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53fa9e  No.246163

The Savior Strategy Can Help The USA Remove Trade Deficit & The Real Life Money Exchange Rate Appear

Source: ultimatesavior. wordpress. com

finalsavior. aimoo. com

finalsavior. forumotion. com

The USA cannot win the trade war versus the old nations who have established long ago.

It is like the battle between a child vs their great grand parents.

The gap was way too big.

The USA must remember they are the migration nation, and must take fully advantage of it.

If I was in charge of the USA, the easily solution and policy that can help the USA remove the trade deficit and force the real life money exchange rate appear must be allow few states use other foreign currencies for daily trade.

Now the entire USA nations are using 100% US Dollar in their life for all kind of trade.

If you reduce that to 80-90%, then it will be much better while the US Dollar still in completely control in US land.

Migration people come into the USA without the US Dollar, all they have is their foreign money such as Chinese Yuan, Vietnam Dong, Korea Won, India Rupee, etc. They was making money in their homeland in their local currencies for their entire life.

So there is no reason to force them exchange it into the US Dollar yet.

It only make the US Dollar rate higher than real actual rate !

But guess what, the stupid idiots US Government do not see that, they still force people use US Dollar in their all nations. They are losing trade because they do not even understand the basic of money.

Overall, the only right economy policy right now for the USA, Canada, Australia is allow foreign people come in with any kind of foreign money currencies and allow them to use it in real life.

Example: the USA can allow few states such as California, New York, Florida to use various foreign currencies where they now have their trade deficit below zero. Not just trade but pay tax as well, and let the black market decide the rate.

It does not mean they only use any specific foreign currency in any entire state, but only within small county/city at best !

That is the working winning strategy from the savior.

If the USA or any other nations want to use above strategy, you need a special permission from me.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source: ultimatesavior. wordpress. com

finalsavior. aimoo. com

finalsavior. forumotion. com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa3a2e  No.246170

The Anti-Christ Strategy is inferior.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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