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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8fe60ed4e6caa09⋯.jpg (27,31 KB, 704x396, 16:9, moooooooosooooooood.jpg)

39bb0c  No.245378

The men claim they are "America Nationals but not citizens."

Slooooopy jooooob, Mooooosooood.

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39bb0c  No.245379

These men belong to American Moors who are black (((Muslims))).

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39bb0c  No.245380

File: efee7e3c1a05965⋯.jpg (616,81 KB, 869x756, 869:756, sloooooooooooooooooooopy_j….jpg)

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39bb0c  No.245381

File: 5e1221d46b35712⋯.jpg (30,18 KB, 480x360, 4:3, magic_of_11.jpg)


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e1f7bb  No.245383

Any more pics OP?

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39bb0c  No.245384


here's their youtube channel if you want to take a look


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e1f7bb  No.245386

File: ec93ea66816fc0b⋯.jpg (36,83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, basedmoors.jpg)

Any more pics OP?>>245384


based as fuck

especially call themselves descendants of the Moors

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30a8ee  No.245411

I have a stupid question

I've noticed that the MSM, Entertainment Kabuttz, has gone heavy into movies, fiction and historial re-writes centered around Negroes.


Yes, I get that whites are going to be a minority, but that's because of the flood of Mexican and Central American Mezos, not because of Negroes, who have been a pretty steady 13% of the population due to the wickedness of abortion.

Why aren't they flooding us with movies about the grand Mexican? The superior "bronze" race?

Asking for a friend at the FBI.

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39bb0c  No.245413

File: c6457e67023c7a1⋯.png (129,92 KB, 1128x824, 141:103, black_people_propaganda.PNG)

File: 7ca5b2bb7780112⋯.png (33,13 KB, 839x398, 839:398, slave_dna.PNG)


African-Americans came here as slaves. They're raised to believe white people are inherently racist. And when they grow into their teens they encounter propaganda like pic related which reinforces this belief. "The white man keeps us down!" They have inferiority and persecution complexes hardcoded into their DNA.

Propagandists capitalize on this, naturally, to ensure the truth about slavery never reaches the black community, otherwise the American-Jew knows he's finished. The Jew enslaves the African twice: First his flesh and now his mind.

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39bb0c  No.245414


Mexicans don't share the same psychological pathology. Jews weaponize them in a different way.

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