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File: c4713ff39263a8b⋯.jpg (259.56 KB, 700x700, 1:1, bootlegbart.jpg)

b1307d  No.246658

Does anyone have photographs of the Nazi Bart Simpson t-shirts sold by Tom Metzger in the late '80s/early '90s? They were subject to tons of controversy where even Fox sued Tom Metzger. Shirts were then seized and destroyed, and Tom was legally forced to never sell Nazi Bart memorabilia.

Funny thing is: Bootleg Bart t-shirts were all the rage during that time period, so Tom wasn't doing anything too illegal. All it had was Bart Simpson throwing up a salute with "TOTAL NAZI DUDE" as a slogan. There were unauthorized Bart Simpson t-shirts literally everywhere during that time, so I'm curious to see how they compared to the others.

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