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c9bfc5  No.245624

time is running out


this is how they intend to make the Great Reset happen: “A single day without the internet would cost our economies more than $50 billion, and that’s before considering economic and societal damages should these devices be linked to essential services, such as transports or healthcare.”




the precedent:


>The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.


>Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS

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236f6c  No.245625


>caring about $50 billion in a $22 trillion economy


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c9bfc5  No.245636


>a single day

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82e7a2  No.245647


That's why you need to be prepared and preferably get away from the major cities if you can. I've warned about this for many years that they could take down the grid when people are the most dependent on it, in order to subjugate the masses. I was always looked at as a kook too.

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9cc105  No.245650


It's not a trillion dollar economy, most of the market is fraudulently propped up via endless fiat currency creation. Without a constant stream of endless bailouts and government subsidy and face it, outright fraud, our economy would have already collapsed years ago. You'd likely be dead by now too.

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236f6c  No.245698


If you have $200 and lose a nickle, how hurt are you really going to be?

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392186  No.245722

This game is not about 50 billion, its part of something bigger and money doesn't have that big role in participation of that mission.

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ad6972  No.245821

Great Reset. Remember this is just another pursuit towards Agenda 21.

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954055  No.245837

WHY dOES'T ENGLISH/US WIKIPEdIA LINK TO 8KUN TOP WHILE GERMAN WIKI LINKS TO 8KUN TOP? is this a fake site and just filled with viruses?

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392186  No.245974

What the fuck?

This is total collapse of system and economy.

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604c76  No.246172


>>Without a constant stream of endless bailouts and government subsidy and face it, outright fraud, our economy would have already collapsed years ago. You'd likely be dead by now too.

A few years ago I was surprised to see that the entire economy almost collapsed in '58. That's not widely known under all the propaganda about the golden age of American life.


There were many major factors in the decline that exerted a growing downward pressure on production and employment, resulting in a general reduction of economic activity.[1]

New car sales took a sharp dive as middle-class consumers decided to keep their cars for longer instead of upgrading after a few years.[3] Auto sales fell 31% over 1957, making 1958 the worst auto year since World War II.[1] In just three years, car sales fell from almost 8 million purchases in 1955 to 4.3 million purchases in 1958.[3] In an effort to overcome declining auto sales, one of the hardest hit sectors of the slump, the Beyer DeSoto dealership of St. Louis put its salesmen on duty for 64 hours straight, as part of a sell-a-thon that raised sales 73%.[2]

Housing construction slowed due to higher interest rates in 1955 and 1956. By 1957, new house construction had fallen to about 1.2 million units.[3]

There was a gradual decrease in incoming business of capital goods industries,[1] which resulted in the ending of an expansive boom. The initial trouble began in 1956 with a deceleration in business planning for replacement of equipment and expansion of manufacturing facilities, resulting in a drop in new orders for equipment.[3] This created a widening gap between the supply and the use of industrial capacity.[1] Federal Reserve economists believed that the administration had contributed to the recession by cutting back on Department of Defense purchases in 1957.[3]

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