Actually, there is NO evidence whatsoever that garlic or onion thin the blood….


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b1d0d7  No.247071


Yes I do know that. Look it up for yourself!


How to be a binge drinker and yet restore liver health: first thing is to keep from eating sugary food, that includes anything with aspartame and high fructose corn syrup. Your booze should be the ONLY main sugar source (alcohol becomes sugar when broken down and filtered). Next you need to drink a lot of water and take lots of Vitamin B & D before and after a hard drinking night!! Alcohol absolutely drains you of those two essential vitamins! The next day you need to mix some fresh lemon juice with water, and drink as much as possible throughout the day. Then later on drink some dandelion root tea. Keep up the daily curcumin to also cut back on inflammation issues.

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d14525  No.247072

If you have serious diabetes issues, that CAN be cured as well, without Big Pharma meds: simply cut back on all sugar consumption (alcohol included), as well as anything that tastes sweet (like high fructose corn syrup). You also need to cut back on carbohydrates. You need to consume a couple of tablespoons of Cod Liver Oil mixed with water daily! Take plenty of vitamin supplements. Natural animal fat, believe it or not, is also essential for your diet: butter, ghee or tallow. Have a routine diet of natural non-hormone meats and organic vegetables. Mix plenty of garlic, ginger and onion with your vegetables. And exercise as much as possible. Eventually your body within a few months will start to restore itself and your diabetes will naturally go away!

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77120d  No.247073


Forgot one thing to this: salad is also good, and if you snack, have some almond, cashew or peanuts. Eggs for breakfast are fine too, but I find skipping breakfast the best way to go when diabetes kicks in.

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ae33ba  No.247074


perhaps you should considerNOT POISONING YOUR BODYand save yourself all the hassle of ineffective 'remedies'?

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ae33ba  No.247075


"when the diabetes kicks in" and you told me you cured your diabetes…

Tsk Tsk Tsk

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91fa95  No.247076

you remind me of a syringe-using methamphetamine junkie, who convinces himself that drinking tea with lemon and honey, eating a couple vegetables, and lighting incense makes the sores on his face heal faster….

Or a bigger crack cocaine addict, who's fooled himself into believing Arm & Hammer Deodorant and repeating Jesus' name 100 times will make him seem caucasian…

It doesn't take an internist to know the truth :


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91fa95  No.247077

Q : how can YOU possibly "give people advice" WHEN YOU CAN'T CONTROL YOUR OWN SUICIDAL ADDICTION ?!!

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91fa95  No.247078

If" I "could beat my drug problems, thenYOUcan easily stop your addiction to gasoline…



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91fa95  No.247079


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f32fa4  No.247082

you should choose a healthier, smarter addiction…


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4d1619  No.247090

File: e9c291a34937126⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 474x252, 79:42, While_You_Were_Shitposting.jpg)


> you remind me of a syringe-using methamphetamine junkie, who convinces himself that drinking tea with lemon and honey, eating a couple vegetables, and lighting incense makes the sores on his face heal faster….

> Or a bigger crack cocaine addict, who's fooled himself into believing Arm & Hammer Deodorant and repeating Jesus' name 100 times will make him seem caucasian…

> It doesn't take an internist to know the truth :


Are (You) talking about your personal "ADDICTION" to this place, "Johnny Neptune"?

Jumpin' out of airplanes with my daughter and girlfriend and jammin' on the guitar is how I prefer to spend my days. Dunno about y'all…

Seems a waste of life to make everything political, or to waste time either building up or tearing down personas.

I'd rather make music and have cool experiences.

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251a65  No.247218

File: 71339e8bb284fc6⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bitchute_w_JKI.jpg)

File: 1ae61af1b13cd6a⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 640x360, 16:9, GO_Just_Go.jpg)


> Next: go to Bitchute, find a good video to pig out to!


> BITCHUTE = worthless

You both may want to read this:



There's been some policy changes at Bitchute.

Reading that short policy statement is rather illuminating, on many levels.

What are we, collectively and individually, conforming to? And why? And where? And how?

At least they don't remove videos EVER on LBRY, even if they might occasionally delist one from the catalog or search. (especially when an insufferable cunt turns someone in for copyright bullshit! You know who you are.)

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07e8ec  No.247599


Diabetes is much like cancer, it can be cured temporarily but can come back later, and in various severity too. This is something that is no longer taught in medical school because modern 'medicine' is a racket to KEEP PEOPLE SICK $$$ while alleviating some symptoms from the actual sickness or disease (such as pain, heart issues, nerve issues, inflammation problems, etc). Just like chemotherapy never ever removes 100% of the cancer, only 90% of it so it can grow back and metastasize. And it's 1,000x more costly than natural cures that work just as effectively, many much more so.

You are duped. You are brainwashed. Just like most the others who come here.

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07e8ec  No.247600



Alcohol is toxic but it's like most other drug addictions, simply unhealthy. But there are things you can do naturally that mitigate some of the damage done to your body, see here: >>247071

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