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845f70  No.246194

The Hidden Meaning Purpose Lesson Of The Virus Pandemic NCOV COVID From Super Gods Deities Beings


ultimatesavior.wordpress. com

finalsavior.livejournal. com

finalsavior.forumotion. com

finalsavior.aimoo. com

If the virus pandemic NCOV COVID is not about health, then what exactly the hidden deep meaning of it?

Well then it is all about human life and civilization development !

The game of "better together Babylon system" is coming to an end, humanity need new game called as "stronger smarter alone".

If there was a super gods/deities who are secretly "control" the corona virus COVID, then what that beings want from humanity is each human must wake up to find their true self, stop rely too much on others, there are a lot of other interesting world in the Universe are waiting to explore.

So as the savior I can say the only working "cure/solution" for the NCOV COVID event is by having an additional new society system to help humanity develop/evolve. Here the final objective is force human wake up their true self, stop rely too much on others, reduce the money influence in life.

Money is not everything because only the mindset is everything, but sadly the 99.99999% of humanity think having money is having everything and the goal of life is have money as much as possible, which is stupidly wrong !

You can go and ask those secret controllers, I can guarantee that hidden purpose of those is having additional better society system to educate human more about life and their true identity true power.

All kind of vaccine drugs cannot be the final solution for the virus pandemic !

Part 1 of the game is over, there must be part 2 or everything will be collapse.

Only beings have at least same level of each other can fully understand the purpose of their opponent.

I told you so that I am the real savior but none of you believe and give it a try.

How freaking stupid and idiots you are !

If you guys have gut, then just gamble your life about the final solution for the virus pandemic with me !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Chirst Buddha


ultimatesavior.wordpress. com

finalsavior.livejournal. com

finalsavior.forumotion. com

finalsavior.aimoo. com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd8c1b  No.246196

>there must be part 2 or everything will be collapse

<there must be part 2 or everything will be collapse

Good. Let it collapse. When it does you're going to see a whole lot of angry armed people just waiting to vent.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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